Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Cancer

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/23/2008

Fruits and vegetables. -- l highly recommand (wheat grass, flax seeds, noni juice, lemons, water melon, grape including seeds, barley green, tapioca, sweet potato, barley, carrots, brown rice)

RAISIN, chamomile, peppermint tea, psyllium husk powder, essiac tea, ling zhi, califlower, miso, green tea, sea weeds, coarse rice, green pepper, goat milk, blackthorn, maize, sorghum, honey dew, kiwi, strawberry, green pepper, red cabbage, romaine, swiss chard, leafy vegetables, parsley and roots, whole grains, tempeh, chlorella, bee pollen, aloe vera, mushroom, beans and tofu!

The above work best when taken juice if not raw for best results because cooking destroy the nutrients! NOTE: Raw organic pineapple and papaya contain a pancreatic enzyme that help break down the protein wall around a cancer cell!

Unprocessed nuts (walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts -- no peanuts) are all good. Most seeds are also good. An occasional baked potato (no butter or other "dressing") is a welcome break. You would search out "gluten-free" products (English muffins, flaxseed crackers, etc.) at the health food store. Just be sure they don't have additives with MSG or other harmful chemicals. Quinoa and other gluten-free bulk cereals are fine. Just be careful what you add. Almond milk is good, but check the carton for any harmful additives.

  • Take pokeweed, chaparral, red clover, and yellow dock to purify the blood and break up tumors or growths.
  • Apply horseradish and plantain or pokeweed, lobelia, and mullein tea to reduce swelling.
  • kombucha tea and essiac is very useful for Cancer. Do a google search to learn more. Kombucha is very good for health too!
  • Coffee enemas is very useful for Cancer
  • Take as much vitamin C as your stomach can support.Drink as much Fruits and vegetables juice as you can.
  • Maintain blood clean with the Beck electric pulser. Search the web to learn more
  • Stimulate liver and kidneys to help your body to get rid of dead parasites.
  • Make dark field microscopic examinations of your blood before and after treatment to see the effectiveness.
  • Nistatin, Black salve, garlic, Melatonin and Metronidazol are effective for cancer too
  • Drink tansy tea to minimize symptoms of Cancer and to aid the healing process.
  • Watermelon seeds are known to cure colon cancer and many other things like cleansing kidney! Apricot and peach pits are said to be bad by the medical companies but they have one of the most powerful stuff to kill the cancer cells!
Follow up on this important news..... CELBS are even taking these. Do your own research! Never take one person advise but it is a fact and has been proven but the medical companies ban it or they will be out of business soon!

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Tan Kong Peng (Singapore) on 06/23/2008


The Very Best Foods ( Juiced or raw vegetables would provide the best nutrient value.)
Vegetables: Avocado, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory, chives, collard greens, cucumbers, dandelion, endive, fennel, garlic, kale, leeks, lettuce, sea lettuce, mustard greens, nettles, okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, radishes, spinach, squash, tomatoes, turnips, and watercress.

Fruits: Apples, apricots, avocado, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, currants, dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes (seeded), lemons, limes, mangos, melons, nectarines, olives, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapples, plums, pomegranate, and quinces.

Seeds and Nuts: Almonds, beechnuts, black walnuts, butternuts, coconuts, english walnuts, filberts, pecans, pignolias (pine nuts), and pumpkin seeds.It is BEST to take nothing into the body that has been cooked or processed:

Avoid sugar, beer, sodas, ice cream, fried foods, table salt ( sea salt - okay ). The diet should focus on fruit ( fresh pineapples ), vegetables and high pH spring or mineral water. Drink plenty of room temperature spring or mineral water.

To be safe, we recommend less fruit, more vegetables, and no refined sugars in the diet of cancer patients. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods.

NOTE: organic pineapple and papaya contain a pancreatic enzyme that helps breaks down the protein wall around a cancer cell.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Debbie (South Bend, IN) on 06/24/2008

I'm sorry but this post is very misleading. If you want good information on cancer prevention visit Dr. Cannell's

More than 65% of the Earth's population is Vitamin D deficient. Most cancers can be prevented simply by having enough vitamin D in our systems. Vit D is not a vitamin, it is a pro-hormone and every single cell in your body has a vitamin D receptor. The new research on Vitamin D is pretty much earth shaking but the "corporate media" are not covering these breakthroughs. Please, please, please get your D levels checked. Make sure you get the correct test, and then try to get some sun and take supplements. It will save your life. It has changed mine so dramatically I can't begin to tell you how much. Deb From Indiana.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (Singapore) on 06/23/2008


All bottled, canned, frozen, preserved, refined, salted, smoked and sulphured foods
Bicarbonate of soda in food, toothpaste and mouthwashes
Avocado - too much fatty acids
Basic, oregano (aromatic oils can cause difficult reactions)
Berries (except red, black and whole currants)
Biscuits, cake, chocolate, cocoa
Coffee (any sort), tea (Coffee is highly acidic) (caffeine are very bad for liver and kidneys)
Fats and oils (except flaxseed)
Nuts (too much fatty acids/fats)
Peas (sulpured), lentils, beans, seeds (phytic acid/enzyme inhibitors)
Refined flour
Soft drinks of any kind, fizzy and fruit juices (preserved)
Soya (fat content and phytic acid)
Sugar (including sweets)
Tap water
instant noodle, processed food, junk food, chips, fried foods, dairy products, all preservative,c olouring,a ddivites, flavour enhancers, milk, chicken, meat of any kinds, sea food,esp.crab, beef, ginseng, refined sugar, caffine, white flour and msg! Note: meat, salt, fats, sugar feed cancer, white flour change to sugar, caffeine are very bad for liver and kidneys!

Cancer patients must avoid sodium (salt) of any kind because too much sodium is also one of the cause of cancer!what is needed in this case is to consume lots of fruits and vegetables high in potassium as cancer cells revert back to normal cells in high potassium diet!

The above info are extracted from book by Dr Chiu Nan Lai who is a scientist in the study of cancer.

Raw foods and a diet with as many raw fruits and veggies as possible is best for Cancer patient!

You want your body to be in an alkaline state. You get this from eating none of the above. Apparently cancer cannot grow in an alkaline body!

General Feedback
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

1. Why are twice as many Americans dying from cancer today (560,000) than there were in 1962 (278,000)?
2. Why are we still being prescribed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment after nearly 5 decades of failure?
3. Why the systematic suppression of all natural or inexpensive alternative cancer treatments?
4. Why does the Federal Drug Administration, (FDA) National Cancer Institute, (NCI) American Cancer Society, (ACS) and American Medical Association (AMA) never properly investigate, but instead suppress, the most promising alternative treatments?
5. With over a trillion dollars poured into research and treatment of cancer in the last forty years, why does the cancer establishment never change it's course of only investigating man-made patentable treatments?
6. Why is chemotherapy, a highly toxic, carcinogenic and immune system wrecking chemical, still being given to at least 700,000 American cancer patients a year?
7. Why do Americans have to leave their country to try many promising alternative cancer treatments?
8. Why are we allowing the FDA, an agency with an unbroken history of rampant corruption and incompetence, to dictate to us what medical options we are permitted to take? Why are they always patented, pharmaceutical companies products?

The 5-year survival figures, not to be confused with the successful treatment of the disease, for the major cancers using Conventional Cancer Treatments
stomach - 5 percent
trachea, bronchus and lung -5 percent
breast -50 percent
oesophagus -5 percentlarge
intestine - 22 percent
pancreas - 4 percent
liver - 2 percent.1

You'll never hear of a natural cure in mainstream medicine, for the simple fact that natural cures are not recognized by the FDA because only synthesized compounds can be considered drugs and therefore be patented. (as of the 50's). Unless a pharmasutical company can figure out what it is in apricot seeds that may help in fighting cancer, and artificially reproduce it in a lab. Which they wouldn't do, Because most scientists, and researchers no longer have the ability to think "outside the box". For fear of being ridiculed by thier peers, and the losing thier grants, and effectively destroying their careers by not falling in line with conventional wisdom. or at least here in the good ol USA. Which in our arrogance we believe is the only place in the world that matters, when it comes to advancing the human race.

For instance. British researchers have studied grape juice and have concluded that it does have an effect on intestinal cancers, colon cancer, melanomas, and even breast cancer. In that it significantly reduces tumor size and in many cases puts the cancers into total remission.

But good luck finding a doctor in this country who even knows about the research. Let alone endorse it.

Truth about medical research, is that medicine is a business. They make money off of treating disease, not curing it. If we cured it, then that would be the end of the money train. It sounds incidious but its true.

Cancer Patients should not take any kinds of meat as Cancer will absorb nutrients from the meat. Meat will accelerate the growth of Cancer cells. Fruits,vegetables and herbs are the best as these foods helps to detox the body.

Many kinds of herbs, fruits and vege are very effective in fighting Cancer. These foods can detox the body, make the body alkaline and boost the immune system to fight Cancer effectively. A strong immune system is the key to curing Cancer as a strong, healthy immune system can recognise and kill Cancer cells effectively. This is the best option for Cancer patients as Chemo and Radition are very harmful to human body and cutting away of Cancer cells will only cause the cancerous cells to become haywired and spread at a faster rate to other parts of the body.

Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) on 06/20/2008

Mimosa is useful for bone spur. It is also useful for detoxing our body of toxins. It is an effective Cancer Killer as it can get rid of toxins which is one of the main cause of Cancer. Our body when clear of toxins can function well and allow our immune system to effectively kill the Cancer cells naturally.

For Medical uses, the pink flower, red stem type of mimosa is most useful. All parts of mimosa can be used to treat Cancer but the most important part is the roots. Mimosa can be soak overnight for easy washing. Mimosa should be cook in very low flame for 2 to 3 hour as this process can get rid of the mild toxins in this useful plant.

18 red dates and 12 slices of old ginger should also to added for better results.This herbs should be taken on empty stomach for best results.If you are not a vegetarian, you can also add some garlic for better results. After taking this herbs patients can expect to pass out black and smelly feces.

Mimosa is also effective for internal injury, diabetes, kidney problems, liver problem, diarrhea, skin problems, arthritis, urinary tract stone, rheumatism, anti-aging, child fever, relieve cough, clear phlegm, sprain injury, insomnia, gastric infection, clearing excessive heat in body, promote urination, bronchial infection, child indigestion, stiff neck, bone spur, piles, thyroid, blood purifier etc etc.

If fresh mimosa is not available, you can buy it from chinese medical shop.

Bone spur patients are to abstain from kang kong, carrot, banana, celery, peanut.

NOTE: Not suitable for pregnant woman.

Please share with others if you have any feedback after using this herb.

Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/20/2008

Rebounding on the mini-trampoline is the best exercise for Cancer patients.This exercise is gentle and every bounce is pulling toxins from your cells and strengthening your immune system!

Wheat Grass, Lemon and Grapes
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) on 06/19/2008

To be taken on empty stomach daily for best results! CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE! This juice will detox and make the body alkaline! When the body is free of toxins the immune system will be able to function well and can fight the Cancer cells effectively!

Blackstrap Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Vernon (Salem, Oregon) on 06/18/2008

For the lady with Metastatic Breast cancer which has spread to the bones. Contact me! I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer which had spread to the bones. The second opinion concurred. After taking Molasses with another substance for 10 days I had another bone scan. I was afraid to open the envelope that was sent me containing the results. I burst out bawling like a baby when it said: No convincing evidence of an osseous metastatic process. I am very very happy.....

Posted by Bret (Phoenix) on 06/17/2008

Mixed efficacy has been seen in juicing. When juicing apples the skin contains some of the most complex polyphenols. Greater than white/green tea. Another key ingredient to these juices is in fact parsley. Very high in chlorophyll and alkaline salts juicing without parsley is a huge mistake. Flax seed oil has even more complex oxygen donors than apple skins. I did extensive investigation into juicing as I had a few clients who juiced and it didn't seem to help. When people finally get the fact that juicing is an oxygen therapy they will begin to augment their juices with things like, (flax seed,) peroxide drops, etc. People will add more parsley and other oxygen donors to their concoctions. Adding buffered vitamin c salts to your juice is not a bad idea either. The other common factor to successful juicing I found was that you had to drink your juice four time a day. Those that steered away from carrots and augmented with higher apples and parsely along with 4x daily consumption had the highest rate of success amongst the dozens of juicers I interviewed.

Posted by Bret (USA) on 06/11/2008

Blood root can be toxic in larger doses. It has two different alkaloids and one of them belongs in the quinone family. Quinones were used to treat cancer by Dr. William Koch in the 20's, 30's, early 40's. Dr. Koch documented his individual cases carefully. It is no coincidence that blood root contains an oxygen donor. use cautiously! you're on the right track.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/10/2008

Black strap molasses has been in my pantry for last 15 years. I use it to sweeten almond milk along with some brown sugar and cinnamin. It has iron in it and is loaded with tons of potassium. Potassium helps with nerve transmission and is cytoplasmic buffer for most cells.

Cells with higher ph have higher oxygen. (Warburg/Brewer)

So by taking the molasses you will be increasing iron to help make hemoglobin and red blood cells. By taking potassium you will increase oxygen perfusion accross the cell membrane and into the cell.

If you do have cancer I would surely augment your molasses with several other oxygen donors. Remember though that CoQ10 is important part of oxygen metabolism and peroxide, mms, chlorophyll, dmso, increase oxygen but not its rate of consumption. That is controlled by CoQ10.

Don't forget that vitamn c is so very important. It's oxidation bi-products neutralize two cancer enzymes, it increases interferon production, it donates electrons to drive oxygen metabolism, it cause peroxidase reaction in cancer cells. 5,000 mg per day is minimum!!! Take with food.

Herbal Remedies From India
Posted by Sid (Bangalore, India) on 05/30/2008


Yes "SOME RELIEF"! I ain't using the word "CURE" yet. I am providing this information because someone like you did the same to me. Read on. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in Jan'08. Shocked & downcast my small family felt devastated, particularly when all the doctors we came consulted simply had just a few months to offer. We did the Pet-scan which reveale the extent of spread [wide spread into the bones -metastasis]. Thereafter we had 3 cyles of chemo & 10 sittings of Radiation. No dout this provided immediate but temporary relief with hoary side effects in future, particularly with more cheom & RT if the treatment were to be continued. I asked the oncologist he said this treatment may add a few months. Disheartened we were praying some relief turns up before we continued the therapies. And "RELIEF" did turn up. I got a call from Coimbatore from a friend. He gave me a mobile number of a Herbal Doctor in Pune city, said he copied from a advt sticker somewhere. I immediately I called up the number and spoke with the doctor for about 45 mins on long distance call. I was convinced that his meds would attempt to normalise the body and help it to fight the cancer from within. He sent me the meds the same day and I received the parcel two days later.

The meds were in the form of herbal powders for 40days. Incidentally today is the 40th day. I have received the meds for the next 40 days today. Now let's see the effect of the herbal treatment. My wife who had not gone out since the chemo & RT were started, insisted on the 3rd day of herbal treatment that she would like to out for shopping a few personal items. And shopping she did. The pains in her bones have reduced. Her appetite has improved. She is doing some small domestic chores every day. The doctor keeps calling from Pune almost every other day.

I observe and trust my wife is on the way to recovery. Would any one out there like to reach the doctor ? Contact me by email. Talk to him & convince yourself. No harm even giving his treatment a try as I did for my wife. At worst you just going to lose a few bucks. But at best you are going to save somebody's life, may be yours.

If you have a genuine query about this herbal treatment please feel free to email me: myhealtha2z[AT]

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jimmy ( Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2008

I have pulmonary fibosis a lung disease that HAS no cure.Yet, since I have been on Sunflower Oil (cold pressed & Unrefined) my lungs within 4 days begain to have a healing effect that even the Doctor's don't quite understand?! What this oil is doing for my Lungs is or has brought back my Breathing as I have never expected. I had Cancer in my right lung and this oil has completely healed it completely... Amen! If you are interested in the healing of your lungs... please go to the health store and purchase one (1) bottle of this oil and place it within your mouth and swish it around until it turns white; spit it out and then brush your teeth and wash your mouth with tooth paste... As well look on the Net for: "Oil Pulling Cure" and learn what it will do for you... Jimmy.

EC: Read all about Oil Pulling here:

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/10/2008 495 posts

Tell your father-in-law and 3 friends with cancer & not getting any benefits from orthodox treatment to visit where they can download half of his book free. After working in the field a long time, I decided I would probably turn down orthodox medicines' slash, burn & poison for something that I didn't think would kill me before the cancer had a chance to. Tell them to read it diligently and decide if it sounds more favorable than what they are already doing. There are many other alternatives listed & discussed in at the site. They might want to check them all out.

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Fremont, NE) on 05/08/2008

Would you please add this website to your cancer cure page.

I have 4 friends and a father-law with cancer that are not getting help with medical treatment; hope this website will help anyone that is willing to take the alternative route. Thank you for a wonderful website EarthClinic!!! :) Linda Coe

Oxygen Therapy
Posted by Carol (La Verne, CA) on 05/08/2008


I've been a fan of Earth Clinics remedies for a long time. Had success with oil pulling, leaching out fluoride, ACV with baking soda, but one remedy I have to warn against is the oxygen therapy for cancer. I have breast cancer and tried the HBOT (oxygen tank). It was $6,000 for 40 sessions. At the end of these sessions my tumor grew from a large grape size to a large grapefruit size. In addition I tried soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide and taking Bill's spray. This irritated the tumor and sprouted another tumor in my lymph node area under my arm. Later from a doctor I found out that that a lot of cancer patients using external remedied applied cause the tumors to grow out of the skin and cause other more serious problems. So I just want to warn those of you with cancer to be weary.

Baking Soda
Posted by roseroberta (Roseville, MN) on 04/27/2008

I suggest that your readers go here: Here you will find that doctors have been finding and ignoring that surrounding every cancer is fungus. Baking soda kills the fungus in the body. If some are getting a yeast infection which is a fungus. I find that interesting. This site uses straight Baking Soda with no ACV and does so both by mouth, intravenously and injected into cancer sites. It may be that acid reflux is also a symptom of candida. Those who find relief from bread....may and I am not sure....may be getting relief due to the fact that the bread feeds the yeast and gets it to shut up.

I have a cat who has incurable cancer. We are going to inject it into the site. I will print here how it goes.I myself have just started doing the ACV and honey with Baking Soda I may try also adding the Coconut oil. I would be interested in hearing from others, but don't want my email address hooked to a spider. Cheers.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginseng
Posted by JANET (RIALTO, California) on 04/12/2008

re: Health/Energy: Ginseng for energy after coping with cancer and chemo. I now drink ACV 2 times a day diluted in water. I enjoy the taste, so it is no big deal. It gives me energy and I just feel better all over.I use 2 TBS. to every 6 ounces of water or juice. I love the taste.

Pancreatic Cancer
Posted by Jerald (Junction City, OR) on 04/07/2008

Please tell the person who asks for a cure for pancreatic cancer that he/she should search the internet for information on the Budwig protocol. My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 4, 7 months ago and was given 3-6 months to live, even with chemo and radiation.She refused chemo and radiation and started on the Budwig diet soon after the diagnosis and is doing great!

General Feedback
Posted by Kim H. (USA) on 04/06/2008

Of course, you may include it in next month's email. I don't have much more information. I'm a survivor of Her2/neu metastatic breast disease. This is an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. It has a 100% recurrence rate. This disease was pretty much fatal until a few years back when the drug Herceptin came on the market. Now women with this disease are living quite long. I know that some people following this forum will be turned off by the fact that I'm doing chemo, did radiation and surgery, etc. But, I'm a believer that the combination of western and alternative is the best route for me. Quantum healing is a form of channeling energy to heal yourself or others. I'm new at it, but it is relaxing and anyone can do it. I've also had a distance healing from a QiGong healer and then, of course, lots and lots of prayer. I don't remember the dates of when my friend added me to your prayer page, but all of this recurrence and disappearance of the tumors has been within two months. The tumors were quite large and affected 75% of my liver. My CEA 125 (blood tumor marker) went from 22.1 down to 4.8 after just two chemo treatments. My lungs are now completely clear.

I'll be glad to answer any other questions,

Thanks again,


General Feedback
Posted by Kim H (USA) on 04/03/2008

I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to this group of fine people. I was on their prayer list a month or two ago, added by a good friend. I'm 44, with a 13 year old daughter, and a 4 year breast cancer survivor. I just found out that the extremely aggressive tumors in my lungs and liver (discovered only 2 months ago) are completely gone. I can't tell you how many people told me they added me to their prayer list at their church. I firmly believe that the combination of chemo, prayer and quantum energy work I did on myself are what has given me this remarkable recovery in such a short time. I will be sure to prayer for the Tibetans, children, seals and members on Sunday.

Thanks again,


EC: We asked Kim to please send more details!
