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PlantarBeGone (Suffolk County, NY) on 04/16/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Had a plantar as a boy (maybe 12) which a doctor scraped once a week for some weeks and applied acid. After many months a blister formed under the wart and it disappeared. Fast forward 20 years....

Had a plantar on my foot for some two years now. My dermatologist scraped it, froze it and had me put salcylic (sp?) acid on it for months. After many months of band-aids and treatments, no joy. Eventually I went to a dermatologist who had me put Lazer Formaldehyde on it for months to "shrink the wart". He felt that it made good progress and eventually used some heat device to burn the wart. He said it wouldn't leave a scar but it left one. That was June 2007 and I was OK until February 2008 when, around the edges of the scar, the wart reappeared.

Prior to the surgery I had tried duct tape, Apple Cider Vinegar, the acid, Epsom salts, hot water, religiously for weeks, one after the other, all to no avail. I wish I had just tried the banana cure!!! I could have saved SO MANY HOURS of driving back and forth, waiting around at the doctor, having the uncomfortable surgery, etc.

Before I continue, I must say that I sympathize with all the people who had no success with the bananas. I have taken some peel off of the same banana for the past four nights (just slicing off a little with a sharp knife from the skin... I may have to freeze it or eat it tomorrow as it's looking pretty ripe) and after showing and cleaning my foot, applying the little slice of banana peel to my foot and leaving it on until the following night with a band-aid on top.

After 24 hours it looked mushy, not sure if there was too much change.

After 48 hours (last night) a big piece of skin came off from on top of the original scar area.

Tonight marked 72 hours. The little black spots (hematosis?) are all gone. There are three little craters to the side of the original surgical scar area that just sort of "opened up" on my foot where I think the little black dots were. It's amazing. The skin looks pink and healthy. I am going to keep putting banana peels on my foot to see if it will fix the scar area somewhat. Want to make sure that everything is dead/gone. Man oh man, this is so easy. I hope it works for good. Good luck to everyone and God Bless those who figured out this cure


Replied By PlantarBeGone (Suffolk County, NY) on 09/22/2008

The plantars keep coming back and spreading despite the bananas. Too bad. I got my hopes up. :(
REPLY   1      

Replied By Amy (Dallas, Texas) on 01/04/2009

Warts are caused by a virus. So - unfortunately - the chances of getting new ones is good. But knowing a great cure for when they crop up...

Replied By Howard (Omaha, AR) on 03/04/2009

I have tried everything. planter warts does not spread. if you have seed on your warts that is not planters warts. the planter wart that i have on my right foot has roots that grow to the bone and has to be cut out. when i cut it out it's ok for a week or two and grows back and it is like a little hard rock. Thanks.

Replied By PlantarBeGone (Suffolk County, NY) on 05/16/2009

Finally. I think (I hope) I got rid of that plantar. It really spread to about 7 circles around the scar from the surgical burn from 6-2007.

I had to use a product called Wart Wonder. I can't remember how I came across it.... maybe on a Google Search? I started using it in around 10-2008 and after using most of a bottle of the regular strength I found the Super-Potent on ebay. Maybe it's a common product but I never heard of it before. It took many months, but the hematomas finally stopped appearing and the skin is soft and clear. Hopefully got rid of the cursed thing. I probably spent about $50 or $60 for the combined costs of the two bottles. Not cheap, but certainly worth the expense. One time my son licked the bottle cap (he's a baby) and I was worried so I called the company and spoke with the owner and she said not to worry, just rinse his mouth out with water and that it's all herbal stuff inside.

Probably like the folks that had success with bananas, Wart Wonder seemed to work best when rubbing it in while watching a movie or whatever. The Super-Potent seemed to work the best. If I had to "do it over again" I would only get the strongest potency. I guess my plantar was too stubborn for a banana, I'm just glad I finally found something that worked. Just tonight while looking for this site I also saw an electronic device that supposedly kills warts in three minutes. I'm not sure how, or if it works, but if I had to go through this again I'd probably make the investment in that item. Hopefully for the "Nays" like me who were trying to deal with this for years and felt at the end of their hope this may help.