Recent Pet Posts

  Re: Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats

7 months ago
Posted by Mary (UK) on 01/05/2024

I know this is an old post but I wanted to leave a reply to help others. It is really important to use organic apple cider vinegar with "mother". Ordinary apple cider vinegar is a waste of money. I would also advise using a well known brand which begins with B. You will need to google the celebrity owner and find out why its advisable to avoid.

 Re: Can I Use Oregano Oil on Dog's Fungal and Wax Ear Infection?

7 months ago
Posted by Norma (NYC) on 01/03/2024

If you mean oregano essential oil, then absolutely not.

 Re: Can I Use Oregano Oil on Dog's Fungal and Wax Ear Infection?

7 months ago
Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 01/02/2024

Here's the EC link for the recommended ear cleaning recipe, "Arcane":

 Re: Can I Use Oregano Oil on Dog's Fungal and Wax Ear Infection?

7 months ago
Posted by Cindy (IN) on 01/01/2024

There are some solutions for dog's ears on Amazon that say you can indeed put it down the ears and so I would try those however if your dog is having repeat infections than consider working on her gut because that's where it starts. After 7 years of trying everything but Oil of Oregano I tried a product called Glacier Peeks. They have lots of other great products. You put it in their food and it kills off the bad stuff in the gut that cause the infections in the ear in the first place.

Boric Acid for Itchy Feet and Eyes in Dog Helps

7 months ago
Posted by Harmony (Houston, Texas) on 12/31/2023

Boric Acid for dogs

I have used boric acid on my Bichon's eyes and feet. It is wonderful for those runny eyes and is soothing. I have just recently used it on his itchy paws and so far so good. He seems to be finally at peace.

EC: Please let us know how you make a diluted solution of boric acid and water.

  Apple Cider Vinegar for Flea Infestation

7 months ago
Posted by Graeme (Queensland Australia) on 12/30/2023

What are the flea traps that are mentioned and in every room?

  Re: DMSO for Tumors in Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by judith (USA) on 12/30/2023

thank you for this suggestion! I have a Tibetan Terrier who has cysts and I'm wondering if it would help with those? how much do you give orally to a 25 pound dog?

  Re: DMSO for Tumors in Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by jholl (Louisville, ky) on 12/29/2023

Sanicle will also shrink tumors. You take it orally and also topically over the tumor site. It will penetrate down and work its magic.

Treating Conjunctivitis in Cat With Teabags

7 months ago
Posted by beverly (elkhart, in) on 12/29/2023

My cat gets ferral, so when she comes in to eat I grabbed her by the back nape of her neck and held her just long enough to put a wet tea bag across each eye just once for 2 days morning and nite when she came in to eat, the eye infection went away after two days, then I left her alone.I would boil the water then let it cool down to warm then put 2 tea bags into the warm water and then swiped each eye just once.with one tea bag on each eye.

  Re: Mange Remedies

7 months ago
Posted by Sharon (Wisconsin) on 12/28/2023

I have been giving my dogs Ivermectin myself for years. 1/10cc per ten pounds. I buy it at feed stores. Use the hog and cattle. Never had worms much less the heart worms. A bottle is probably cheaper for a year than monthly heart worm meds.

  Re: DMSO for Tumors in Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 12/28/2023

If it were my pet, I would use a good squirt 2x/day on my pet. I would also use (at a differing time), Castor Oil Packs 3x/week (plenty of quality info on this very site) over the area, along with a few drops of Frankincense Oil. And surround your pet in your mind's eye with a green healing glow, which also helps. Thoughts are things and they're always going somewhere; so how about your pet's reality?

  Re: DMSO for Tumors in Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by ted (LA) on 12/28/2023

Someone answer please

Remedy Help Requested for Dog After a Mini Stroke

7 months ago
Posted by Richard (United Kingdom ) on 12/27/2023

Have a 13.8 Border terrier bitch that had a mini stroke at beginning of Dec '23 and wondering how safe SERRAPEPTASE would be in strengthening her brain going forward? Vet prescribed 3 weeks of VIVITONIN (50ml) twice daily.

Reading your nine point recovery plan page I now give her 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric and cayenne pepper with her food. Going to add organic spinach to food and she is having mackerel twice a week instead of tinned meat with kibble.

Should I also add HAWTHORN & GINKO BILOBA drops daily or will these damage delicate aged blood vessels?

EC: Please check out the post under "Homeopathy" from one of our readers here:

Non-Regenerative Anemia Remedies

7 months ago
Posted by Lily (Wellington, New Zealand) on 12/26/2023

Is the given remedy for dogs also safe for cats?

Turpentine for Minor Wounds in Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 12/26/2023

I have been using turpentine straight on any minor wounds my two rescue puppies happen to get. My other "always works" substance is the Diatomaceous Earth. I rub one or the other on any skin issues of my cute little scamps, and they are kept healthy & happy. Using it full strength has never been an issue either. Sometimes I gotta go fast and grab whatever is at hand. My little turpentine bottle has never let them or me down. As a bonus, it seems to repel insects as well.

Stay well, everyone!

  Re: D-Ribose Cured Dog With Heart Murmur in 3 Weeks

7 months ago
Posted by Steve (SW Florida) on 12/22/2023

1/4 teaspoon in her food.

  Re: How Dogs Communicate

7 months ago
Posted by Alli (Glasgow Scotland ) on 12/21/2023

Hi there, I just read your message and I noticed this with my little Skye and she's a blether always talking to me and I to her. This is wonderful to actually know for sure that's the way they communicate not only with other dogs but with us, sometimes I will say to her hey less of the back chat haha

 Re: Wound on Dog That Will Not Heal

7 months ago
Posted by John (Dallas) on 12/18/2023

Please explore low dose naltrexone for pets. Vets would give you a prescription. It is prepared in a compounding pharmacy. I used to order it from overseas, for myself. There's a post here on EC about LDN.

You can use red light therapy as well. My cat loves it. I wish I could post a photo.

Lastly, acupuncture, to stimulate healing mechanisms.Yes, acupuncture. When I have severe back pain an acupuncturist treats me at home (I pay extra). One time I had mentioned my cat did not pass stool or pee for several days, she put few needles into my cat at no charge The cat urinated in an hour and the next day passed her stool. I was impressed. She, the cat, was also not eating, and started eating the same day.

LDN, red light and acupuncture stimulate body's healing mechanisms so it heals itself, whatever is broken. You body as well as your pet's body knows what is wrong and how to heal it

 Re: Wound on Dog That Will Not Heal

7 months ago
Posted by nancy (California) on 12/17/2023

I had a similar injury on my finger that antibiotics could not help. I used Manuka Honey and it worked immediately.

I saw it eat up the wound by the hour. One of the best remedies I have ever tried. Good luck.

 Re: Sugardine for Wound That Will Not Heal

7 months ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 12/17/2023

Another fantastic post, Rob! Thank you for writing this up. My son's teacher has a wound that won't heal and has been out from school for weeks now. I'm going to send this to him. And of course, I‘m adding Sugardine to my recipe book.