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Jnz (California) on 01/21/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Hi! I don't have much new info to add, but I've been finding amazing remedies and helpful advice on Earth Clinic for a couple of years now and thought it was about time that I said thank you and contributed if only to say, "Yep, it worked like that for me too!! "

I was having these attacks a couple of years ago off and on for about 5 or 6 weeks and didn't know why or what they were. I went to the Dr. and she told me if these "stomach aches" were resolving themselves, there was nothing to worry about. After that 5 or 6 week period of time, it stopped happening until a couple of days after this Thanksgiving. It happened twice and then it went away again until Jan. 4th of this year. I had 4 or 5 attacks from the 4th - 7th and after the first one, I looked online to see what type of food was linked to causing these type of symptoms, as I thought it was probably a reaction to something that I was eating that wasn't agreeing with me, and saw that my symptoms matched gallstones exactly and then I found this remedy. I mixed 4TBS of ACV with approx. organic sparkling apple cider and two of the three times, the pain was gone within 15-20 where it would normally last (at least moderate pain) for two to three hours. One day though, I was getting a little bit of a headache and so I drank a cup of coffee cause most of the time it will get rid of a headache for me. OH MY GOSH!!! About thirty minutes later - the worst of these attacks that I have ever had!! My face, neck and chest flushed dramatically (like it was on fire) and the pain was super intense for 45 minutes, despite drinking the ACV and apple cider. Moderate pain lasted for about an hour and a half longer and then slight discomfort for another couple of hours. This is not to take away from the ACV and apple cider remedy, it works fantastically. I am fairly sensitive to caffeine, (and prone to very mild flushing) so this is just to say that if you are too, you might want to think twice about drinking coffee while dealing with these on going type of attacks.

After that incident, and while waiting for a doctor's appt., I was worried that I was going to have another attack like that so I tried the ACV and apple cider for prevention. I'm used to using ACV for other things anyway, so it was no big deal. I put two tsps. of ACV in about 6 oz of sparkling apple cider and I would drink half of it before I ate and the other half after. After a day or two, I used water instead of apple juice. I haven't had another attack since the one on the 7th after drinking coffee. I can't say for sure if it the situation was resolving itself anyway or if it was the ACV that kept it from happening again, but my feelings are that it was the ACV. After about a week of that, I've just been having about 1tsp ACV in 6oz water when I first wake up and right before I go to bed and, so far, I haven't had an attack since the 7th. I have also started taking my probiotics again and began taking milk thistle. Not sure what of these different things has helped me not to have another attack so far, but they sure haven't hurt!

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and they agreed that it sounded like it was gallstones and ordered an ultrasound, which I had a few days ago. Still waiting for the results and will post if I have anything to share that I think might benefit anyone else.

Thanks again for everyone posting their experiences and to Earth Clinic for providing this community - I very much appreciate it!! :O)

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Replied By Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2014

Jnz: Many health practitioners recommend annual colon, gallbladder, and parasite cleanse as optimal health cannot be achieved otherwise. Oregano, Garlic, Neem, Oilve Leaf, and Grapefruitseed are all good herbs for killing parasites and pathogens; incorporate one in the daily diet or take supplement. A one week rotation of these will be most effective.
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Replied By Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 09/12/2015

This poster relates that caffeine possibly caused a subsequent gallbladder attack. I personally never experienced one until last night. Then, I awakened to a worsening pain in the upper-right side quadrant, spreading toward my back. Gall bladder, I thought, but why. A day earlier, I drank EG tea which has caffeine, about 25mg a cup. I never drink caffeine but ran out of my herbal tea. Could this be related, I wondered? Well got on EC as I always do first and tried the ACV remedy. I dd not have apple juice due to sugar/diabetes control, so took 2 T of ACV in cold water. Pain eased only a little. An hour later, I took another Tablespoon but in warm water and the pain eased further, about 80%. 30 min. later, pain is 95% gone. Perhaps the fact that I took ACV for years with no gallbladder problems, then not so much this year had something to do with this attack? Perhaps, my continual use of ACV in prior years kept stones from forming in my gallbladder. At least, this is what I believe since I'd never had an attack before. But, I'm also now on a strict no-carb, hi fat (olive oil), hi raw vegetable diet that could be moving existing stones out of my body. For me, this bears watching!
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Replied By Steve (Nevada) on 09/12/2015

I know from experience and what I have heard from others with liver/gallbladder issues is that the gallbladder can be irritated by cold food, oils, beverages, wheat, ice cream, etc. When taking remedies for the GB such as ACV, epsom, magnesium citrate, olive oil, lemon juice, always take them with warm water as this allows the GB to release stones/toxins easier and faster. Also using a heating pad or water bottle with filled warm water will enhance your relief and results.