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Sherry (Orlando, FL) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I'had acid reflux for 2 yrs. and when I went on the Atkins Diet, I never even expected such a sudden cure! I then went to the Atkins Online forum and did a search about acid reflux to see if others had the same experience on this diet. AMAZING! I found other people on the forum saying their acid reflux is gone too as a result of this low carb diet. I realized that the HIGH CARBS were the CAUSE of the GERD ALL ALONG!! As I type this, I know I will sleep just fine again tonight as a result of this discovery!!! I can only hope that this helps others who are suffering.
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Replied By Judyj (Olympia, Washington, Usa) on 01/10/2011

I think it is individual. For me, my gerd trigger is protein. Atkins diet made my acid reflux worse.