Natural Remedies

Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

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Bentonite Clay, Ted's Remedies
Posted by Therese (Australia New South Wales ) on 04/28/2014 1 posts

Hello Ted,

My name is Therese and I am from Australia, Sydney, and I want to tell you my experience curing (sucking out) my Skin Lupus.

I am 53 years of age and I have had to deal with my skin Lupus for the pass 30 years. Always following Doctors and Specialists advise and directions "that Lupus can not be cured just controlled". All this medications made my skin Lupus very strong and healthy as I become to protect the Lupus and adjust my life style, making the Lupus very comfortable in my environment. So strong and comfortable I made the Lupus it showed up all over my body, especially on the top part of my body and very intense on arms, back and scalp. Wow what a monster I created.

Becoming very depressed and confused I started seeking my own help. I found you on the internet and read about you helping many skin Lupus suffers. I kept reading and realised I maybe able to cure myself.

I started with the Bentonite Clay Powder mixed with water (plastic bowl no metal allowed and all jewellery to be removed from body) using my hands to create a paste which I then placed all over my body including my head, face and sole of my feet. I left the clay on my skin for about 1hour until it started turning to powder or I could not bear the itch no longer I would then lye in a bath for about 1hour. What a itch I created. Had trouble locating the Urea Cream 40%. Started controlling itch with Oil of Cloves (about 10 drops to 1litre of water). Burning feeling for about 15minutes then what a relief, skin felt free for the first time in many years. After about 10 days I stopped using the Oil of Cloves and I used creams for Mature Aged Skin containing Shea Butter to help with itchiness and dryness until my Urea arrive. (Urea 40% costed $50 for 75mg difficultly with shipping to Australia).

I also started taking my supplements one week after I commenced the clay procedure, my supplements are: MSM 3grams daily, Lecithin Granules 10grams daily, Echinacea & Vitamin C 4 Capsules each containing 722mg and 200mg of Vitamin C daily, Citric Acid 10grams with Bio-Carb Soda 1gram mix in water twice daily to drink and Licorice Root Extract 250mg Licorice Root Extract and 225mg of Raw Licorice Powder daily.

I had to learn to identify the Lupus which I was drawing out of my body. Little black dots as small as a pin hole was what I had to look for as this is the sign Lupus coming to surface of the skin. Not in clutters but spread out enough to be identified. Especially notifiable when cream was placed on skin you can see the Lupus on surface. Two to three days later the black dot would be gone.

After 12 days into my treatment and 7 clay treatments I managed to start bringing out the Lupus to the surface (started sucking out) I also managed to bring a lump the size of my palm up my back (right side) and placed itself on the bottom of my neck. I kept monitoring the lump I could not touch the lump as it very hot and sore. The whole time I presumed this lump was part of the Lupus I am trying to suck out.

24 days into my treatment I started getting the Lupus and itch under control. My lump was not getting any smaller and my ears have had a bad discharge for the past 10 days. I went to see my GP (Doctor) and told him of my treatment (my Doctor being African related to my treatment) and discovered I had been trying to handle two seperate issues. The Lupus and the massive infection I brought out of me. The Doctor immediately placed me on "Cephalexin" 500mg 3 times daily to clear up infection. Also had my ears swipe, blood test and ultra sound done on lump that day.

30 days in my treatment my ears have almost cleared up and my lump is much smaller. My Lupus I feel is very close to being all sucked out and my skin is healing well. Still awaiting my Urea cream 40% to arrive. I am looking at keeping my supplements going for another 2months to help my white blood cells to open up and function correctly.

I am due to see my Doctor tomorrow to follow up the result of the lump and monitor the infection which I now have under control. In 2 months time I will be having a blood test to see if the Lupus is still showing in my blood system.

Thank you so much for being on the internet and helping cure my Lupus.

Therese from Australia.
