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Scott (Atlanta, GA) on 01/01/2008
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I have had acid reflux for several years now. I was on a prescription for Prilosec before it was OTC. Usually only took a pill when I felt the reflux coming on strong. Over time, it has gotten worse with many reflux attacks daily. Two months ago, I started taking Prilosec OTC every day to see if I could fend it off. It worked great and I rarely felt any reflux all day long. Then, I had three violent episodes of Vertigo....which is similar to being spun around while you are violently seasick and stays like that for about 5 hours. Turns out this is rare but known side-effect of Prilosec. Needless to say, I'm off it now. I am relying on Pepsid AC now which works great but only last for a few hours and gets expensive. I'm planning to try the ACV next.
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Replied By Faisal (Carmel, Ca) on 09/01/2010

You have to try pomegranate skin powder, take one tblspoon every morning w/ a glass of water it is amazing and it works let me know.

Replied By Tina (Illinois) on 03/19/2018

Also try Acidophilus. Works great for acid indigestion. And not harmful like OTC acid meds.
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Replied By Debra (Ny) on 06/09/2020

My father in law has been struggling with severe vertigo. I read this post and told him it might be the OMEPRAZOLE (prilosec) he is taking for acid reflux. He requested his doctor chang his medication - and he recovered from Vertigo.