Natural Remedies

Turmeric Cure for MRSA

Posted by Carolyn (Hollywood, FL) on 12/28/2006

I think Ted is absolutely correct about alkaline pH of the body. Last night, I stupidly ate some white bread. This morning, I had a small nosebleed and YES, there they were, a cluster of wannabe tiny boils on my chin. So, I RAN to get the turmeric going again. I did put some iodine and then clean it off and put some Hydrogen Peroxide on the tiny boils, but I think turmeric is the key because it makes the body alkaline as Ted suggests. This is the way to control MRSA I think. I have only my own MRSA boils to tell me and yours may be a different strain of MRSA, but please try the remedies set out in this wonderful website. I am going to buy some pH strips and start testing my urine and saliva as Ted says he does, in order to determine what level of alkalinity my body needs to be able to control MRSA. I do not think we can kill it, but if we can control it and maybe make it dormant, that is a huge step forward. Here in South Florida, MRSA is rampant... I have a website where I am doing my best to teach people in French and Spanish also... God bless the owners of this wonderful website and God Bless Ted for contributing. I think you saved me from possible dire consequences.

Posted by Annette (Elon, NC) on 12/12/2006

Several months ago my daughter had what we thought was a spider bite on her leg. A few days later while spending the weekend at her grandfathers' the pimple burst and started bleeding. When I got there it was hard and terrible looking, so we took her to the emergency room and discovered later from the culture that is was MRSA. The dr. gave her an antibiotic and it cleared up in less than a week. Well, last week my son discovered a pimple- like sore on his hip and after a few days of neosporin I could tell from the way it was acting that we had another case of MRSA on our hands. However, I was reluctant to go the antibiotic route again since the over-prescribing of antibiotics is a big part of the problem to begin with, so I decided to try the turmeric instead. That was a week and a half ago, and although it is taking longer to work than my daughter's antibiotic did, I'm happy to report that it is clearing up nicely.

Posted by Elle (Ventura, CA) on 12/01/2006

All my life I have been blessed with clear skin. Approximately 1 1/2 yrs. ago, I noticed a tiny pimple on the left side of my face on the jawline. Thinking that one pull of the hair follicle would help get rid of it faster, it only got worse. As time passed, it kept growing until it reached the size of a dime. It was callous and rough, so I thought perhaps Eczema might be the case (given I have been treated for it in the years prior). It got infected several times over the course of time, and the possibility that it could be Staph came to mind a couple of times. I didn't have medical insurance so I never made the attempt to see a doctor. I just kept hoping that it would just disappear... It didn't and this was depressing; and I mean, I was falling into a severe state of depression. Day after day I would absent mindedly pick at it hoping it would get smaller when in fact, would just get bigger more irritated. It wasn't until recently one evening in particular I felt ill. This lesion on my face was the biggest I had seen yet and sooooo painful. I felt dizzy, feverish, achy. I decided to drive myself to the local emergency room and have it looked at. Thank the Lord Almighty I did! At first I was told it was cellulitis and that I needed antibiotics immediately. So he treated me with an injection as well as an oral that night. He instructed me to come back in two days for follow up. The culture came back as MRSA. He didn't give me specifics on the condition, just told me I was extremely contagious, to keep it covered with clean dressings at all times, and not to be around anyone for a couple of days. As he started to insert the drainage packing he said,"Oh, you have a sebaceous cyst." He fixed me up, I got home, and I did my homework on cysts, MRSA, and boils. Learned a lot, and focused on getting better. As soon as I finished my antibiotics, I got three more cysts (smaller in size) on the other side of my face. I just about lost it. Then... I found this site. I have been praying for God's help and as always, He answered by leading me here. I have been taking 1 tbsp. Turmeric in 1/2 cup of warm water 3 times a day (I saw this in someone else's thread). I am on 4th day and it is working! The infection is clearing up, NO MORE PUS. I am actually healing!. I have also been taking a couple of swigs of Apple Cider Vinegar in the mornings and evenings in which seems to be helping too. I can't believe items such as these are so beneficial! I thank you for this website, it has given me hope! Thank you thank you! Instead of going ballistic, I have gone Holistic!

Posted by Chris (Snow Camp, NC) on 10/18/2006

Turmeric cures MRSA related boils. Turmeric seems to make the boils go away really quickly, and if caught in time, makes them go away without breaking the skin. Thank you for posting about Turmeric on your website. You are helping me (and I am sure many others) greatly reduce the pain and embarrassment of MRSA related boils.

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