Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

Posted by T3 (Chicago, IL) on 01/04/2009

No cure for my cysts all of them, with different names in different places. Well, one day my white shirt had blood under the arm from the cyst, must have busted while at work, lucky to have my required black jacket and I took baking soda and vinegar and water, it bubbled and then I put the part of the shirt in it and wet it, took it out, and started rubbing vigorously a couple of times. But I then just used the baking soda and water and it worked better, I made another concoction and with a paper towel wet it and put it under my arm pits, it burned the one cyst that didn't burst and relived the one that did. Strange. Just when you thought vinegar was the ultimate cure, so is baking soda. For upset stomach, mix with water and you'll will burp like when you were in high school trying to win a contest. My cat even looked at me with surprise and I turned red. Stomachache gone.