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Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 10/14/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I had arthritis, acne, and ulcer. And all at the same time everything disappeared after I started coffee enema.

And I know arthritis, acne and ulcer are related. When you perform coffee enema, you can see slimy slippery thing float on top (when you have a cold you cough a lot of this slippery mucus) and this is the very toxin that our body try to get rid of.

This is fungus related disease. It can affect your digestive organ joints and glands.

And whenever I had food poisoning coffee enema does wonders. It never once disappointed me.

For some, coffee enema sounds like a lot of work. I use instant coffee. (pure coffee) So I just mix it with reverse osmosis water. And retention enema for 20 minutes.. (during this time you can watch tv or study. coffee enema is great for brain!! ) whenever I am slightly depressed or anxious I do this also and I always end up singing-meaning it had positive affect on my body, mood already.

I believe not one remedy works best all the time. In conjunction with herbs minerals and MMS, vitamins and coffee enema, I am so much better now.

I wish you all the same results.

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Replied By Steve (Nevada) on 10/15/2013

I had a similar experience recently with coffee enemas. For the past two months I had been waking up with waves of nausea in the morning. I had this feeling that my liver/GB was toxic after years of eating the standard american diet. I did a series of 3 coffee enemas over the course of about a week. I have not had any nausea since. They really work and can increase glutathione, the hormone that prevents aging, by up to 700%! They are not very pleasant to do but the payoff in health benefits is well worth it. Dr Wilson has some of the best info on coffee enemas I have seen: ENEMA.HTM

Health Blessings,


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Replied By Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/15/2013

Following hospitalization from a severe environmental illness some yrs back, I tried, in desperation, the coffee enema w/ a major colon cleanse effect from first two enemas. Following this I got addicted as the enemas would improve my liver detox.

As a note to the benefits of the coffee enema I must add a possible bad side effect. If using the C.E. ongoing, be absolutely sure to thoroughly clean the bag, line, and tip used for administration. After a few months of daily C.E. my progress was halted and reversed when I acquired a fungal infection from not keeping the hardware clean. Hot soapy water isn't enough; also use either bleach or ammonia (not both at once) in hot water for cleaning. More than a decade later and I am still battling the fungal issue.