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Man (Sojouring America) on 02/27/2014

Ok. So I was looking over this Oil pulling issue and I don't know about it, yet. There seems to be many people reporting benefit from it. So I am going to try it. But I am going to be a bit of a risk taker. I am a grown up and have capacity so I took a small amount of 99.9 pure DMSO and swished it around in my mouth tonight and spit it out. It was quite surprising the sensation. It warmed up my mouth. DMSO is a solvent so it may stand to reason that a strong solvent may be a good "puller". I will keep researching this.

Replied By Man (Sojouring America) on 03/04/2014

I "oil pulled" this morning with DMSO. I used a half of a teaspoon, just a small amount of 99.9 purity of DMSO.

Here is what happened: I noticed a slight throbbing in one of my teeth but not enough to stop so I continued to vigorously swish the DMSO around. Once again there was a very pleasant warming sensation in my mouth.

The sensation of pain was mild and went away after I spit out the DMSO. I did notice this slight throbbing the first time I tried DMSO. Teeth are alive, they have nerves perhaps there is a fissure in one of them that needs mineralize to fill the fissure? I don't know. But I am going to experiment and am experimenting with the Azomite/DMSO solution for tooth re-mineralization.

My finger tips have healed up well, I for got where I posted that my fifnger tips were in pain that it was difficult to type but that problem is now GONE. And they are tougher then they were now and I had no pain in clipping my nails like I had before.

I don't know what exactly I am doing but I do know that I am acting in faith and I am trusting in the Word.

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Replied By Scott G. (Id) on 05/08/2021

I was wondering how the DMSO oil pulling is going? I am going to try to drink it starting with 4 drops in 8 oz of water. Have you tried this?