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Tammy (Wellston, Oklahoma) on 11/09/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Salt cures Spider/Insect bites, poison ivy. Last year I had a spider bite on my inner thigh. At first it was just a small red bump, but then it grew into what looked like a ring worm. A week later it was the size of a tennis ball and the center of it was a infectious white and itchyyyy as poison ivy. I showed it to my family in India via web cam, she knew immediately what to do. Said just wet it, pour table salt on it and let it sit for at least 20 min. After about one minute it began to burn some, nothing unbearable, although i only let it stand for about 5 min as I'm a big baby. It WORKED!! Dried it up in a matter of days. Since then, I have done this remedy for a number different insect bites, even have done on poison ivy and same result. A few days of doing this once at night cleared it. You can literally feel the salt drawing out the poisons.

Replied By Wraiththirteen (North Augusta, South Carolina) on 04/08/2010

I had poison ivy all the way up both of my arms, it was so bad my hands were swollen open. I had gotten all the over the counter products at walmart that said that they helped stopped the swelling and nothing even helped the itching. When I found this site I went through all the cures and came to this one, and since the only thing that I had was salt and I had a lot of it I put it on my arms and hands. By a few minutes I had relief, heck it flatly felt good. I could feel it drawing the poison out, and within two days it was all pretty much gone. although I have a warning to go with this. The salt will make a mess. but it is well worth it.

Replied By Walt (Warminster, Pa. Usa) on 12/15/2011

Got poison ivy from our cat who is usually always outdoors (by choice). Tried several otc "cures" and NOTHING helped. On a whim, I went to the local pet supply store and bought the smallest package of "Instant Ocean" Marine (salt water) aquarium salt they had. Mixed according to package directions in an empty gallon jug. Mixed thoroughly and poured over the rash on my arms. Air dried & was itch free for about six hours after the initial application. Applied as needed. Cured within Three days.