Recent Pet Posts

  Re: Cat With Ulcer Under Lip

2 months ago
Posted by Barbara (New Jersey) on 05/12/2024

My cat was diagnosed with “Rodent Ulcer” under her top lip, what a nightmare! It is now huge but it doesn't hurt her but she still eats, although I make sure it's very juicy! I've been putting Colloidal Silver drops on it, but I'm kind of winging it & it's only been a few days & I'm having second thoughts about using it after reading that it can kill if it's swallowed! I'm sure being on that tumor it leaks into her mouth, that's why I'm very concerned. After 60+ years of cats & others animals, I've never seen this & 6 of 7 vets, didn't know what was wrong when it started! That's how rare it is! This is the size of a ping pong ball that's been flattened IN her mouth attached under her top lip! Anybody else trying to help their pet baby??

Black Seed Oil, Manuka Honey Helping Open Pyometra

3 months ago
Posted by R (Las Vegas ) on 05/12/2024

Has anyone tried treating open pyometra with black seed oil? My 12 yr old husky was just diagnosed with pyo and believe that surgery would be too big a risk. We are currently giving her antibiotics from the ER bet they prescribed Enrofloxacin and AmoxClav. Plus giving her a spoon of manuka honey and rubbing black seed oil on her topically where her uterus is and about 1-2 ml orally. She is sooo much better! Appetite is incredible and eating her food and treats. Also drinking and go for short walks. Please has anyone tried black seed oil? Just want to make sure she gets rid of infection completely

  Re: Sodium Bicarbonate for Ketoacidosis in Pets

3 months ago
Posted by Cheekikat (San Diego, CA) on 05/11/2024

Hi Ron, thank you for this tip. Do I mix the 1/8 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a teaspoon of water and give it syringe in into my dog's mouth after he eats dinner? Or do I 1/8 teaspoon in his water bowl to drink all day? Thank you.

  Re: Vitamin C for Pyometra

3 months ago
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 05/08/2024

Hi Grammy2five -

Top marks for saying "groovy" and "reverse stripper" in the same post.

I'm 70 as well.

Thanks for the laugh (and glad your dog is doing so well).

Cheers from Canada

  Re: DMSO

3 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 05/08/2024

I volunteer at dog shelters here and have heard of formerly-paralyzed dogs walking again after dmso usage. Yep.

Vitamin C for Pyometra

3 months ago
Posted by Grammy2five (Alba, TX, USA) on 05/07/2024

Vitamin C

Quoting from that groovy Monkee's song, “I'm A Believer”! I noticed my 8 year old chihuahua had a tannish colored discharge, with a little blood in it. I panicked after I “googled” her symptoms and saw all the vets saying to rush them to a vet for emergency surgery. I am on a very limited budget and thought I would have to become a reverse stripper to pay for it. (I'm 70 years old, young guys would pay me to put my clothes back on! ) Then this website caught my eye. I thought, “okay, I'll try this for a week and see what happens. Based on her weight I gave her 1000 mg. tablet, crushed and added to her food) three times a day. Two days later I noticed an improvement. At the end of that week she was completely well! No more discharge, no more bloating…she was active again. I am so grateful for the info from this website. Instead of dangerous $2500 surgery it was a $5 bottle of vitamin c. This website will be my “go to” from now on!

  Re: Diatomaceous Earth for Parasites

3 months ago
Posted by Neil Dailey (Morgantown, WV) on 05/05/2024

Yes the diatomaceous earth was working and doing what it does. Parasites come out whichever way or end that's convienent as the parasite needs to come out of. You stopped the progress entirely when you stopped the DE.

  Re: DMSO

3 months ago
Posted by Adam (Rogue River, Oregon) on 05/04/2024

There's a book called: "DMSO Nature's Healer" by Dr. Morton Walker. In it, there was a medical facility that treated a young man with a broken neck with intravenous DMSO. It took a long time, but he went from full paralysis from the neck down to complete recovery!

  Re: Animal Care

3 months ago
Posted by Dr Howard (Torrance ) on 05/01/2024

To anyone with a pet. Freeze dried dog cat food a good option. Organic wildcrafted good. Dr Marty has tips vet to the stars but is 100% holistic. Google.
There are sites showing how to make fresh healthy food for your pet. Google. Use organics or wildcrafted when possible. Read info on this fantastic site. Can't praise the ones running this very valuable site. Thank you. I direct people here for health and if they have a pet to check on the Pet area.

  Re: Treating Anxiety and Stress in Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Pam E. (SW california) on 04/26/2024

This dog needed to be seen pronto by a good Holistic Vet, IMO.

  Re: Sight Loss in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/24/2024

You can also use the colors yellow and blue to help them identify things. Everything else is just gray for them. Not screaming bright primary colors but medium, warmer shades - as in the opposite direction from green. Like a warm yellow shaded toward orange and a warm blue shaded toward purple. Say something like a t-shirt for you and a bed cover for them. Maybe yellow post-its stuck to door jams and corners...

  Re: Sight Loss in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by LAUREN (NY) on 04/24/2024

Hi Toby,

My friend had same eye issue with her little guy. I researched for her and found putting colloidal silver in the dogs eyes helped her little guy. He won't fully recover from the cataracts but it has been helping him see better. Best of luck to you and the pup.

  Re: Chicken Bones and Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/22/2024

There is some grain of truth to what the vet claims, but perhaps it would relate to the amount of bones given, whether they were baked or boiled (& the amount of time they boiled for), the type of animal bones as well as the body part.

Bones are rich in minerals such as calcium, which is constipating. If bones (with the meat taken off), are given as food alone or with the littlest of food, it will most certainly cause an intestinal blockage.

Baked or boiled are toughest to digest. But if they have been boiled for many hours, they become crumbly. Raw bones are digested best and are more nutritious.

Of all the bones available, pork, beef, lamb, chicken- have the thinnest bone wall. They are the easiest for a dog to digest.

Bones are apart of their natural diet, in the wild they would consume them.

I have 2 dogs, one small & medium, 12 & 13 yrs old. They have been eating whole chicken legs (drumsticks) everyday all of their life! When they were puppies I would cut them into small bite size chunks to fit into their mouth. I would also give them chicken wings as they were smaller & easier to cut. Now I only have to cut the meat of the chicken leg into small chunks for my small dog, but when I get to the bone part, he is able to eat the rest himself. I only prefer to give my dogs the legs rather than the wings because they contain more meat but they are equally as good, if not better.

The bones from the chicken leg are properly digested because the bone portions present, in my dogs faeces, when pressed, appear as crumbed white powder.

My dogs are in the greatest of health. They have beautiful bright eyes, great teeth, they have good faecal form, & carry themselves with the same vitality as when they were 2 yrs old- & have yet to slow down! I attribute they're state of health to their diet.

You could give your dog chicken wings instead as the bones are thinner and smaller.

Rest assured that it is completely safe & beneficial for your dog to be eating chicken legs!

Give a dog a bone!

  Re: Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by Joan (Canada) on 04/22/2024

My vet said dogs should NOT eat chicken leg bones.

Dogs cannot digest these bones, these bones are very sharp and can puncture the dog's stomach and intestines.

  Re: Essiac Tea for Mammary Gland Tumor Doesn't Seem to Be Helping

3 months ago
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/22/2024
  • Instead of bone broth, have your dog eat a whole raw chicken leg daily, (give 2 legs, for medium dog, 3 legs for large dog) which includes the meat, tendons, cartilage, ligaments & bone. Dogs will break it down within their stomach just like the bone broth but is even more beneficial to them as the raw meat contains enzymes to enhance absorption of nutrients.

In addition to the daily whole chicken leg/s, try the following daily diet which acts as a whole nutritious diet, a dewormer diet as well as a cancer fighting diet;


  • 2 beetroots grated, medium sized (do not buy canned or pre-packaged cooked in plastic, must buy fresh)
  • 2 Carrots medium/large sized grated
  • 4 Potatoes large (must remove peel as it contains solanine, also no green potato)
  • ¼ White Radish grated, (daikon radish) or 8 small red radishes (or amount in a buch) but not horseradish.
  • ¼ Cabbage chopped or shredded
  • 500g/1Ib Mince Meat Preservative free is best, eg. full fat beef or wild game such as deer
  • 125g/½lbs Green beans, fresh or frozen
  • 4 tbs Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
  • 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt


1. Peel potatoes, beetroots, white radish (no need to peel small red radishes)

2. Boil green beans until fork tender (5-7 minutes). Remove beans, set aside, in same water boil chopped cabbage for 5-10 minutes with lid on. Discard water. With cruciferous vegetables, always boil them for at least 5 minutes and discard the water. Discarding the water removes the compounds that are harmful to the thyroid.

3. Cut & boil potatoes until cooked, remove & mash. In the same water add grated carrot, beetroot & meat, once cooked, combine all the ingredients together, leaving the radish raw. If it's all too chunky for your dog, place it in a food processor.

Allow your dog to eat as much until full. It freezes well. If your dog happens to not like this food, add a little more meat with a bit of fat.

Include daily;

  • Pepitas (pumpkin seeds) (must be ground up before giving to your dog as needed) (½ tsp for small dog, 1 tsp medium dog 2 tsp large dog)
  • Hemp seeds (must be ground up before giving to your dog) (½ tsp for small dog, 1 tsp medium dog 2 tsp large dog).

Note: once nuts or seeds are ground up its best they are used straight away otherwise they will begin to go rancid which can cause stomach issues eg. acid reflux, indigestion etc. So it's recommended you only grind up the amount that will be given that day.

Once a week give your dog some cooked wild caught salmon either from fresh or frozen

Do not include corn as it depletes B vitamins from the body.

Mushrooms especially dried, may contain extremely high amounts of selenium which can be toxic in high amounts. One of the signs of toxicity is weight loss.

  • Use Filtered water for drinking & cooking
  • Do not use any chemical sprays on or around your dog eg. flea sprays
  • Do not give your dog flea treatments, worm treatments either internally or externally.
  • Do not use detergents to clean your floors or dog bedding area, instead use vinegar. If cleaning carpet, use baking soda to deodorise then vacuum.
  • Do not use fragrances, air fresheners etc..
  • Do not cook with any sort of non-stick cookware. Use stainless steel instead.
  • Do not boil water in those plastic electric kettles
  • Do not use a microwave
  • Use fragrance free soaps

I wish you all the best....

Never give up!

  Dry Eye Remedies for Dogs?

3 months ago
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/21/2024

Short term solution; you can try placing one single drop of Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Ratfish Oil into each eye once daily. It will not sting your dogs eyes and be very soothing and healing. You will only need a 10ml bottle.

Long term solution; look for the cause. Possible reasons could be; medications, dewormers, diet, exposure to chemicals such as fragrances, detergents that you might use on your floor etc..

  Re: ACV for Bladder Stones in Cat

3 months ago
Posted by Gee (NJ) on 04/20/2024

I just wanted to thank you & the others that have posted as you've all given me hope with my precious little boy. He's the most welcoming, social, loving kitty I've ever met and I will do anything to keep him here with me 💗 I will update you all on how ACV has been working with him & hopefully report a success story soon!!! I needed this boost of hope, thanks again

Dry Eye Remedies for Dogs?

3 months ago
Posted by Mary (Saint Johns, Fl) on 04/18/2024

How can I help my Yorkie with his chronic dry eye?

  Re: Essiac Tea for Mammary Gland Tumor Doesn't Seem to Be Helping

3 months ago
Posted by Hannah m (Spring, Tx) on 04/17/2024

Hi all,

I have switched to the tea and give it to her 3 times a day with low sodium bone broth. I noticed that her tumor is growing and the size of the palm but also has another one growing. Her apetite is good but she loosing weight and that concerns me. I also give organic mushroom blends to build up her immune system. She gets that 2 a day. Any suggestions is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  Re: Turmeric & Mammary Gland Tumor in Dog

3 months ago
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 04/16/2024

I've also read to apply castor oil to non-cancerous tumors to help shrink them. Some add frankincense to it as well.