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Anonymous (Canada) on 08/11/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Somebody submitted a post this week regarding belly button pain, probably appendicitis pain. I recommend the Water sea salt intestine cleanse it worked for me, I had the same symptoms for weeks, with couple of short recurring sharp pains, was unable to walk for couple of minutes, and interesting that was located mainly on the belly button area spreading the pain around it, and not in the lower right side. One day I wake up with unbearable pain I realized could be only appendicitis, searched the internet for any remedy and I decided to give it a try to water and sea salt, it took me not more than two hours to cleanse clear, and I had mostly liquidly food for the rest of the day, repeated the next day although it was not necessary. Hope it helps somebody!
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Replied By Anon (Usa) on 08/12/2013

Dear Anon from Canada, I had your exact symptoms. However, my "unbearable" pain truly was unbearable. I went to the hospital with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis. I came very close to death because I waited for so long to go in. What you are telling people to do if they are in unbearable pain could potentially kill someone. Peritonitis is nothing to mess around with. Please be careful as to what "cures" you are advising people on. If someone is in UNBEARABLE pain, they need to go to the E.R. right away. Better safe than dead.
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Replied By Marriam (Kogi State, Nigeria) on 05/11/2015

Pls. How Can I Get Water and Sea Salt?
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Replied By Rachel (Masterton Wellington, New Zealand) on 09/16/2015

For Appendicitis: How much of the water and sea salt and how often do I take it?
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Replied By Tmi (California ) on 01/31/2017

You do realize that medical error is one of the leading causes of death in the US right? So, if someone is trying to avoid the pharma-pushers, that is up to them to decide if they want to take that chance - of going to the medical mafia route. You don't need to give a 1-star review, because of your personal fear of healing your own body.
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Replied By Matt (Omaha) on 11/12/2017

Thanks for the note of precaution .. the scriptures exhort us "I would not have you be ignorant .." BUT the fact is that the 4th leading cause of death in the US is CORRECTLY prescribed medications .. so whether someone acts in intelligence by asking questions to try to help themselves or blindly thrusts the care of their health into a Medical phy$ician$ hand, neither should be considered the absolute. I dont agree with mandated vaccination and find sale$man$hip in the claims made for it, BUT for an unhealthy aging or immune compromised individual I would not completely rule out of my consideration that in that circumstance it may be wise.

Caveat emptor .. or as the bible suggests "check the fruit on the tree .." A lemon tree should not bear or advertise that it produces oranges. Check all advice and weigh the evidence and assess your skills to know how to act. Ask friends for assistance or experience in such matters. These are things that will bode well for the person in charge of their domain.

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Replied By Jennifer (California) on 11/26/2018