Recent Pet Posts

  Re: Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 04/15/2024

Ivermectin shrinks tumors to almost nothing after 6 months of daily use. Horse paste 1.87% version. Adjust according to the weight of your little dog :)

  Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by SMequine (Midwest USA) on 04/15/2024

Good afternoon, one of my older rare breed Bolonkas has tumor on mammary gland. She has been on Joe Tippen protocol for 5 wks now. No change.

Castor Oil and DMSO topically. Getting Curcumin sprinkled in food w capsule broken open of Reishi. Wanding w iTerraHertz 15 mins daily as well.

I want to increase turmeric and/or paste it, but I am not sure about the bleeding issue on mammary gland blood supply.

Has anyone used turmeric on mammary tumors? What about Bloodwort?

She is 12/13 yrs old, 8-10#, and a happy Howdy Dyu Russian Bolonka.

  Re: Conjunctivitis in Cat

3 months ago
Posted by Jerica (Arizona) on 04/13/2024

This is happening to my cat now... Did you ever figure out what or why? How did it go?

Colloidal Silver for Ear Mites

4 months ago
Posted by Leah (TX) on 04/12/2024

I have recently discovered that colloidal silver works with ear mites, fungal infections, parasites, and many other issues that come with cat care. You can mix it with water and mist the ears for a cleaning solution or you can put it directly into the ear. I had a cat that had ear mites very badly. They smelled and looked like coffee grounds. She was suffering. I used olive oil to suffocate the ear mites treating each ear twice a day. Now my cat was not at all cooperative but I invented a type of papoose board that I have to use when doing this. Yes, sounds traumatizing but what is worse the constant ear mite and infections or a couple minutes swaddled? After 3 days I started using the colloidal silver. I mixed 2 drops into 1 tsp. Of distilled water and put it in the ears. She was cleared up in 3 days. No coffee grounds or foul odor. I now give the colloidal silver to all my animals. 20 cats and 6 dogs and not one has suffered from any ear mites, infections, or skin issues and it's been 3 years!

  Re: Iodine + DMSO for Dog's Cyst?

4 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 04/10/2024

Diamotaceous Earth (aka fossil flour), is literally dirt cheap. Sprinkle some over the area! Another poster in a D.E. thread here mentioned to not use a metal spoon when handling D.E. as that would negate the charge. I can attest it sure feels that way when I rub D.E. on an infection of mine, ie tiny electrical discharges). When I found Dog#2, both shoulder blades had massive infection with large pus pockets. He was in agony. I could see small slits on each blade so I knew the D.E. would have them draining in 15-20 minutes, and I was right. I was able to sprinkle some D.E. on him and it was so light it didnt cause him additional pain. 20 mins later I could smell the pus just leaking down from the wounds. The dog was out of agony for about the cost of about 25cents. I haven't found that post again yet to thank that guy, but D.E. has saved me and my rescues from many different infections, sores & bites, burns, and alot of pain! D.E. contains silica, which is something our skin has/needs, but not for too many days in a row, as it can be drying to the skin. I only use it in the initial healing phase. Our bodies do heal themselves very well, if infection is kept out of the way. After infection is no longer a concern, you want to moisturize the area to aid in cellular turnover, which speeds healing.

  Re: Hoof and Coat Health for Horses

4 months ago
Posted by Jill (USA) on 04/07/2024

I tried Jane's recipe for my horse (and donkey), both are doing better and hooves are better.

I did add zinc to the mix because it was recommended where I bought the copper.

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  Re: Ted's Mange Cure Helped Dog

4 months ago
Posted by Robert (Silver City NM) on 04/07/2024 I found this youtube video that has the best and most natural treatment/cure for mange in dogs and cats! NEEM OIL. 1 part neem oil to 10 parts carrier oil like coconut, avocado, olive or apricot seed oil. I gave it to my cat after I tried the borax and hydrogen peroxide suggested on this site and after I called my vet and they told me I would have to use their Ketohex shampoo on my cat and bath him every other day for 3 months(RIDICULOUS). The neem oil did the trick only after the first treatment. The hair falling off his body was still quite traumatic and gross. Cheers!

  Re: Neem Oil for Mange

4 months ago
Posted by Robert (Silver City NM) on 04/07/2024 This youtube video explains a mange treatment with NEEM OIL. It is one part neem oil to 10 parts carrier oil like coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil (I'd be careful with the olive oil unless you know it hasn't been altered with other seed oils though). Good luck and cheers!!

Iodine + DMSO for Dog's Cyst?

4 months ago
Posted by judith (USA) on 04/03/2024

Can I use providone iodine with DMSO on dog cyst or Lugol's iodine 5%? He had surgery to drain a cyst in same place last July - it was over $2k! So I am VERY interested in healing this at home. I tried turmeric and coconut oil and didn't see any results. I only used it internally as he is on all the furniture and rugs... ;) Right now I've been using DMSO and colloidal silver but though it has a surface opening, it's not draining. Any suggestions are appreciated :) Blessings everyone!

  Re: Allergy Remedies for Pets

4 months ago
Posted by Jisunny (Hackettstown NJ) on 04/03/2024

Ten years too late, but hope this may help for other pups. We give our two dogs something called HWF Clean Heart instead of the vaccination for heartworm disease. It is holistic, but I'd much give them something natural and preventative than stick them with the needle full of chemicals and toxins that we don't know about. My younger pup has neurological issues since getting her first set of vaccinations and I will never again.

  Re: Apple Cider Vinegar

4 months ago
Posted by Bex7 (OR) on 04/02/2024

And here's the Gates connection: In its early years, Apeel Sciences received two grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. While some may have assumed differently, those grants did not give Gates any ownership of the company.

Apeel Sciences' Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Operations Jenny Du laughed when asked about Apeel's alleged connection to Bill Gates.

"Those grants make up 0.2% of money Apeel has ever raised, " she said. "I've never even met Bill."

So, combining Bragg with the Apeel situation, we can sum up the entire family of claims as follows: Gates, either alone or with Perry, owns both Bragg and Apeel (as a reminder, he does not), and changed the recipe for Bragg apple cider vinegar to include apples treated with Organipeel (again, presumably for some nefarious purpose).

The rumor that Bragg apple cider vinegar is made with Organipeel-treated apples is so common that it's even debunked on the company's FAQ page. Not only has Gates never had a role in selecting Bragg apple cider vinegar ingredients, Snopes found no evidence to suggest that the vinegar has ever been produced using apples treated with Organipeel. Both Cola and Du confirmed that the companies have never worked with each other.

And there is more info in the article. I called the company on the phone last year when I first heard this. It is so not true.

  Re: ACV for Upper Respiratory Infection

4 months ago
Posted by CTH (Winchester, TN) on 04/01/2024

IDK about Persians, but my cat just had a litter of kittens 5 days ago. A few hours ago, one unlucky kitty just came down with a bad case of sneezes - no break for well over an hour for the li'l plop! So I started looking up things I could do at home (I don't do vets/doctors) & stumbled onto this remedy. Since I already know ACV is a pretty safe remedy, I used a washcloth to basically bathe my little newborn kitten in a fashion similar to her mom's. I also wiped some onto the mama's body, & dumped the tiny bit left into the main water bowl. My newborn kitty has finally stopped her itsy bitsy sneezes & is resting. I applied the ACV to her 20 mins ago. I'll be reapplying either tonight or in the morning. I also make my own - Bragg's recently sold out to Billy Gates, so I won't touch that brand anymore. All that to say this: ACV is a probiotic kind of remedy & is safe, so long as your kitty isn't allergic to apples, water, vinegar, or the microbes which make ACV such a wonderful remedy, she should tolerate it just fine.

  Re: Essiac Tea for Pets

4 months ago
Posted by Michael (Colorado) on 04/01/2024

I think the herbs you make a tea is the best choice. You can look into as they have the advanced formula and information on why their 8 herb formula is better then the 4 herb formula. Loads of testimonials on their web page. All the best

  Re: Borax for Fleas?

4 months ago
Posted by Penelope (Perth Western Australia ) on 03/29/2024

How can I use Borax to treat Fleas in Dogs and cats? Bathing? I would do love to know as I do not like to use the horrible and very toxic over the counter Flea treatments sold in Pet shops. My cat had a major reaction to the spot on neck treatment which burnt his skin where I had applied it.. days later the patch of hair had fallen out. I have 2 American Bulldogs with active Fleas and would love to also prevent the flea eggs from hatching and stopping the cycle

  Aloe Vera for Kidney Disease in Pets

4 months ago
Posted by Jenny (England) on 03/27/2024

Where did you buy it please?

  Re: Can You Catch Mange From A Dog?

4 months ago
Posted by ryan (New York) on 03/27/2024

Incorrect... Sarcoptic mites include many subtypes and all are zoonotic. You can in fact, not only catch it from your dog, but also give it to your dog, or any other pets you may have...

Castor Oil for Dental Issues in Cat

4 months ago
Posted by Faith (USA) on 03/27/2024

My cat who has had teeth pulled a few years ago, recently started scratching the top of his head, his ear, under his chin and both side of his neck. Thinking it might be his teeth, I have an upcoming appoint with a vet to check out his teeth. Thinking it might be ears, I've been giving him Zymox (old vet script that still works) in his ears and his ears look better. I've been watching him closely, he's eating, urinating and pooping. Meanwhile, I've been recently learning about Castor Oil. (Ok for dogs and cats via Dr. Jones: ) I slathered it on him, which he didn't like, but he loved the rubdown. Well, here we are a few days later and I've only seen him scratch once and the scratched areas are looking better. I was afraid to put the oil on him daily, as he was licking it off, but I decided to put some on again today. Also, fyi, although he was still eating before, he was sleeping most of the time and the second day after the first application, he was up, eating like a king and wanted to be on our laps on the couch. I got the organic cold pressed oil through W-M and I'm really liking this stuff. I will update as things progress.

  Essiac Tea for Cats

4 months ago
Posted by Jan (Lancashire) on 03/26/2024

I know essiac tea should be given on an empty stomach but my elderly cats stress out when I try & give remedies that way. So is it still possible & ok - to add a little to their food? Thank you.

  Re: Apple Cider Vinegar for Pets

4 months ago
Posted by Mia (USA) on 03/25/2024

Make sure the Apple Cider Vinegar is RAW and ORGANIC, with the mother.

  Re: Trader Joe's Cat Food Causing Issues

4 months ago
Posted by Mia (USA) on 03/25/2024

I only feed my cat a tiny bit of dry food as a treat. Mostly, she gets canned wet food, with an ounce of water added at each feeding because she doesn't drink water from a bowl. Cats evolved out of Egypt (the desert), they are accustomed to getting their water in their food (since prey is 70% or more water). If cats don't take in enough water, they will develop renal (kidney) failure. Dry food is only 10% moisture. A steady diet of dry food will harm cats' kidneys, and can lead to chronic renal failure.