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Naz (Karachi, Pakistan) on 12/05/2013

I've been suffering from pityriasis rosea since 2 weeks now. I'm trying to build up my immune system with Vit C, zinc, milk thistle and Vit A. I'd really like to get some help about something specific that will kill the virus so my marks can go away. Also, as my marks are fading and going darker, does this mean that it will stay that way? I feel really awkward with the brown patches everywhere! Is there a natural remedy to reduce the scarring or pigmentation?

Replied By Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/06/2013

Naz: Make home made water kefir. Eat organic produce and grass fed animal products raw. Take the thai fish sauce that has been fermented for 2 years. Make green smoothies from organic baby leave or edible wild leaves that have not been contaminated.

Replied By Minnie (Chickasha, Ok) on 03/26/2015

I am in week two, and figured out it wasn't eczema 2 days ago and doctor diagnosed PR. It just spread to neck and I've used aloe vera for the past 24 hours after previously trying dandruff shampoo, cortizone creme and yogurt. The aloe vera took the heat out and the redness was reduced greatly. I reapplied three times now and I think this will be the winner.