High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

Cold Showers
Posted by Doris (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) on 09/01/2007

[response] To answer Araeshkigal from Hurst, TX regarding cold baths. I took one several years ago because I heard it would help the immune system. Well, I got the flu and missed work for a week. I haven't tried the cold showers yet. I'm afraid I'll get sick again.

Cold Showers
Posted by Cory (Tacoma, Washington) on 03/26/2007

I have been taking cold showers every day now for almost three months, and I recently got the results of my latest blood and urine lab tests from my doctor. Blood sugar and cholesterol were markedly lower than the tests showed just prior to starting the cold shower regimen, with no appreciable changes in diet or physical excercise. My blood pressure was lower, and my pulse rate at rest has decreased from 72 to 54, which I find amazing. I am not in "great" shape physically, and I can only attribute these changes to the cold showers. This might actually be the fountain of youth.

Cold Showers
Posted by Araeshkigal (Hurst, TX) on 02/16/2007

I first started taking cold showers as a suggested remedy for migraines. It more than worked. It also helped alleviate skin breakouts, regular muscle cramping, and some blood pressure issues (I changed nothing else in diet or exercise to be sure this was what was having the effects) I find it's best to start barely warm and slowly get to cold. If you can't stand ice cold at first just go "on the cool side" till you get a tolerance. You don't have to *freeze* to get the benefits. Also I find cold baths do *not* have the same therapeutic effect as cold showers (anyone else?)

Cold Showers
Posted by Ron (Lompoc, CA) on 03/21/2006

Definitely try the cold shower along with the cold bath. My wife knows this Russian secret for youth and longevity. This is it. I am more vigorous, awake, and relaxed after a cold shower or cold bath. Also, try the cold warm rotation method. Sit in the cold bath for a few minutes (yes, submerge your head for a few seconds) and then have the shower fairly warm and do this several times. WOW!!
