Recent Pet Posts

  Re: Upper Respiratory Condition in Cat

3 months ago
Posted by Pam E. (SW California) on 07/29/2024

ICYDK, Cats cannot make their own Taurine, and they MUST have it in their food!

Fish does NOT supply any Taurine, so please be sure to supplement it in his diet if necessary!

Taurine - Please Make Double Sure Your Cat Gets This Daily!

This ^ article is by Karen Becker, Holistic DVM.

Essiac Tea for Bladder Mass in Cat on Methimazole Safe?

3 months ago
Posted by Chris (De) on 07/28/2024

Is it okay to take essiac tea with methimazole. My cat has bladder mass and hyperthyroidism. If I use essiac tea and use it 4 hrs apart from methimazole would it be ok or not?

  Re: Colloidal Silver

3 months ago
Posted by Cat (Sioux City IA ) on 07/26/2024

Very well said! I've been using colloidal silver for @20 years I've never had any probs. I work in home health care and have healed bed sores MRSA infected sores cold sores (also one client whom had the similar in her 'down below:). Anytime my 'down below' gets it's PH off balance (yeasty) I squirt CS gel up there n it goes away. I've also kept my sinuses from getting infected for well over 10 years now n I used to have sinus infections at least once a month since childhood. Just about ANYTHING can be toxic or complicated when used wrong or in large quantities. Oxygen water salt are all needed to survive yet can be lethal when too much is taken in too quickly. Hospitals now have CS in many items ie connections that are used w intravenous equipment/supplies n wound care supplies. Of course they will steer us to believe natural remedies are toxic because yes in high doses they could be...but again so can oxygen yet are we going to stop breathing!?! I had a paraplegic client w MRSA that went into his blood who would have to go to hospital daily for IV antibiotics eventually die from those antibiotics complicating his health due to the amount he'd been given for so long. Since then I've learned much about CS in this area n have kept a few other clients along w a couple friends from even having to go back esp going back a second time to do those IV antibiotics. Its been over a year for one and many years for the others. Herbal/natural remedies are SAFE remedies when done correctly. Use your intuition n research your thoughts becuz there's no money to be made w us treating ourselves naturally therefore scare tactics will always be a weapon of choice for big your own weapon n fight back. Life's too beautiful to be programmed n herded. Live laugh love...but to truly love is to love yourself first n foremost. My experiences in natural remedies have given me the mindset in that the more natural u live the more love you'll have to give.

Food Allergies in Dog - Seeking Natural Remedies to Help

3 months ago
Posted by Rose (Maffra) on 07/24/2024


Wondering if you can suggest a remedy for my dog that has food allergies. The only food that does not make him sick is the Hill's Z/D food sensitivities wet and dry food. I have tried a few time taking him off this diet and giving him other dog foods, but after a month or two he gets sick.

Just wondering if there is a remedy so I can feed him normal dog food.



  Re: Can You Catch Mange From A Dog?

3 months ago
Posted by Heidi (Iowa) on 07/22/2024

I absolutely caught mange from my dog that had it who I was caring for. I used Ted's mange remedy on myself for several weeks and it eventually got rid of it. I also bathed one time in a tbs of tea tree oil in the full tub. Thought I was on fire! Those mites are horrible. I ran a low grade fever during this time. Between the mange recipe that I sprayed on everyday and that one bath I got rid of them.

  Re: Colloidal Silver Cured Dog's Cancerous Lump

3 months ago
Posted by Nancy (east greenwich, RI) on 07/22/2024

My cat has a tumor like that on her eyelid blocking her eye. All blood work and sonogram and xrays show no cancer yet they want to remove the eye. it's been about 2 months, and it bleeds and looks crusty and blocks her eye. I was having dilemma about whether to have the eye and lod removed!

  Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for Dog With Tumor

3 months ago
Posted by Joe (San Jose, CA) on 07/22/2024

Is your dog still doing well? Did you dilute the hp at all?

  Re: Glaucoma for Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Kathy (Florida ) on 07/21/2024

I do know that steroid eye drops have a side effect of raising eye pressure. I have uveitis (inflammation of iris) and glaucoma and one steroid eye drop (stronger than Prednisone) damaged my optic nerve. I had to switch to a mild steroid Loteprednol which I take in addition to glaucoma drops for the pressure. Just ask your vet about the steroid eye drops and if it is necessary. Take care.

  Re: Ron's Chipped Tooth Remedies for Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 07/20/2024

Hi Ron,

thank you for the tips and revised recipe. I will try it again and store in the refrigerator. Appreciate your feedback!

  Re: Ron's Chipped Tooth Remedies for Dogs

3 months ago
Posted by Ron (USA) on 07/19/2024

Hi Madelyn. Yes I have edited the remedy to suggest refrigeration. I have also refined the write up tto be more ledgible and some other small changes.. My small batches never lasted long enough to go bad. However, last summer I had a batgch go bad when I had to quit using the central A/C during that time. It is the first time I had any go bad as my home is always climate controlled. Apologies for your lost time. I'm still learning too. Wouldnt make large batches.

As for the oil suggestion, I suggested coconut oil for longer term storage because the oil itself is not going to spoil where as other oils like olive can go rancid. As for the rest of the ingredients, the black walnut main ingredient is likely to have all types of trace organic matter in it.

  Re: Sodium Bicarbonate for Ketoacidosis in Pets

3 months ago
Posted by Ron (USA) on 07/19/2024

I am very sorry for the late reply. The baking soda is best given at least an hour before food, or 2 hours after. Use food grade if you can. This is meant as a temporary remedy until the underlying issue is fixed.

Bicarbonate reserves will hit critical mass after they are replenished and the pancreas would no longer need them after a time. Baking soda dosing may go for 6-8 weeks. I would personally add a bit of cider vinegar to the dog's food, like a 1/2 tsp each feeding if possible. diluted in water and soaked into the food. this would prevent over alkalization or accumulation of excess bicarbonates during the experimental phase of trying to calm the ketoacidosis.

Longer term baking soda dosing could lead to stones in kidney / gallbladder.

  Re: Diatomaceous Earth

3 months ago
Posted by Pam E. (SW California) on 07/16/2024

FOOD GRADE D.E. is no more dangerous to breathe than everyday, organic, house & garden dust.

The D.E. that is so dangerous to breathe is HEAT TREATED so that the water soluble mineral (silica) within it becomes crystalised nearly throughout, so has a very large percentage of sharp & dangerous edges throughout it. This of course causes a lot of tissue damage, whether ingested or breathed in... .

However, FOOD GRADE D.E. has extremely small & few sharp edges, so that it doesn't even cause harm to ingest it ... in fact, it has actually been found to improve digestion, as well as health in general, to have it added in acceptable amounts to one's diet ... whether human or animal.... OF COURSE, breathing it is no more a good idea than breathing organic house or garden dust ... dust just isn't good for our lungs. However, it CANNOT do the harm that the Pool-Gade, HEAT-TREATED D.E. is very capable of!

I invite you, & anyone else who wants to understand how safe F.G.D.E. is, to please read this article:

"The difference between Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Pool Grade Diatomaceous Earth"

- Amorphous Silica in F.G.D.E. vs Crystalline Silica in Pool/Filter-Grade D.E. - Explained

  Re: Seabuckthorn Oil for Tumors

3 months ago
Posted by Jade (SC) on 07/15/2024

I am so sorry you are dealing with this. My 8 year old staffordshire mix just had a tumor pop up over the last week and a half (that I noticed) and it has grown so much since then. We have a vet appointment on Thurs to see what it is. Praying it is nothing but the more I read, the more I am convinced it probably is.

Did you receive any benefits from using the oil?

  Re: Colloidal Silver

3 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 07/15/2024

Even the "blue man" himself admitted to drinking 1 gallon/day for months and months!! But he also said he was never sick during those months either. Ignore the Big Harma shill warning!! But if you were making gazillions of dollars selling petro-based chemicals, for lifelong medical conditions, you might have people posting scare tactics too. Even if it only scares one person off of CS, it could mean hundreds or thousands of dollars for them! And posting here is free, win win, again for them.

 Re: Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Nose

3 months ago
Posted by Bex7 (OR) on 07/14/2024

I don't know, but for me when I get a skin cancer, melanoma, I catch it right away and kill it with chaparral from Herb Pharm. It works every time. It takes about a week and longer if it is in my scalp. A dog may just lick it off his nose. I have been treating a spot on the back of my dog with great success. The spot is almost gone. I just put some on a piece of cotton, take paper tape and tape it over the spot. I add to it underneath the tape a few times a day until gone. When it scabs over, don't touch it. Just wait until the scab falls off. Good luck with your dog.

Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Nose

3 months ago
Posted by Kimberly (Eden Valley, CA) on 07/14/2024

Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma on nose…

What can I purchase from you addressing the above subject. TR🐶🐶PER a nine yr Golden Retriever was diagnosed with this serious skin cancer… I feel surgery, Chemo, Radiation is not an option for his case. ASAP I need to start him on something that may benefit him and extend his life. Kimberly

  Re: Diatomaceous Earth for Mites on Cat

3 months ago
Posted by Judy (Florida) on 07/11/2024

Bug MD is excellent for bird mites. I had a really bad infestation as I live in the woods. Used Diamatecous earth around the house outside. Finally have them under control. The cats are no longer running around trying to get away from them.

  Re: Colloidal Silver for Pets

3 months ago
Posted by Able (USA) on 07/10/2024

See above what was written about colloidal silver. Absolutely the safest, most effective treatment for both internal paracites and bacteria as well as external injuries, infection, etc. I use it on myself and have for years, plus give it to my very healthy cats. It is the closet thing to a miracle treatment available.

  Re: Colloidal Silver

3 months ago
Posted by Able (USA) on 07/10/2024

Anne above is right over the target. Your warning about colloidal silver is exactly the kind of fear mongering the veterinary pharma folks love, so we keep putting toxic chemicals into our pets at outrageous prices. I have used CS personally for years, and on both my home cats and ferals and it is the closest thing to a miracle treatment I know of. Improves just about every condition imaginable.

Your mention of turning grey or blue would require a cat to drink a gallon of this a day and that probably still wouldn't do it. You apparently much prefer topical chemicals like flea meds that literally burn the hair off and scar the skin it is applied to.

Please get a clue and stop repeating asinine Pharma Lore. You obviously don't know a thing about what you are talking about.

 Cat With Chronic Constipation

3 months ago
Posted by Sherri (Hawaii) on 07/07/2024

Hello Connie,

Our cat had severe constipation, life threatening, and it completely turned around within 3 days doing the following:

For the first 3- 6 days we gave him triple/quadruple doses of Smooth BM Gold (Pet Wellbeing) which is essentially a liquid form of Triphala with bacon flavor. Then, gave him a dose 2x/day for the next couple weeks. We also used Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials at their dosage recommendations.

Fresh aloe vera gel, 1-2 Tablespoons, given via syringe into mouth, 3x/day for fiber and to increase fluid intake. Did this for 2-3 weeks.

Eliminated ALL dry foods and only have him high quality wet foods with no grains or beans (New Zealand meats). We figured out that a new food my husband started to give him, which was dry, caused the problem.

Fresh filtered water daily.

Now, he continues to eat wet foods and has normal bowel movements. We think simply using high doses of the Pet Wellbeing product and eliminating the dry food would have probably worked.