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Susan (Milton, WV) on 04/24/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I accidently stepped on my chihuahuas paw with my heeled shoes. She yelped and I thought that was that. Then I noticed bleeding and found that she lost her whole nail. I put 1/2 cup flour in a baggy and placed her paw in it. I twisted the top of the bag and put a clip to hold it. I held her for about 30 minutes to keep her off her foot. It stopped the bleeding very quickly.

Replied By Tara (Springfield, Illinois, Us) on 10/04/2011

I am so thankful for this site. My son Donnie suggested that I check out online for home remedies for pets and I came across this site. My fiancee was clipping my dog Angel's claws and she pulled away and he cut to close to the quick and she began to bleed, I was freaked out but my son told me to check online and I found out about the flour and wow it really works. Thank you to who ever created this site. It is a blessing and a help.