Recent Pet Posts

  Re: Garlic and Dogs

7 months ago
Posted by Pam E. (Riverside County, California, USA) on 12/16/2023

Garlic is in the same family as Onion, BUT, they are very different in how much of the toxic substance they contain! Onion has a LOT of it compared to Garlic, so it takes much less Onion than Garlic (which has a tiny amount) so it is much more likely to harm a cat or dog! Also, dried forms are much more potent than fresh.

"About 95 species of native or cultivated leeks, chives, garlic, shallots, scallions, and onions are present in North America, and more than 80 ornamental Allium species are available.

"All Allium species and the products derived from them CAN be toxic to dogs and cats1; HOWEVER, relatively FEW Allium species are of important toxicologic interest.

"Trauma to the plants, such as chewing, converts the organosulfoxides [TOXINS] to a complex mixture of sulfur-containing organic compounds.... Cooking or spoilage of Allium species does not reduce their potential toxicity.

". .. Garlic preparations that have not been aged cause direct damage to the gastric and ileal mucosa, resulting in pain and diarrhea.

"Allium species toxicosis typically ensues after consumption of a single large quantity of the material or repeated small amounts.

"Dogs and cats are highly susceptible to onion toxicosis: Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important hematologic changes.

"Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time... ."

More details can be read at:

Toxicology Brief: Allium species poisoning in dogs & cats

Side Effects from Leptospirosis Vaccine in Dog

7 months ago
Posted by 'Genie (Wyoming, USA) on 12/16/2023

Dog at vet from bad Leptospirosis vaccine reaction: is there a cure?

There is a dog at a vet's office on all sorts of IVs to no avail. Diarrhea, not eating, in very bad shape. You name it, the vet's office keeps trying. I have read of kidney and liver damage in

these cases. Is there a cure? After many days, I am wondering. This dog is very popular in a world wide Virtual story teller's stories on Facebook.

 Re: Wound That Will Not Heal On My Dog - Please Help

7 months ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/15/2023

Sugardine – The Survival Medicine You Never Heard Of:

Sugardine is simply a paste of granulated white sugar and betadine solution mixed to a toothpaste or peanut butter consistency, and it is a remarkably safe and effective wound dressing.

Granulated white sugar heals wounds. Sugar has been used in Egypt and many other Middle Eastern countries for generations as a safe way to treat cuts and in some cases burns. Sugar draws water from the wound into a dressing accelerating the healing process, which is prescribed in African folk medicine. The sugar kills bacteria through osmotic action, and attracts the body's "clean-up crew" of macrophages and other infection-fighting elements to the wound site, thus promoting rapid cleansing and healing of the wound.

I read an article about this sugar cure for wounds back in 1985 from a woman who was trying to heal her grandmother's bedsores. The earliest mention of sugar for wound healing that could be found in the medical literature was during World War I in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Sept. 4,1915).

This treatment persisted as an old wives' tale until the mid 1970s when Richard Knutson, MD, began using sugar on hard-to-treat wounds (Southern Medical Journal, Nov. 1981). His formula involved mixing 4 pounds of table sugar with 1 pound of Betadine (iodine) antiseptic ointment (know that you're not allergic to betadine) and 6.5 ounces Betadine solution in a double boiler over low heat. He applied the mixture to a depth of one-fourth inch, changing the dressing and cleaning the wound daily. He treated over 5,000 patients over 15 years.

Ingredients for sugardine:

  • Table Sugar
  • 10% povidone iodine (or the more expensive betadine)


  • Mix one part 10% povidone iodine to two parts white sugar.
  • Adding more or less sugar makes it the consistency of thick honey or peanut butter.
  • Put the sugardine in a container with a tight fitting lid. The mixture will need stirring now and then but it will never go bad.

- It is my understanding that with a large open wound you pack it with sugardine and then bandage it.

Sugardyne can be safely applied to the wound without fear of any bleeding once clots have been given adequate time to form–usually 1 ½ to 2 days. A copious amount (¼ to ½ inch thick layer) of Sugardyne is applied to cover or fill the wound and then covered with dry gauze. Deeper wounds are packed full of Sugardyne to the brim. Dressings are changed once daily. Dressing changes continue until the wound if fully healed. As a rule, no skin graft will be required. Skin will automatically cover the granulation tissue (“proud flesh”) that fills the defect, completely.

Source: How and Why To Use Sugardine

Wound That Will Not Heal On My Dog - Please Help

7 months ago
Posted by Mama (Fort Worth) on 12/15/2023

I am asking for help I have a small poodle schnauzer mix that had a cyst on her right backside for years, she managed to bust it almost 2 years ago. I drained it and cleaned it up, but it has never healed. The wound is open. I have taken her to the vet and they want to surgically remove the sack that carried the cyst. We just do not have the money to do that. Is there any other options I have to help at home. She has been wearing the cone for the most part of the day because she will get at it and make it bleed. Thanks in advance.

  Re: Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Dog With Pyometra

8 months ago
Posted by she g (oregon) on 12/14/2023

As far as I know so far with my dog having the same issue. I think it depends on the cycle itself. Most dogs that develop Pyometra is in diestrus phase. Mine started getting pyometra in the estrus phase. I usually do honey, turmeric and vitamin C as soon as I see the proestrus stage and continue on for at least 5 months. This time round even though I was doing the preventitive remedy, it was not helping. I got Clavamox, baytril and yunnan Baiyeo and began noticing a difference after one month. Still very little appetite. Her discharge stopped and she seemd like she was getting better after her course of antibiotics. I continued the honey, c and tumeric with yunnan. One week later she began to bleed again. I place her back on Augmenton and still continued the protocol. All was getting better with no more discharge. Then she started her diestrus stage and boom huge pools of blood. now adding homeopathic china to stop the intense bleeding with all still protocol of all the above. I am hoping this is the final release of all blood and discharge. This takes 4 months to heal as far as I can see. If all clears up by month five which is the anestrus, I will do a lapspay. hope this helps.

  Re: Essiac Tea for Pets With Cancer

8 months ago
Posted by Stacey (MA) on 12/13/2023

Hi I'm wondering how your Dog did think it was your dog. My husky, who is 7 years old, also has been diagnosed with mammary cancer. They operated on the tumor but now it is spread to her lungs, I am going to start her essiac right away. I have also been given her some other things, including appocaps But I think I'm going to mix it with shark cartridge or chaga mushroom which I also hear is good.

 Re: Advice Please for Digestion Problems in Rescue Cat

8 months ago
Posted by TiffanyC (Kansas City, MO) on 12/13/2023

Hi Shaz - I have a cat (Mitten) who prefers dry food also and would vomit every few days. He's a stray who has been with us for 4 years. Recently I purchased some slippery elm bark powder for another cat with acid reflux and decided it might be beneficial for Mitten also. Well, so far so good. It's been a couple of weeks and I haven't seen any sign of throw up.

I make a syrup with the slippery elm bark powder: Into a small saucepan place 1/2 cup cold water and 3/4 teaspoon powdered slippery elm bark. Whip with a fork to break up clumps. Bring to simmer on low heat, stirring constantly. Simmer 1 or 2 minutes or until slightly thickened to a syrup or molasses consistency. Cool and refrigerate for up to 7 days.

The plant's mucilage content coats, soothes and lubricates the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract. I use about 1-2 ml or as needed. I mix it with a little wet food.

I wish I had come across slippery elm long ago.

Best of luck to you and your feline friend.

  Re: Can You Catch Mange From A Dog?

8 months ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 12/04/2023

Scott is right - you most certainly can! I did. I was wondering why my eyes would mysteriously water at night, enough to take tissues to bed. I put it down to makeup remover or something. This went on for a few days only. THEN, I noticed my eyes and the area around it looked old, really old!! (just like mange! ). It was shocking to age 20+ years overnight!!! So I did the borax/h.p. treatment on myself and it worked. I must not have washed my hands enough after treating or petting my dogs. Anyways, YES. YOU. CAN. catch mange from a dog! It was one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me.

  Golden Paste for Lipomas in Dog

8 months ago
Posted by Adrienne (Kildare) on 11/30/2023

Hi Allie, I look forward to trying this! But is it 1/4 tablespoon or teaspoon of turmeric?

  Re: Can You Catch Mange From A Dog?

8 months ago
Posted by scott (New York) on 11/29/2023

Not true. I did get mange from the dog. Ask someone who knows, not "the internet" way too much false info.

  Re: Remedies for Matted Fur

8 months ago
Posted by Pam E. (South Western California) on 11/28/2023

This article (Matted Fur Remedies) suggests using Witch-hazel. I don't have any Witch-hazel, tho, so may try Aloe vera gel. And give a tiny bit of MSM mixed in their food.

  Re: Grain-Free Diets for Dogs

8 months ago

  Re: Trying to Locate Virumed by Homeoca

8 months ago
Posted by Kim (BC) on 11/27/2023

Love homeopathics for myself and kitty alike. I cannot find Virumed from Homeocan (I live in Canada too). Have they changed the name since you were last using it? Do you know? My kitty comes up with a sneeze and a chuffy little cough, usually once or twice a year and although ACV dilute usually helps, it's been a good 5 days and I just popped some arsenicum album (homeopathic) into her based upon a vet homoepathic book I have, but I am very interested in the virumed. If you read this, would love a response - thanks OM:)

Golden Paste for Lipomas in Dog

8 months ago
Posted by Allie (Maine) on 11/27/2023

I make Golden Paste for my dogs once they reach middle age to keep them in great shape as they age (hopefully gracefully! ) Well, my lab spaniel mix has just turned 7, but right around that time, we noticed she had 2 small lipomas. One as right under the skin, and one was on the muscles near her rib cage. Both were around the size of a half golf ball, but our vet obviously said they were fine and we would only drain them if they got big enough to cause problems. For all the wonder and love of labs, lipomas are super common!

However, after starting her 'new' supplement of golden paste (my recipe below) both are actually incredibly hard to even find after 2 weeks of around 1/4tsp a day, sometimes twice a day.

We also had a rescue greyhound many years ago who went very lame and arthritic in her back legs, and I swear this golden paste recipe is what kept her running laps around the yard, even in the winter (safely! ) until she died in her sleep at 13.5 years old!

Recipe for dogs: (people can take it too! )

  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/4 ground turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp of black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon unrefined coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

Directions: Simmer water and turmeric with the coconut oil for a few minutes, stirring constantly to combine and heat it up enough. Add pepper (pinch of cinnamon too if you'd like! ) and peanut butter and stir in well while still warm but not cooking anymore. Store in a glass jar in the fridge, it lasts around a month. You can also freeze small portions.

Offer 1/4 teaspoon at a time and work your way up if you have a larger dog. I drizzle with a little raw honey on top to make it more of a 'treat' for the dogs. But all of my dogs have LOVED this recipe and devoured it, especially with the peanut butter in it.

Blessings to you and your furbabies!

  Re: Lipomas in Dogs and Grain-Free Diets

8 months ago
Posted by AllieBee (Maine) on 11/27/2023

Unfortunately, this is not true at all. In fact, my wonderful rescue greyhound died from heart issues related to her 'wonderful' grain-free diet of very expensive food. My vet has now stopped recommending that food, nor any grain-free diets to cats or dogs because they cause heart issues and early loss of your pets.

  Re: Chlorella for Yeast Infection in Dog

8 months ago
Posted by Deirdre (VA) on 11/26/2023

Hello, one of my dogs had many chronic skin issues over the years. If the chlorella doesn't clear the yeast infection (and I believe diarrhea can be a side effect of chlorella, so start with a very low dosage of that), what helped tremendously was daily Colloidal Silver (20 ppm). However, this was a temporary fix. What cleared all of his skin issues, including a yeast infection on his chest, was a raw food diet. I used freeze-dried raw food patties and rehydrated with warm water instead of frozen patties as he preferred the taste of freeze-dried when he got older. It took a few days before I started to see improvement and about a week before he was totally clear.

Note: Once the condition is cured, you can add a few raw food patties to grain-free kibble to save $ since this diet is enormously expensive for big dogs. Mine was 55 pounds.

Chlorella for Yeast Infection in Dog

8 months ago
Posted by Smiley (Tennessee) on 11/25/2023

Today was the first day my Labrador dog, Winston, got chlorella. I've been looking for something easy and not terribly expensive to improve his diet. It was mixed with some warm water and stirred it into his dry food. He's never been so excited about his food and even licked around the bowl to get every bit of it.

He has a yeast infection on his belly and the vet said there isn't anything that can be done for it, but I'm not giving up. The chlorella can't hurt. If the infection improves, I'll certainly report back.

  Arthritis Treatment in Elderly Dog

8 months ago
Posted by Margaret (Sydney Australia) on 11/25/2023

Arthritis treatment for an elderly little dog

Hi, My little dog has had two ACL operations and is now showing signs of Arthritis. I see that Borax works well for arthritis, she weighs about 6 kilos, about 13 pounds am open to any remedies to give her quality of life.

  Re: Manuka Honey for Pyometra

8 months ago
Posted by Bambi (Las Vegas ) on 11/24/2023

Hello, my dog just got diagnosed with closed pyometra also and the vet wasn't over $3000 for the surgery. I have been on my phone looking for advice and I am so happy to see your story. Please if you can give anymore advice I need anything. Thank you

EC: Many additional positive posts are on our Pyometra page, so please read them all.

Small Pinch of Borax Helped Arthritis in Dog!

8 months ago
Posted by Angie (South Africa) on 11/22/2023

I give my giant schnauzer a tiny pinch of borax in his food every day . 2 years ago, he was diagnosed with chronic arthritis, he whimpered every time he got up, walked with a limp. Now he runs around like a puppy, no pain, no limp - he is 11 years old. (i also give him turmeric and black pepper, so it is hard to know which is working the best, but he has had no side effects)