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Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/29/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I've had Coconut Oil sitting around my house and only used it for cooking. I heard it was a great alternative to Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils. But since reading about the health benefits from Coconut Oil on this website, I thought it would be good to try for my depression and lack of energy I feel mainly in the mornings. Sometimes, I just cannot move or do anything! I ate a tablespoon and managed not to gag from the texture or lack of taste. Within a HALF-HOUR, I went from not wanting to be around and lethargic to INSTANT ENERGY! I was doing chores, showering, moving about and realizing that the Coconut Oil helped me start my day. It felt like I drank two cups of coffee! Throughout the day, my heart was beating pretty heavy so I will try taking half a tablespoon in the upcoming days. This is a WONDER FOOD!
REPLY   3      

Replied By Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/08/2008

I recently posted a comment about Coconut Oil and how eating a tablespoon each day helped my Depression. After two days of taking Coconut Oil internally, I developed a terrible case of Heartburn. I felt better emotionally but physically, my chest was painful and the heartburn lasted all day and night. I thought eating too fast was the culprit initially. I was suffering with this Heartburn for an entire week. I wondered if the heavy saturated fat content of the Coconut Oil was making my body react this way.

Today, I didn't eat any Coconut Oil and my symptoms reduced by over 50%. I love the Oil Pulling, Apple Cider Vinegar, and everything else listed on this site. Unfortunately, eating Coconut Oil didn't work out for me apparently. I do plan on using Coconut Oil externally on my skin.


Replied By Bravestar (Columbia, MD) on 07/22/2008

If you can't take it by mouth, then try look up gnc or health or vitamin shoppe or internet store to find coconut oil in capsules or table to take oral try that if it help hmm. It's help me well since, I can't take it straight to my mouth, capsules helped for me.

Replied By Joye (Brandon, Manitoba, Canada) on 07/24/2008

Hi. You were saying you were taking 1 tbsp of oil a day. I find when we start something new you need to start off small. May be try taking a 1/2 of tsp of oil for a week or so then a 1tsp and so on. Your body is probaly saying it is too much all at once. Try it. I liquidfied my oil and use it in my oatmeal and salads, it is awesome.

Replied By Kelly (Augusta, Maine) on 02/11/2009

I had to start even smaller using 1/4 a tsp mixed with 2 tsps of peanutbutter. I then put this mixture on toast twice a day and build up gradually. I am also drinking 4 tbsp a day of apple cider vinegar with 100% fruit juice (I started this regimine first and then later added the virgin coconut oil into my morning and evening routine.) My skin is clearer than it has been for years, I have so much more energy and my depression seems like a distant memory although I am aware of it when under a lot of stress. Also, I am sleeping all through the night! I used to toss and turn all night long and now I wake up refreshed from a long night's sleep.

Replied By T (Maryland, USA) on 02/11/2009

I downed a spoonful of virgin coconut oil (VCO) the other day and had the heart pounding problem that evening. That was the first time I'd taken it straight up. The earlier times I had ingested it, it was by spreading it on bread that was nearly toasted, letting it absorb a bit, then popping it back in for a moment to fully toast, in effect "cooking" the oil on the toast. I had read (possibly here?) that VCO in a cooked form is easier for the body to take. When I have eaten it this way, it never gave me problems. Might be worth looking into if working up from a smaller amount doesn't seem to be effective in preventing problems. It's tasty on toast anyway, especially with jelly/jam on top :-)

Replied By Hk (Bothell, Wa ) on 11/04/2015

When I took a teaspoon by mouth, I felt terrible for the next day, but when I put the same amount on bread twice a day, I have no problems and feel much better. I also lose weight when I take it consistently.