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Kim (Westport, Ma) on 11/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, there is a cure for restless leg syndrome, and it comes in the form of BLACK STRAP MOLASSES. While using BSM for I discovered that my restless leg syndrome stopped completely, as long as I use it daily. I have suffered for years with this condition, family members, my dad , brother and aunt have it so hereditary I am sure and from what I read there are plently of pills doctors will prescribe for you, but for me natural is the only way to go. I take 1 tablespoon a day of BSM, I use it to manage my female issues and PMS, and heavy bleeding, that now is cut in half, and the happy side affect to that regimine was the cure for my restless leg syndrome, which caused so much pain, and movement just to fall asleep. I have to say that this website has given me my life back in a way that is a miracle. No pills for me if I can ever help it. I look up a syndrome, or condition and more then likely I find it here and I try it and or apply it to my own life and see how it goes. So far so good. I believe that we know ourselves better then any doctor ever could. This website could be the very thing that saves your life. I mean more and more on tv to radio I see and hear more and more about restless leg syndrome and companies promoting more and more medicines for the syndrome so they can make money, if they did research like I did online they would see the cure right in front of them, it comes up in my search right away. Simple and inexspensive and it doesn't hurt the body in other ways. I get frustrated just seeing commercials trying to get people to take there drugs. Anyhow, BSM 1 tablespoon a day has cured my RLS and I am forever grateful. I do my best to promote this site to friends and family and I know they get tired of listening to me sometimes, but thats OK! The truth here for me is a miracle so passing it along is just what we're supposed to do. In the right kind of world. Thanks a million to all have written here.
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Replied By Donna (Brattleboro, VT) on 04/27/2009

Be very careful what you call a "cure". something may help you with your symptoms, nbt by no means is it a cure. If you stopped taking the BSM your RLS would come back, so that is not a cure, it is a method of treating RLS for SOME people. what works for one person does not work for the next person. people should use the word CURE sparingly and carefully. Insulin does not CURE Diabetes, but it controls it. Way different than a cure.
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Replied By Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/27/2009

Hello Donna,

Hope you didn't have a visit from the FDA that has you so cautious about using the word "cure".

If you can remove symptoms of a problem with vitamins, minerals or supplements, I call that replacing something that you are not getting from your diet, not a cure. Of course if a deficiency is the problem, then you are going to have to continue to take the vitamins, minerals or supplements that help unless you alter your food intake to supply what you are deficient in. When you alter your diet to include what you are missing, I call this improvement in nutrition which in turn gets rid of the problem of a deficiency. However your body is most likely going to require certain vitamins, minerals, etc. so the only cure is to alter the diet to supply the required nutrients. The general consensus today seems to be that our soil is so depleted that it is next to impossible to get all our bodies need from fruits & vegetables grown in it. However it seems that our Supreme Being is doing a better job of rebuilding the soil in the woods than our farmers are (organic farmers are learning to do a better job of it) because the "critters" living in the wild seem to be quite healthy.

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Replied By James (Burlington, VT) on 04/27/2009

I've seen support groups on the net that are actually fronts for pharmaceutical and other special interest groups. So if you signed up for one of these groups, you'd see that they are actually promoting a medication for restless leg syndrome and giving negative press to effective and much cheaper home remedies. Why else would someone want to beat the whole Not a Cure drum here?
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Replied By Alimaacd (New Fairfield, Ct) on 08/06/2009

I have no problem calling something a cure if it does the trick! I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis / Hypothyroidism and my last bloodtest showed low Ferritin which can be a precursor to Anemia. Molasses is one of the high iron suggestions to help increase iron levels. It provides the body with something it needs....that's a cure! Obviously if you are not taking in enough of the vitamins and minerals it needs it will again become deficient.
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Replied By Larry (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 01/13/2011

I will give the BSM a try, thanks for the info, if it works for me your a life saver, if not thanks anyway. Larry

Replied By Larry (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 01/27/2011

Ok I have been using the BSM for a few weeks now. My RLS is mostly gone but stil some tension in my legs, but I have had the RLS for 25 years now so it may take some time to get rid of it completly. I am also using goji berry juice, its working wonders, my eyes are starting to get better. Between the BSM and the goji berry Im getting a lot healthyer.
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Replied By Ueugene Oregon (Eugene, Oregon) on 08/03/2011

Black strap molasses! Thanks for reminding me! I had taken BSM for many years and had only some RLS. I've actually forgotten to take it for over a year and my RLS has worsened since then to a point that it's unbearable. I will immediately go to the store and buy some! Of course it helps since it's very high in minerals, something very important to have to keep rls to a dull roar!

Replied By Lardiver (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 07/02/2012

Blackstrap Molasses for RLS

The problem of all the sugar in BSM was a concern to me. I found that by putting BSM into Kombucha tea then let it sit for about a week, the kombucha would eat all the sugar and leave me the minerals and every thing good about BSM, plus the goodness of the kombucha. I put in kombucha tea that has already been fermented, a scoby and the amount of BSM as I would normally use sugar. Next I will try kombucha coffee made with BSM, will probably make a strong tasting coffee kombucha.