Judith (Noth Bergen New Jersey) on 02/15/2014
Replied By Sam (Usa) on 07/31/2014
Replied By Judith (North Bergen, New Jersey) on 12/05/2014
Replied By Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 12/05/2014
Namaste, Om
Replied By Sam (Chicago) on 12/06/2014
Replied By Ray (Rio Grande City TX) on 12/02/2022
Kathy, where did you get the Bemer and what oils do you use externally and internally?
Replied By Colleen (Canada) on 01/09/2015
Rudy Proctor 11010 Old Hwy 191, Mulad City, Idaho, 83252 tel: 208-766-2566 or 2567 Please contact him!
Replied By Jennifer (Ny, US) on 01/11/2015
Replied By Jenny (Spring, Tx.) on 03/04/2015
Replied By Trish (Texas, US) on 03/09/2015
Replied By Azna J. Laistrisse (U.s.a.) on 03/10/2015
Also, if possible, get the lungs functioning at optimum level by taking herbs, along with improving functioning of heart and brain.
Stimulate the immune system by taking echineacea, three weeks on, one week off. And blast your cells with superfood nutrition.
Avoid eating dead, processed, canned, boxed foods. Aim to eat fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables, especially greens. If you can, get organically grown greens and juice them and drink 32 ozs. or more everyday. Grow your own sprouts (which is inexpensive) and then juice the sprouts and drink the juice. Avoid buckwheat sprouts, however since they cause sensitivity to sunlight.
Do enemas and colonics three times a week if possible. Drink pure water. Get the body moving, working up to an hour a day, non-stop, when you can do so with the help of a professional who can advise you to do it safely.
Get essential oils that are the purest, therapeutic oils. Mix a drop or two and rub them on your spine. Do Vita-Flex massage (YouTube has videos on how to do this).
Can also do color therapy to aid in your healing. Foot baths also help. These protocols will not help you in getting well overnight. Sometimes, it takes months of detox to get well or even a couple of years but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Google Dr. Richard Schulze to see the protocols he used. Best of luck to you.
Replied By Margarita (Dubai) on 09/26/2015
Replied By Passiflora71 (Tucson, Arizona) on 10/16/2015
Replied By Terri (Washington, Dc) on 11/04/2015
Replied By Jeff (Sweden) on 02/16/2016
How are you know? Was your tumor shrinking? Will be grateful for your reply!
Replied By Hoss (Miami) on 01/08/2016
Replied By Judith (North Bergen, New Jersey) on 03/24/2016
brand name: AU NATURAL ORGANICSDragons blood extract( daemonorops draco) heart improvement and wound healing 3.4 oz, 100%organic, I buy it at www.amazon.com. The half of brain tumor, stopped growing, meningioma on the tentorium, the back of the head. I applied it only on the brain tumor site, externally on the scalp for 1 month. Not a medical advice.
Replied By Karen (Sf) on 12/05/2016
Replied By Amanda (Utah) on 04/13/2021
See information on Pao pereira extract
Replied By Floretta (Scottsdale, Az) on 06/06/2017
Replied By Kathy (The Villages, Florida) on 06/08/2017
Replied By Micol (Italy) on 06/11/2018
Hi Kathy, do you mind me asking how did it go? My mum has the left part of the meninge full of meningiomas and I am trying to find a natural cure for her. She had radio, chemo, gamma knife... all of them. Doing tablets chemotherapy at the moment, but the don't know what to do anymore. Hope you're well.
Replied By Ray (Rio Grande City TX) on 10/25/2022
Kathy, I also have 9 Meningiomas. What is the name of the device you are using and what is the cost?
Replied By Sam (Chicago ) on 06/08/2017
Replied By Kathy (The Villages, Fl) on 06/30/2017
Hi Sam, I am seeing Dr. Douglas Anderson at Loyola -he was the Dr. who originally diagnosed me 8 years ago. I've been having MRI's to check on progress and have an appt. with him to check my last 3 MRI's and reports. Yes, I am absolutely doing the natural approach-I've been vegan for 1 1/2 years, I do essential oils (frankincense mainly on the left mastoid bone & roof of my mouth, and I have a Bemer -a medical device that I lay on for 8 minutes twice a day, and I think it has stopped the growth. I have no symptoms as of yet, and hope to keep it that way..... one Dr.I saw a year ago, wanted to do a 6 hour brain surgery to remove them! Hope you're doing well also -if you want more info on any of this, let me know..
Replied By Nina (Ontario, Canada) on 06/19/2017
Hope you have some great progress with your treatment plan. I was curious to reach out given the year you last posted and hoping to hear that you had success with using bosewellia. My mom has just started it last week as she has had a meningioma for 2 and a half yrs now. She had a surgery to install a shant to drain fluid build up from the tumor and cannot have a surgery to remove any of the tumor because it's in a very sensitive spot. This said I finally was able to find a naturopathic clinic who suggested she goes on bosewellia and mystle toe extract along with ivy vitamin c. She started with bosewellia for now and soon the other two... her tumor is around 3.2 x 2.8cm. And pressing on the right side of her brain therefore affecting her left side of the body and is having problems walking and balancing. Other than that, she is in good health. So as I hope this bosewellia regimen works I wanted to find out from others if it actually worked... I would really appreciate it. Thank you and hope you are in great health!
Replied By Kristina (Ontario) on 07/21/2023
Did this help your mother?!? The Boswellia?
Replied By Sara (Usa) on 06/29/2017
Replied By Nina (Ontario, Canada) on 07/21/2017
Hi Sara usa - not sure if your question was to me as it was right after my post, but we just started this protocol with my mom in combination with Boswellia + Mystel Toe injections + Vit D daily. The protocol involves homeopathic combination of herbs and this is what we started just this past monday:1) Ruta Gr. 6CH, in pills, 5 pills a dose, two doses daily, morning and evening.
2) Calcarea Phos 3DH (X), in tablets, 2 tablets a dose, two doses daily, noon and night.
3) Rhus Tox 30CH in pills,
4) Arnica Mont 3CH in pills,
1 dose = 3 pills from each (3 & 4), I.e. 3+3 = 6 pills together, two doses daily noon and night.
I bought the above from this site: http://abchomeopathy.com
this protocol was given to me by Dr. Prasanta Banerji from the Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoepathic Research Foundation. ( I found several forums, links, posts etc leading to a few positive recovery cases for benign meningiomas) so we decided to give it a try but still keep doing the recommended protocol from the naturopathic doctor, which is Boswellia Serrata (3x daily) + going in to the clinic twice a week for a 50mg Vitamin C Ivy and Daily 3000c of Vitamin D.
her tumor is a size of an egg - it has grown this yr in comparison to last year about 4mm all around. so it is quite a large mass pressing on her lower right side of the brain, and causing all her left side to be weak and ofcourse a lot of problems with balance and walking.
we will wait and see what this combination will do - it is surely expensive having it all combined but worth every penny if it avoids the idea of radiation completely which doctors keep pushing for her to do, even though they say it will only stop the tumor from growing but will not shrink and will cause her short term memory loss within 2 yrs. not even cure one thing fully but cause a million other damages to add to it. Ridiculous!
Replied By Micol (Italy) on 06/11/2018
Hi, do you mind me asking how's your mum doing? My mum has the left part of the meninge full of meningiomas and the doctor don't know what to do anymore. She did everything: surgery, radiotherapy, gamma knife, tablets of chemotherapy (doubled the doses at the moment). I'm trying to find natural treatments as she is having speech and memory issues and she is also always so tired. Hope your mum is well
Replied By Careena (Idyllwild, Ca) on 11/20/2017
Replied By Victoria (Ny) on 01/27/2018
Replied By Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/29/2018
Replied By Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/30/2018
Replied By Sarina (Pikedale) on 04/24/2018
Replied By Rita (Los Angeles ) on 07/19/2021
EC: Unlikely the poster from 2014 will see your message after 7+ years, sorry!
Replied By Andrew (San Diego, CA) on 07/26/2021
Looking for all information to help my sister heal her brain tumor (meningioma).
Replied By Sophie (Uk) on 08/05/2023
Replied By Lisa Price (Senoia, Georgia ) on 09/07/2023
Replied By Art (California) on 09/08/2023
Lisa Price,I recently wrote an article about glioblastoma and while that is not the same as meningioma, they are both brain tumors and the supplements I discussed for glioblastoma do cross the blood brain barrier and do have tumor inhibiting effects through various methods of action and may be of interest to you. Here is a link to that article if you are interested :
Replied By Zoe (South Australia) on 03/03/2024
Replied By Michele (AZ) on 03/07/2024
I too have been recently diagnosed with meningioma. Would love to hear from anyone trying any of the natural treatments, both pros and cons. Best wishes on your treatment path. 🙏
Replied By Sylvia (near Munich, Germany) on 03/12/2024