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Sunny (Ca) on 11/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Evening Primrose Oil for Menstrual Cramps:

It works!!!!!!! Ok I have only tried this once so I will update later. I took one the day my period started then I took another later that day. The soft gels I used were 1000mgs each. I took them for 3 days two a day. (My period is 3 days). I know this is going to only get better as I DID NOT HAVE TO TAKE ANY ACETAMINOPHEN/TYNENOL not one!!!!! And I always have, even when tying other remedies that I want to be strong but cant and end up taking the tynenol due to me not being able to stand my cramps. For my upcoming period I will try to take more as to not have any cramps at all. As I did have cramps but they were very light, not like the ones I have previosly gotten. Maybe I'll start a couple days/ week earlier like the other person suggested. Like I said ill update, but wow what a difference. Thank you father for creating such beautiful nautural working products like this <3. I bought it at Walmart, but any kind will do, I suggest cold pressed if you can get it.

Also know that the evening primrose oil is good for pain in general. Try for heaches too!

Pass the love forward- Sunny


Replied By Sunny (Cal., US) on 01/29/2015

UP DATE: Still woking great! I have upgraded to NatureWay Evening Primrose 1300 mg bc it's a higher mg, It is cold pressed unrefined and non GMO. I buy at Amazon, but if you cannot afford then just buy the ones from walmart, etc., but you have to take more. You can take many right when you get pain, I take them w/ food. I have to take many at once, like 7, and it did not have any negative side effect, . You can also start taking them early, like a week before your period. This works because it has GLA

You have to try it!!! You have so much to gain! You liver will thank you too lol. If this works, drop by and leave me a comment. You're Welcome :) -Sunny