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Peggy (Gulf Breeze, FL) on 04/17/2008
5 out of 5 stars

About a year ago, I decided to use bloodroot to remove a pencil- eraser-sized mole on the left side of my chin close to the jaw line just below my mouth. I chose the bloodroot/DMSO combination since I understood that the DMSO would speed the process through the skin. I have to say that I was not prepared for what happened. Once I had started the process, though, there was no turning back. I covered just the mole with the bloodroot paste and kept it covered. I reapplied the paste for about a week. First, the mole turned a cheesy looking white. Then, it scabbed over and had a white ring completely around the edge of it. By this time, the whole thing was about the size of a dime. My jaw swelled up and there were shooting pains in it that kept me from sleeping. This really scared me and I contacted someone for advice. I was advised after about six days of applying the salve to stop applying it, just keep the scab area covered,swab around the OUTSIDE of it with peroxide and it would loosen and fall off. This seemed to take a little longer than I anticipated, but when I added a little warm compress, it truly did pop right out. You certainly don't want to rush this - it has to fall out on its own. The back of the "mole" was grayish and smoothe with little dots on it that I assume were the tiny blood vessels that had supplied blood to it. The spot where the mole had been looked like I had taken a paper punch and punched out a circle of skin. I thought I was in for a bad scar, but I started putting vitamin E on it and organic coconut oil. It's been a year now and the spot is not very noticable to anyone but me, and that's because I know its there. I continue to keep it oiled and also use anti-scar products just for good measure. The faint of heart should NOT use bloodroot, especially on their face. Using it on a floppy mole in some inconspicious place covered by clothing would probably be a lot less scary. My mole was fairly large and well anchored, and on my face - not the floppy kind on a stalk. I do think it is amazing stuff, BUT extreme care needs to be taken when using it.
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Replied By Margierunner (Austin, Texas) on 03/20/2010

I had similar results on a mole on my back. I put bloodroot paste on the mole for about 1 week. It got really infected and my lymph nodes hurt and I felt really sick. I put honey on the mole and within a few days the infection was gone and the mole dropped out this morning. There is a serious hole in my back right now but it is clean and I expect it to fill in as others have reported. I had a smaller mole (pencil eraser size) on my neck that fell out much quicker with less pain. The hole is filled in now after a week. I really appreciate all the advice on this website as I was not surprised at the process I went through. I would certainly do it again but also warn others not to do this if you are faint at heart. It can be very scary.