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Jimmy (Grand Prairie,TX) on 01/25/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Try this. 1 tablespoon (baking) soda in glass of water for acid reflux. been using since i was boy, i am now 70 Years old.
REPLY   2      

Replied By Andre (Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 03/02/2009

Hi am 24 year old, had gerd since i was 16. Gerd is causing me respiratory problems wich are kiling me.. tiredness,u nable to normal activities.I tried controloc and some other medication and it didnt help. I eat foods that dont bother me much, still it bothers me. I use baking sode for a couple of years.. and it helps temporarly to reduce acid but doesnt cure it. Now am looking for some new cure..a m on teds recepie,a cv and baking soda.... I hope i cure with help of this site.