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Connie (Winnipeg, Mb, Canada) on 02/15/2014

Hi there,

I have seborrheic dermatitis very badly on my face as well as cystic acne. I'm sure the cause was having used a topical 1% Clindamycin solution (in an 8% glycolic acid toning solution) on my face for 15 years. Although I have stopped using the solution for 3 years now, my face is still a mess. Also, I have dandruff. What would you recommend as being the best natural solution for me to try and remedy this problem?

I look forward to your reply, Connie


Replied By Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/15/2014

Dear Connie,

Raw apple cider vinegar has helped a lot of people with this. That is where I would start. Mix the vinegar 1:1 with filtered or distilled water and apply to face a few times a day. You can also use it on your scalp. Many people are using baking soda to wash their hair and apple cider vinegar to rinse. These would be some options, too. I found baking soda with a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil, massaged into the scalp to cure my toddler of seborrheic dermatitis very quickly.

Do read the pages on seborrheic dermatitis here at Earth Clinic, if you haven't already. It may be that you need to try several things to cure it.

Some other things to try for it and the cystic acne would be turmeric, 4 capsules twice a day, plenty of water, and more fruits and vegetables.

The vinegar may dry out your face. Castor Oil or extra virgin coconut oil might be helpful used at night on your face. (It seems contrary to put oil on a face, but it has helped many people with oily skin.)

I hope these things will help, or perhaps some other remedies people are sharing. Let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~


Replied By Jillery (North America) on 02/16/2014

Hi Connie-- I had rosacea about 3 months ago for the past 3 years. I went through all the remedies posted on Earthclinic (and other places) and made a long, long list of them. After about a month and a half I found what worked for my skin. The rosacea I have is very light now and my boyfriend said how great my skin is looking now. I will note what I did just in case you find any of these remedies working for you: Hydrogen Peroxide (wipe down face), Sulphur gel (OTC stuff for rosacea), then I used almond oil with rose in it, and an OTC oatmeal based lotion on top of THAT. I also take 4-6 1000 mg of MSM a day too. That was the final key that helped everything. My skin is combo and sensitive at the same time. (I did try ACV, Borax, collidoil silver, copper etc etc but this worked the best for me) Start making your list. Everyone's issues are just a bit different and look for what speaks to you. Good luck. ~jillery!!!