Hiccup Remedies

Homeopathic Remedy Cuprum Metallicum
Posted by Purplebutterfly (Usa) on 03/02/2017


I'd like to post this please. It's long, but very important.

For many years now I've had intractable hiccups (99%) nocturnal and (1% daytime). I don't know where else to turn. Now, this is not the typical hiccups so peanut butter and sugar (which is a poison) will not help.

It occurs on and off, meaning that it may happen for several months and then all of a sudden nothing for 1 day to 2 weeks.

I've checked for potential food allergies - nothing!

For years I was on a plant based only diet (as a lifestyle) until recently I started eating sardines. I do not eat fast foods or processed meals. All of my meals are made at home.

I take my omegas, vitamin D, trace minerals, and aminos daily. I exercise 2-3 times a week.

I need to know if anyone else here is experiencing this or has found a resolution to this problem.

Here's more info according to a hiccup article on naturalnews.com.

Complications of Intractable Hiccups:
(1) Cardiac arrhythmias: Liver chi stagnation disrupts the wind energy causing Cardiac arrhythmia (a wind disorder of heart). If you treat the liver chi stagnation, the arrhythmia will be cured.
(2) Gastro esophageal reflux: due to stomach chi rebelling upwards.

Now I do not want to take muscle relaxants or antidepressants which some places suggest.

However, I did find a temporary solution which turned out to still be temporary because I've been taking it for years - but no cure. It's called "Cuprum Metallicum" which is a homeopathic remedy.

Once I take it, sometimes I can drift right back to sleep. About 30% of the time it's not so easy.

It feels like I'm having an attack if I ignore it and try to keep on sleeping.

Does anyone here have this issue? It's not your typical hiccup.
