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Laura (Orlando, FL) on 12/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

About 6 months ago, I suddenly woke up with severe nausea and constant burping. Everything I ate and drank made me feel sick. I woke up nautious and went to bed nat ious every day. My quality of life started changing. I did not want to go out anymore and do things because I constantly felt sick. Being newly engaged, this really put a damper on my relationship. Who wants to be around someone that feels sick everyday and to be honest..when you are sick everyday you reach a point where you just want to be alone. I am only 27 years old and I felt like I had put on 10 years or more in the last 6 months. I even told my mother if I had to live the rest of my life like this I might kill myself. Everything made me sick. Even riding in a car. I had a colonoscopy which came back fine. I then had a scope done and showed that I had erosions all in my stomach, throat, and esophogas. I have been on prevacid and aciphex, which did not seem to help at all and the constant burping was just nasty and embarrassing. I got online and found this site and figured I would give the ACV a chance. This is only my 4th day and oh my goodness thank you god!!! I am not nauseous anymore. Riding in a car no longer makes me sick. If I burp it is one good one instead of a million tiny ones and I have energy like I haven't had in years. I have lost 3 pounds in a few days and I am not having bad cravings. I also notice my skin looks better. I also have battled depression for a long time and I actually feel happy. I woke up at 4a.m smiling thinking why am I so happy. This is truley amazing and I can't wait to keep taking it and see what else it does. If you have battled acid reflux believe me I know how horrible it is. Please just try this and you will not regret it!!!
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Replied By Ken (Waldorf, Maryland) on 11/27/2009

I just had gallbladder surgery almost two months ago. I suffer from nausea, stomach aches and irregularity--to include diarrhea--referred to as "dumping." Seems like anything I eat, I feel nausea, stomach ache, gas, bloating, etc. I am willing to try apple cider vinegar.

Question: How much should I try everyday and at what dosage? I've read where some people have drank a half glass of water with two teaspoons of water; but how many times a day? Any suggestions? Some people have taken apple cider with baking soda. Should I try both? I really could use someone's recommendations. My life has really changed since my surgery...for the bad more than for the good; I don't want the stomach doctor giving hooked on prescriptions that may or may not help my condition.


Replied By Phil (Dearing, Ga, USA) on 11/28/2009

Hi Ken. My wife had her gallbladder removed about 4 years ago. She sometimes suffers, what is similar to gallbladder attacks. It has been said somewhere, that people still get stones in their BILE DUCTS after the gallbladder has been removed.

What we do for her is a shot glass or 2 tablespoons of raw applecider vinegar/ unfiltered in a glass ( 8oz ) of room temperature apple juice. She will down this and the pain and nausea is gone pretty fast. She just does this when ever she has pain or bad nausea.

You may also want to consider charcoal tablets as they are suppose to help with all kinds of stomach issues...Gas, bloating and nausea.

And I know this is not a natural remedy and I do still have my gallbladder, but when I have severe nausea...I take motion sickness pills and it goes away quickly.

Hope this helps.

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Replied By Coregon (Medford, Or) on 06/13/2012

Laura, your symptoms sure sound like an H-Pylori infection. I had this and it caused ulcerations like you described, as well as constant nausea, gas, burping for months. Anti-biotics will usually clear it up. They can do a blood test for this. I realize your post is a couple years old, but maybe this will help someone else. Clearly ACV worked for you.. It can work like an antibiotic. So glad you got relief.
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Replied By Sam (Florida, US) on 11/23/2014

If you do indeed have h.pylori, read everything you can find about treating it with antibiotics before actually taking it. I have h.pylori and refused to take antibiotics.

ACV-only Bragg brand works for me, other brands I tried gave me a stomach pain.

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Replied By sandy (IL) on 03/23/2023

Just want to know how many times in a day you took ACV and what dosage?