Recent Pet Posts

Magnesium for Constipation in Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Ron (USA) on 07/02/2024

Magnesium for Constipation in Dogs

Add magnesium chloride crystals to drinking water of the pet. Chances are magnesium levels are low if giving city / tap water. R/O water systems remove any that would be in the water. Remineralization stages do not add nearly enough back in. Fortunately, I innerstand that we along with our animals came from an evolution of drinking water in nature, which naturally has a magnesium salt content. Or eating in the wild, natural magnesium oxide content. Magnesium chloride is a great substitute. Ever since I give it to my dog and cat they both have lost their previous issues with ahrd stool or crystals in their kidneys causing pain when they pee.

I always ask my fellow animal lovers if they're aware there is next to no magnesium in public water, and if they're able to use common sense to connect that with thier animals' issues not being able to poop or pee right. They typically are ignorant to this. And even respond with high skepticism or innocent arrogance. It's simple though. Common sense. Anyways.Magnesium can cause loose stools if given too much. But it can also cause loose stools to go regular in animals and humans .

How much to give?

I go by Ted's recommendations. As practicing tjhem for near a decade, they hold true.

Mix up a dropper bottle with half magnesium chloride crystals, and half pure water. the crystals dissolve instantly.

Add 1 drop for every cup of water in your water jugs you keep at home. Thats about 16 drops.

For initial magnesium repalcement though, I add extra to their water bowls or food. Start low and work up.

a 5 lb cat would need only a single drop of magnesium in it's daily water intake. I may give him 2 drops in his water cup for the day. Adding it to his food sometimes causes GI upset if it isnt thoroughly mixed, so adding half a drop would suffice for food.

a 60 lb dog can have up to 3 drops of magnesium per feeding. 6-8 drops total per day.

a 140 lb human could have 10 drops per day minimum. more if theyre deficient.

  Looking for Fly and Tick Remedies for Horses

4 months ago
Posted by Carolyn Brown (Blue Point NY) on 06/27/2024

Do you have home remedies for horses? They suffer from flies, no see EMS, ticks

Hi! Love your site and Thank you all who created it! Horses are outside all day and suffer from different bugs with different symptoms like chafing, dust and lots of Dirt ( from rolling) and would the remedies for cats & dogs work for horses? Thanks again Love your site & recommend it to friends!

EC: Hi Carolyn,

We have a few horse remedies pages (see the pet index pages), and put your post under one such reader feedback garlic remedy for flies.

  Re: Fleas

4 months ago
Posted by Allysa Rapp (Wildomar, California ) on 06/28/2024

Hi Terry, im interested in getting the product for fleas but not sure if I have the correct website. This would really help me with my indoor outdoor cat

  Re: Herbal Tonic That Reverses Arthritis, Joint Issues

4 months ago
Posted by Jackie (Melbourne FL) on 06/26/2024

I see the ratio you used for the herbs but how it a teaspoon or less and how much the mixture applied to the skin or do they drink it internally..ty very much

  Lymphoma Remedies Needed for Dog

4 months ago
Posted by Lady (WV) on 06/25/2024

Just found out that my Rhodesian Ridgeback has lymphoma..any and all suggestions are welcome. He has lost his appetite completely.

 Re: Dog With Swollen, Itchy Paws From Biting

4 months ago
Posted by Bex7 (OR) on 06/25/2024

Change her diet. Try no grains, and a different protein. My dog had skin issues and it was after feeding her chicken. I have not fed her chicken in a long time. Also, I gave her a bath and then poured borax and hydrogen peroxide water over her and her hair stopped falling out, she stopped getting scabby spots on her skin, and her hair is now shiny, all filled in and she doesn't chew her feet. It takes several weeks of doing this, but it worked for us.

Dog With Swollen, Itchy Paws From Biting

4 months ago
Posted by Marty (Florida) on 06/25/2024

My daughter has a Cotton in France, I'm about to go to be with her dog for three months. Luna is 11 years old and for the last few years she has had really bad paw bitting. To the point now that there is no hair and they are swollen. Her ears also have a problem with itching. I want to bring her some natural remedies. I love this site and all of you who contribute to it to benefit all of us. She really doesn't have too much of a skin issue anywhere else that I'm aware of but each year I see her for a few months and each year I try to cure her. I've done acv, baking soda, cocnut oil, but so far I've haven't helped her.

Any suggestions are appreciated

  A Delicate Question About Doggy Reproduction.

4 months ago
Posted by Puppy (Factory) on 06/22/2024

There is an article online that stated foxes may have a single litter of pups which have various fathers.

Cat With Chronic Constipation

4 months ago
Posted by Connie (St.Paul Mn) on 06/22/2024

Any suggestions for my cat with his issues I already stated at length. It isnt megacolon is the best thing my vet concluded. He might have always had constipation as I adopted him at 6 y old. Previous owner have him pumpkin or squash baby food in his wet food. Pumpkin doesn't seem to work any more, I use canned if I do use.

 Re: Cat With IBD

4 months ago
Posted by Connie (St. Paul Mn) on 06/22/2024

Yes, the better foods are slightly pricier. My 11 yr old male kitty has digestive issues and has extracted teeth issues (her had 10 teeth pulled last May 1 '23.) F.Feast has a Savory Centers that he can handle, as it sounds like canned food is better for them. Although mine still desires some dry. PureVita by Nutrasource is very good & worked for a couple years, price is ok & they do have it at Chuck&Don's the small bag ~3lbs is 11.99 I think (used to be 10.99 inflation is live&well mr. President). Other than that I got a good prescription food: Royal Canadae gastrointestinal "can" food diet smooth loaf/ there's chunk's or a pate. The dry food of this brand Max cat ate only for a short time and then refused it. *Also a question for EC is if they know of remedy or ideas as my cat is fairly healthy but gets constipated. My apt is very small (560 sq ft. Senior's Apt.) and not much stretching room for a lg orange /white cat)!

 Re: Dog With Wabbler’s Disease and Turpentine

4 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/21/2024

Have you looked into DMSO? I volunteer at shelters down here and have heard of 2 dogs walking again after being paralyzed from being hit by cars. Tons of info on DMSO on this site!

 Advice For Nasal Tumor in Dog

4 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/20/2024

Frankincense is supposed to be good for tumors (shrinking them). Please look into that. DMSO would be good with it, too. If its in any way cancerous, cut off all sugar, including kibble. Cancer loves sugar and flour raises blood sugars. So meat&veggies only for awhile.

 Re: Dog With Wabbler’s Disease and Turpentine

4 months ago
Posted by Sherri (Hawaii) on 06/20/2024

Hello Pieta,

A possible cause and/or significant contributor could be GLYPHOSATE poisoning, aka RoundUp. They are finding high levels of GLYPHOSATE (aka, RoundUp) in animals which can cause severe joint deterioration (and in humans!), among causing many other severe symptoms and diseases. The glyphosate replaces a critical amino acid, glycine, in the joints, causing eventual deterioration.

Can get a urine test for this. See your holistic Vet.

Exposure includes many sources. Anything not organic or 100% grass fed meat is often highly contaminated with glyphosate. They feed the animals glyphosate contaminated foods, many public parks are sprayed with glyphosate, they are also finding it in the water, and other substances that absorb through the skin (clothes, creams, etc...).

A 2014 study in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology detoxed cows from glyphosate using activated charcoal, bentonite clay, sauerkraut juice and humic/fulvic acids,

"they used Schleswig Holstein cows .... fed sequentially with 400 g/animal charcoal daily for 4 weeks (weeks 1-4 of the study), 200 g/ animal charcoal (weeks 5-10 of the study), 200 g charcoal and 500 ml Sauerkraut juice/animal (weeks 11-14 of the study), 120 g/animal humic acids (weeks 15-18 of the study) 200 g charcoal and 100 mL Aquahumin/animal (weeks 19- 20 the of study), or 100 g charcoal and 50 mL Aquahumin (weeks 21-22 of the study) followed by 4 weeks without any supplementation. There was a significant reduction of glyphosate in urine following supplementation with a combination of 200g charcoal plus either 500 mL sauerkraut juice or humic acid."

See for more information and a list of food brands that are glyphosate free certified.

And "a must" to watch Dr Stephanie Seneff's videos about glyphosate poisoning and detoxification. This is an epidemic for sure.

DR SENEFF'S DETOX LIST/PROTOCOL - there are items dogs can take:

Example: give the "Cow" detox drink: Organic Sauerkraut juice mixed activated charcoal and bentonite clay then take humic/fulvic acids later.

FOOD: Only USDA organic, 100% grass fed meat and dairy. Or, buy from local farms. And, look for foods labeled "glyphosate residual free certified" - see for list of certified foods. Or, try to grow your own food. Make a list of the food groups that don't use glyphosate as an insecticide, anti-mold treatment or desiccant. Eat high polyphenols. Avoid all GMO Foods.

Also, bile acids are not being optimally produced so a supplement may really help.

MUST EAT A HEALTHY HIGH CHOLESTEROL DIET - glyphosate depletes critical cholesterol stores (needed to make white blood cells, brain cells, etc..).

Wear only organic clothes! They heavily spray cotton, ....

GLUTATHIONE or its precursor NAC: (NOTE: only purchase the non-oxidized form of NAC otherwise, take 10X the dose, a good brand is

Glyphosate depletes the liver's store of Glutathione, the body's #1 detox compound. One of the most important supplements to use. Use bioavailable brands of glutathione or I.V. pushes.

SAUERKRAUT JUICE- probiotics - replaces destroyed gut biome and naturally breaks down glyphosate into carbon dioxide and water.

HUMIC/FULVIC ACID - removes glyphosate, a good brand - Cellcore HM-ET Binder and others.

CHLORELLA - ChlorEnergy is a highly tested brand - removes heavy metals and glyphosate.


ACV: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - known to break down glyphosate in the body, 1-2 T/day.

DEFICIENCIES: Mineral & other nutrient deficiencies caused by glyphosate: Magnesium glycinate - glyphosate depletes glycine and magnesium; zinc, selenium, molybdenum (which prevents your body from making usable sulfur! hence, poor detox), Vitamin C, B Vitamins, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, lactobacillus plantarum, etc... CAUTION: must be careful supplementing some of these (e.g., iron, copper, etc..) because there are only a few forms that are non-toxic.

Not only does glutathione deplete these minerals and nutrients, they prevent them from functioning in the body and cause many of them to toxically accumulate in the brain stem!

METHYL GROUPS - take something that provides methyl groups such as NAC, Methionine, Vitamin C or other antioxidants and ONLY take methylated B Vitamins.

SUNLIGHT - morning sunlight on the back is best and on as much exposed skin as possible; and, make sure the sun is getting to your eyes, no sunglasses. For the body to synthesize sulfate one must get sunlight through the skin and eyes. And, this makes the best form of Vitamin D3!

SULFUR: eat sulfur containing foods and/or soak in Epsom Salts Bath: eggs, garlic, onion, bone broth, MSM, cruciferous vegetables, collagen, etc... Dandelion and Barberry (Berberine) can really help with getting enough proper sulfur.

FULLY HYDRATE: drink filtered water such as distilled with trace minerals or electrolytes added or reverse osmosis with a bit of hydrogen peroxide added. Can structure your water.

SWEAT: Infra Red Sauna or IR Light therapy and/or exercise has 2 ways to move out the toxins, the lymphatic system and sweat.

AUTOPHAGY: intermittent water fasting but not if you are Diabetic.

"RESTORE GUT HEALTH" - this product is now labeled, ION, Gut Support. This restores and heals the GI tract.

OTHER - to detoxify and reduce the toxic effects of glyphosate exposure: Burdock root, Greater Celandine, Radish, Milk Thistle, Alder Buckthorn, etc.....


Surg Neurol Int. 2014; 6:45. PMID: 25883837
"Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies”, Anthony sansei, Stephanie seneff.

UTube Video: "Glyphosphate And How to Detox It With Dr Stephanie Seneff", interview with Dr Wendy Myers, August 2016.,, "Glyphosate Detox: How To Rid Your Body of Harmful Herbicide and Pesticide Residues", Jul 2,2018, Carly Fraser.

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 6, Article number: 3 (2011), "Defined plant extracts can protect human cells against combined xenobiotic effects", Céline Gasnier, etc..

J Occup Med Toxicology. 2010; 5:29, PMID: 20979644, "Dig 1 protects against cell death provoked by glyphosate-based herbicides in human liver cell lines", Céline Gasnier, etc..

J Environ Anal Toxicol 2014,5:2 DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000256, "Oral Application of Charcoal and Humic Acids Influence Selected Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Enzymes, Electrolytes, and Substrates in the Blood of Dairy Cows Challenged with Glyphosate in GMO Feeds", Henning Gerlach, etc.

Agent Nateur,, "How to Detoxify Your Body from Glyphosate", written by Dev Account.

Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May; 23(9): 4605.
Published online 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35562999
"Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review", Carmen Costas-Ferreira, etc.

Dog With Wabbler’s Disease and Turpentine

4 months ago
Posted by Pieta (Poughkeepsie, NY) on 06/19/2024

100% Pure Gum Spirits Turpentine


M sisters Doberman has something called "Wabblers Disease" its a best guess... They say it has something to do with musculo/skeletal disorder where they slowly lose all strength and control in their hind legs. I had read that it really helped horses with leg wondering if anyone has ever tried it on their dog and did it help...

Sadly...if this cannot be remedied, he will be put down...we will be devastated.

Thank You Pieta

Advice For Nasal Tumor in Dog

4 months ago
Posted by Aiden (Hawkshead) on 06/19/2024

My 13 yr old bichon/yorkie mix has been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumor that has spread to one lymph node. We are starting chemo pills and steroids (5mg) but I was wondering if there was something else I could try? I see Seabuckthorn Berry Oil can be helpful but not sure and would love any input.

  Golden Paste for Lipomas in Dog

4 months ago
Posted by Sherry (NC) on 06/18/2024

How much turmeric is in the recipe? It just says 1/4 ground turmeric. I wasn't sure if it was 1/4 tsp or 1/4 cup. Thank you

  Can a Boric Acid Solution Help Cat With Eye Discharge?

4 months ago
Posted by Susan sherman (NY) on 06/17/2024

I rescued a 1 1/2yo cat on 2/14/24 from my back yard. He had an array of issues, which were all addressed by the vet. One of his ailments was an upper respiratory infection, which was treated by 2 rounds of antibiotics.. My questions regards the use of Borax. His left eye had a discharge of semi clear liquid, which significantly cleared with the antibiotics but now on occasion, 4 months later, his eye will have a small bit of clear liquid. Does he need another round of antibiotics? Or can a mild solution of Borax Acid help him?

  Re: Cat With Ulcer Under Lip

4 months ago
Posted by sherri (hawaii) on 06/16/2024

Forgot to include:

Another way to apply Epsom Salt Soaks is to prepare a pan/bowl of very hot water, dissolve as much epsom salts into it as you can, dip a wash rag into the salt water, lightly wring out, and apply to the infected site until it cools, repeat until 30-60 minutes of soaking has passed.

A Delicate Question About Doggy Reproduction.

4 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/15/2024

A Delicate Question About Doggy Reproduction.

Recently I saw my neighbour dog, who is in heat, standing on the street in the butt-to-butt position of post-copulation, with the male dog who fathered her last litter of puppies. I was walking my dogs at the time I saw them. Not 5 minutes later, not even 6 mins but 5!, she came up to my male dog and boom, they copulated, too! My question is this: now that she has the spunk of two males in her, which one will father the litter? Is it possible for it to mix&mingle and both will father some of the puppies (if she gets pregnant). I could not find any answers online but I also didn't really know how to phrase my question either! :)

 Re: Need Help For Dog With Cyst on Eyelid

4 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/15/2024

I would recommend Castor Oil on it. C.O. penetrates deep and is anti-fungal, anti-viral, etc. I would put it on 3x/day and see if you see improvement in a day or two. It's what I would try first.

And if that didn't work I would use Colloidal Silver on it. It's expensive but has never let me down. My old cat would have eye problems once in awhile and I would use C.S. on them, via spray bottle. Now no one, including cats & dogs, enjoys being sprayed in the face, but the C.S. spray made him feel so much better that he would always let me spray his eyes, and then he'd run away; he never flinched when I came at him with the spray bottle either. He just 'knew' it would help him.

Please keep us updated!