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Tameka (Chicago) on 07/10/2013

Im a 35yr old African-american dealing with fibros and I have the heavy bleeding for weeks not days. I've had two blood tranfusions and to my luck today I broke down into tears cause the bleeding hasnt stopped. I seen yiur website and seen that apple cider vinger could help. I would like to know how many times a day do I need to take it. Please help.

Replied By Carly (Pbs, Usa) on 07/11/2013

Hi Tameka, I would take one ounce (approx. a shot glass full) of ACV with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda... When it stops fizzing, add about 12 to 16 ounces of water. I drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then make another one and sip throughout the day when I am bleeding too heavily. It really, really helps! When a couple of hours goes by without sipping it.... I can tell by how heavy my flow gets. During really bad periods, I also take a glass to bed, and sip it in the night. Use a straw to keep it off your teeth if needed. When I am bleeding that heavy I don't care if I have a straw or not though!

Blackstrap molasses is also very good for this, but does not have as immediate of an effect for me personally. I take a tablespoon of it daily in my coffe. Love the taste.

Good luck to you, I know how miserable it is.... Take care.

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Replied By Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 07/11/2013

Dear Tameka, So sorry about this bleeding! I saw Carly gave you some good advice about how to take the Apple Cider Vinegar. Please also take the Blackstrap Molasses- 1 T. morning and evening. Right off the spoon or in a cup of milk. You can take it any time of day also when the bleeding is heavy. It helps me with bleeding. It also will help replenish your blood. You should take at least 1 T. of blackstrap every day indefinitely. It will keep your blood up, nourish you, and may help the fibroids.

Also, to try and check the bleeding, take 1 t. cayenne pepper in an 8 oz. glass of grape juice. (The grape juice is just to help you get it down. You can take it in water. ) Cayenne is amazing for stopping bleeding. Midwives use it to stop hemmorrhage in childbirth.

Charcoal poultices and activated charcoal internally may be of help to you in the long term, if you want to try that. I will link you to a story of someone who used charcoal for her fibroids. The story is under "Charcoal Babies" a little more than 1/2 way down the page.

Let us know what helps you!

~Mama to Many~

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Replied By Iowama (Pella, IA) on 07/11/2013

I also had success fixing excessive monthly bleeding with the vinegar tea remedy and an alkalizing diet. At the same time, the little urine leakage that had crept up when I coughed or laughed went away. It lead me to believe both issues were caused by pressure from fibroids. Anyway, it is one of those nasties that life can throw at women. I learned the cure right here and I'm thankful this forum was available when I suffered through it.
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Replied By No More Pain (Houston, Tx) on 07/11/2013

Hi. I too had non-stop EXCESSIVE bleeding from ovarian cysts for 1.5yrs - I started taking iodine tablets and DIM and then the bleeding stopped 2 months after taking iodine and 3 wks after taking DIM. I have been taking iodine 50mg+ per day for 1 yr and it has helped with my oc. It is important for people with fibroids as well. You should also take selenium 200mg YEAST FREE tablets, NOW Female Balance and continue with acv.

A green diet and apple juice (organic apples juiced fresh at home) is crucial for eliminating fibroids. No dairy, soy, corn, peanuts, meat, eggs, sugar or processed, junk or fried food.

Start DIM asap. This all should help. Good luck!

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Replied By Carly (Pnw, Usa) on 07/11/2013

I just wanted to chime in on what "no more pain" stated and agree on taking DIM... It helps balance estrogens. I take it daily. I also do iodine painting, and take selenium as well. Good stuff.
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Replied By Ofelia (Vacaville, Ca) on 10/26/2013

Could some one please clarify for me what DIM is; I have also the fibroids in my Uterus and its getting worse to the point that I am so anemic and stop me for be a normal person. I do have issues urinating due to tumors grew too big. Doctor want to remove them along with my tubes but I am against it so I much rather get a natural approach to this issue. Please help! Thanks in advance.
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Replied By Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 10/27/2013

Ofelia: A few vegetables have dim. This is harmfull when taken as an isolate. I take 3g/day cold processed maca for dim. The dose for regular maca is 12 g. Fibroids are caused by injury, disease, and estrogen dominance. This is caused by aromatization. This changes good hormones into bad hormones. Hops alcohol extract taken sublingually is the most potent armoatization inhibitor. Take 15g/day raw sweet potato. Chew thoroughly and let dissolve through the gums. This makes progesterone. Capers are highest in quercitin, another aromatization inhibitor. Sweet potatoes make good hormones, aromatization inhibitors prevent them from becoming bad, and maca regulates them. The 3 taken together are a very effective remedy that cures very rapidly. Google raw food videos for nutritional support.
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Replied By Mt (Sf Bay) on 08/07/2020

Hops extract is a not an aromatase inhibitor, but a strong phytoestrogen.

Replied By Ify (Nigeria) on 05/19/2015

Hello everyone,

i have had fibroids for about 3 years. The last scan read it was 5cm. There are other ones. I have ruled out surgery. I have been researching on the internet on what to do still I discovered your site and testimonials. I used to bleed badly and had irregular periods but for three months now, my cycle had returned to 28 days and I no longer bleed as before. I want to know:

1. Will the ACN and BSM shrink the fibriods or are they only used to stop the bleeding?

2. is it safe to take them when I'm in my period?

3. What exact amount should I take as I see some say they use 1 teaspoon and others say 2 tablespoon.

Kindly reply.



Replied By Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/19/2015

Dear Ify,

Some seem to have cured fibroids with the vinegar and blackstrap. It is surely a simple and inexpensive thing to try.

I use both the vinegar and molasses all month long.

Different people are different regarding the dose. It is probably best to start with less and work up to more. You could start with a teaspoon of each and see how you do. Each week, you could increase each by a teaspoon until you are up to a Tablespoon (3 teaspoons of each, daily.)

Let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

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Replied By Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 05/19/2015

To Ify (Nigeria) ---

For bleeding have a teasp. powdered turmeric divided to twice a day with some coconut milk or water. Use turmeric also in cooking veggies.

For shrinking fibroids use blackstrap molasses one to two tablesp. divided to twice a day with hot water slightly diluted and have with a straw to protect the teeth. This done for a few months.

For period it is best to leave alone at least for three days or more. Except ACV.

ACV should be good taken daily anytime up to one tablesp. with food or in drinks or water.

Let us know how it goes. Namaste, Om

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Replied By Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/19/2015

1. From what I have read, people are using it mainly to shrink the fibroid, but it will also help with bleeding. For excessive bleeding, you can use the herb shepherd's purse.

2. I do not think there is a problem in taking them during your period.

3. It really depends on you. My wife is taking 1 Tbsp ACV (with baking soda in water) and 1 tsp BSM (in tea) 2 or 3 times a day. At first it was 1 Tbsp of the BSM but I reduced it because I was concerned about the high sugar intake.

You can also try mixing BSM with a very small amount of beet juice and aloe vera.

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Replied By Ify (Nigeria) on 05/25/2015

Hi again,

Many thanks for your replies.

So does this mean the ACV and BSM can be taken at any time? Like during periods and ovulation or are there separate times to take them? (Sorry, I just want to be sure :)

Again, how long should I take them? 2/3 months or more? I'd like to try for a baby as soon as the fibroids shrink. I'm 40.

Thanks again.


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Replied By Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/26/2015

BSM and ACV are not extreme in action and mainly bring nutrients to your body and therefore you can take them any time during your period and off your period.

As for how long you should take them, the answer is until you are fully healed.

To speed up the healing process, I recommend that you do the heating of your lower abdomen with castor oil as often as you can. I and my wife did not have the discipline to do it every day, but if we had, the fibroid might have already been healed.

If you want to try this method also, soak a small cotton towel with castor oil, and heat it briefly in the oven. Then put it on your stomach, cover with a plastic foil and put another small towel on it and place a container filled with hot water on it. Lie down like this for an hour. I believe it is very effective.

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Replied By Sam (Miami) on 05/27/2015

Put "Xenoestrogens and Breast Cancer" into a search box of this site to read about possible cause of fibroids.
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Replied By Ify (Nigeria) on 06/08/2015

Thanks for your kind responses.

I had scan my scan a few days ago and I'm happy to report that the big one which was 5.90 is now 5.20. The little ones have increased though, but I am not perturbed. This was before taking ACV and BSM. I had to cut out the unhealthy stuff like white bread, fizzy drinks, white rice etc and included exercise too. Guess it worked. Now with ACV/BSM, I hope I will see amazing results in my next scan. And yes, my doctor was surprised but still insisted on surgery. Not till I'm done with ACV/BSM.

Thanks Earthclinic!!

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Replied By Ify (Nigeria) on 06/23/2015

I have been in my period for the past 14 days and the ACV/BSM has not stopped my bleeding. Is there any other thing you recommend to stop the bleeding?

Please awaiting your reply.

Thank you


Replied By Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/23/2015

Dear Ify,

If you can get Sheperd's Purse Tincture, that is really helpful to stop bleeding. 1 dropperful in some water, repeat in an hour. I have done this up to three times a day.

Liquid Chlorophyll is also great to stop bleeding. 1 Tablespoon every hour during the day. Midwives use it sometimes to stop heavy bleeding after a birth.

I also use cayenne pepper to stop heavy bleeding. 1/2 teaspoon in a 5 ounces of grape juice.

I hope one of these things will work. All three could be done together.

~Mama to Many~

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Replied By Ify (Nigeria) on 07/01/2015

Mama to many,

Thank you for your kind replies. I am now going to do a hysteroscopy in preparation for my IVF. I hope to do it soon. Wish me luck :)
