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Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/02/2014

On EC, there have been several people asking about how to supplement Lugol's Iodine.

So here is a link to a pdf written by Stephanie Buist from the Iodine Yahoo Group. This pdf is a detailed description on how to supplement Iodine, with companion nutrients, for babies, children and adults. This detailed explanation on how to supplement iodine resulted from her own experiences with Dr Brownstein successfully helping her with her own thyroid problems.

The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine

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Replied By Naturallykera (Troutville, Va) on 05/31/2014

For years, I've been taking between 6 to 8 drops of Lugol's Iodine a day (37.5 mgs to 50 mgs) in split dosages as maintenance and I have never had any side-effects or problems. You can simply take LI with a glass of water or you can add the LI dose to a solution of Ascorbic acid or Ascorbate (Vitamin C). I also take LI drops mixed with Humic Acid granules in water (add a small amount of Humic Acid to the water until it turns golden brown and not black) and then add a tablespoon of ACV - this makes it a strong anti-viral. There are many ways to supplement Lugol's Iodine."

I have a tooth that could need a root canal, I do not have pain yet but my lymph node is swollen. Could this method clean out the infection? Thanks!

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Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/31/2014

Hi Naturallykera...I had a bad and painful wobbly tooth early last year with exposed and visible roots. For completely unrelated reasons, I started taking turpentine by mouth regularly because I wanted to test it. Within a month, all the tooth pain disappeared and the tooth firmed up completely. I later learned through research that turps is easily absorbed by the skin and gums. So it was the disinfection action of the the turps which cured my tooth/root problem.

Because of this beneficial experience with oral turps, I now take three drops of turps on my tongue and just hold it in my mouth as long as I can. If you swallow the turps, it wont hurt you. Do not wash your mouth out afterwards -- because the turps is still working in your mouth. With your tooth problem, I would take this simple protocol three times a day every day. Within a month or so you may well have a cured tooth or root canal. Turps is easily absorbed by the skin or gums which allows it to penetrate deeper to disinfect the roots of the teeth. I use turps on a regularly basis like this now.

Another protocol you could also use is one by Hulda Clark. Take a teaspoon of 50% DMSO on its own and just hold it in your mouth for about a minute or so to allow the DMSO to sufficiently penetrate the gums/roots and then spit it out. Do not wash out your mouth afterwards (DMSO will have a warming effect in your mouth), DMSO kills bacteria, parasites and viruses. I use this one too, but I also prefer to add 4 drops of lugols iodine to the 50% DMSO for the extra anti-pathogen action of the iodine.

If you do have to get a root canal, then you should do all you can to find a proper Biological Dentist as opposed to a normal everyday dentist. A proper Biological Dentist will take great pains to clean out and properly disinfect your root canal area. A regular dentist will just fill your root canal with some muck and goo that wont kill all the pathogens properly.

Here are some more good reasons why you should see a Bio Dentist:

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Replied By Naturallykera (Troutville) on 06/04/2014

Thank you Bill,

I can't wait to try the turpentine, where should I purchase is? There are a lot to choose from and I am not sure which one to get, thanks!


Replied By Pivi (Cork) on 06/19/2014

@ Naturallykera - be careful with turpentine - I had never heard of any use other than as a solvent for paints... (art supplies shops carry it)!

Replied By Alice (Uk) on 10/24/2014

@ Bill,

Are all DMSO the same? Where can I get some in the UK? I would like to combine it with Iodine and other minerals in a bottle, to spray on my skin order to bypass the digestive process because I have gut issues. Thanks!


Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/24/2014

Hi Alice...In answer to your question: DMSO is Dimethylsulfoxide -- and its only the purity that varies according to the grade of the product. You can buy DMSO in UK from the following sources. See links:

DMSO 99 Website

Ebay DMSO(selling DMSO UK)

Both DMSO products from these website sources are pharma grade(99.98% pure).


Replied By Paula (Pa, US) on 02/10/2015

Bill and Alice,

I started out with 2 drops of iodine twice a day because I had taken another iodine previously which did not produce the benefits promised by Lugols. I also started ACV at the same time and began having diarrhea. I have colitis and have to follow a diet which had cured the diarrhea I had had for 20 years. I assumed the ACV had caused the diarrhea. After a week without it, I'm still getting diarrhea in pretty substantial amounts, even using Lugols at 1 or 2 drops a day.

Alice, not trying to pry, but have your gut issues been affected by Lugols, if you have used it as you described? And have you experienced the promised benefits? And Bill, I noticed your comment about Iodoral being good for those with gut issues. I used Iodoral for years without noticing much benefit, while having the stomach problems, that is, before I found the diet which cleared them up. So I don't know if the Iodoral helped or hurt. I use all the recommended companion nutrients, though I have not heard of the salt loading before. I'm not anxious to use the turpentine, since it is supposed to have a laxative effect.


Replied By Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 07/08/2015

Maybe query for Bill. I am doing the Iodine Protocol which includes Selenium. I just bought L-glutathione 500 mg. Should I take this?

Replied By Tessa (Loveland, Oh) on 04/05/2016

Hi Bill. I read in your post (which was great, BTW) that you sometimes mix the iodine with Vitamin C. But I read on several other sites not to take Vitamin C within 2 hours of taking your iodine. What do you say about this? Thanks so much!

Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/05/2016

Hi Tessa...Thanks for your question.

Here's how I sometimes take Lugol's Iodine -- with reasons.

In one glass of water I add a half tspn of ascorbic acid. Then I add 6 drops of 5% Lugol's Iodine. Whenever LI is added to Ascorbic Acid the molecular iodine will then be converted to iodide and some of the Ascorbic Acid is converted to Dyhydroascorbic Acid or DHA -- which is a much more highly absorbable and beneficial form of Vitamin C.

Then I add 1/4 tspn of Sodium Bicarbonate to this mix and this converts all the Ascorbic Acid and DHA to the more alkaline and useful ascorbate form.

You can also add herbs like Gymnema sylvestre tea to this mix(as a water substitute) to turn it into a highly effective antifungal. See the other useful alkaline drinks at the end of this article link.

Many on EC already know about taking lugol's iodine this way with vitamin C which, again, is according to Ted's advice.

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Replied By Tessa (Oh) on 04/23/2016

Thanks for your reply, Bill.

I have another question. The protocol that I just began today (after finally getting my Lugol's 2%) is very conservative in the hopes of avoiding side effects. They recommend starting with only 1 drop and then every two weeks increasing by 3 drops, until you reach the 20 needed to reach 50mg. I plotted it out on the calendar and it will take me 3 months to reach the full amount. While I do not want to deal with major side effects, I wonder if that's being a bit TOO careful. Also, I AM taking Vitamin C, selenium, and magnesium so I feel that should help as well.

Thanks for your input.

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Replied By Bill (San Fernado) on 04/25/2016

Hi Tessa...

Yes, increasing your dosage by one drop once every two weeks is a very slow method of attaining the eventual proper recommended dose. And also remember that it will probably take about three months at 50 mgs LI a day just for your body to reach the required normal healthy levels of iodine/iodide. So if you take 2% LI increasing at one drop every two weeks then it will probably take you over a year for you to reach normal body iodine levels. If you are taking 2% LI then you should be working towards attaining 20 drops a day to get to the 50 mgs mark.

But LI dosages can be touchy with certain people. As I've explained in the past this is probably because iodine is just too good at what it does. It is both a first rate detoxer -- it can detox cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminum, arsenic, fluorine and bromine -- as well as being one of the best all round pathogen killers out there.

So whenever people get a bad reaction to LI -- perhaps due to excessive heavy metal detox or an excess pathogen kill causing the Herx -- people immediately seem to blame poor old iodine when in actual fact these people are the ones that are chock full of mercury, lead, bromine, fluorine and pathogens. Who's fault is that?

So people's reactions to iodine will always vary according to what bad things they have been putting into there own bodies for a lifetime. I was lucky when I first started taking iodine -- I had no reaction to it at all and went to 8 drops a day of 5% LI within a week(I increased dosage at 2 drops a day).

What I would do is simply increase your LI dosage by one drop every 3 days. If you do get a reaction from an increase then take one drop less next time and then stay at that dose for a week or two to allow your own body to cope with the detox or poisons from the dead pathogens(Herx). Then try upping the dose by one drop again later. And don't give up!!

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Replied By Brian (Tx) on 06/12/2016

Lugol's Iodine should not be taken with Ascorbic acid including orange juice etc because the Iodine will be converted to Iodide. A simple experiment with Lugol's in water in a clear glass will demonstrate this. If you add Ascorbic Acid the solution becomes clear. The body needs both the Iodine and Iodide forms.

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Replied By Joanna (Charlotte, Nc) on 03/03/2018

I need help. I was on borax therapy for about 3 months. Then I stopped and started Lugols Solution about two weeks ago w/magnesium, 5000mg vitamin C, desiccated liver which apparently has all the B vitamins and selenium, niacin, zinc. Also Cod liver oil and flaxseed oil. All was good when I started to take 12x3day drops of 2% LI when I noticed that I have severe PMS this week, puffiness/some weight gain, swolen breasts etc.

Last month, before LI therapy, when I was still on Borax, my period was virtually painless (usually always painful) and I hadn't had PMS since Borax therapy.

Can anyone tell me what caused the change in hormones? And the sudden surge of PMS this month? Is it the LI? Am I doing something wrong? Should I stop?



Replied By Bobbie (Us ) on 09/17/2018

@Piva - Turpentine is pine oil.

Replied By michal (Colorado) on 04/05/2022

Does adding Lugol's iodine to a drink of water with lemon juice (vit. C) or ACV, cause the iodine to not work properly? What is the best way to take Lugol's 2% solution iodine, so it is most effective? Thanks for your reply.