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Blair (Sydney, Nova Scotia) on 05/04/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to write a thank you letter to all the people who have shared stories on about the Cure for Shingles. My mom was suffering bad she had them on her back, neck and even spreading to her face. She went to the doctor and got $80 medication that was doing little to nothing for her pain, she couldn't sleep. I read the stories here and picked up a bottle of Apple Cider Viniger. I made a drink for her with two tablespoons of ACV and two cups of water and told her to take this mixture daily every morning. I applied the ACV directly undiluted to cheesecloth, then I taped that cheesecloth to the infected areas. With medical tape. I called her two hours later to find out how she was feeling. She reports that it is working the pain is lessoned, she is finally able to sleep the entire night soundly. The next day is reports back that the pain is gone for her. Thank you everyone, and my mom thanks you too.
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Replied By Matheo (Lawrenceville, Georgia) on 06/23/2013

YEA!!! Thank you all so much. This remedy has worked absolute wonders. The first night I experienced an other-wordly burning sensation was the only night. The next morning I drank and applied the ACV and that night, I felt like a new man. Thank you.