The Benefits of Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (Grand Bay, AL) on 06/05/2009

I recently have started oil pulling with coconut oil(6th day) listed below are my problems and the effects so far. I would like to mention that for me oil pulling is relaxing so I do it several times a day while I am going about

1.obese(400lbs) cravings for continual eating gone. Appetite suppressed, eating much lighter meals, energy levels up
2. pinched nerve in neck. pain reduced by half
3. knees pain in knees reduced while walking reduced
4. lungs (have three inorganic spots in lungs,asthma symptons)
5. breathing easier while laying down less snoring

will keep informed on progress

Coconut Oil
Posted by TKim (Calgary, AB) on 06/03/2009

i did an internet search on homemade toothpaste and tried it - love it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by DragonLaurel (Hot Springs, AR) on 05/21/2009

You may have had Candida. A white coating on the tongue can be a sign of it. Coconut oil has two ( naturally occurring ) chemicals that fight Candida.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Helena (Nashville, TN) on 05/18/2009 said you would see what OP with VCO did for your candida. I'm struggling with candida right now, and I'm nursing a 5-month-old, so it's really tough. We keep sharing it back and forth. Did the OP help? If not, what have you done for your candida? Thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Angel (Concord, NH) on 05/14/2009

Dear ECM, I want to try this for various reasons and wondered what type of oil you used and where you purchased it? I also live in Concord, NH and would like to try it, I also have gum recession and very sensitive gums and teeth. Please email me if you can to advise on where to buy - perhaps the Co-op in downtown Concord? Thanks very much, Angel

Coconut Oil
Posted by TKim (Calgary, AB) on 05/13/2009

hello, i was wondering if brushing your teeth with coconut oil would have tbe same benefits as oil pulling. my toothpaste is evco, baking soda, stevia and mint essential oil. by the time i am finished brushing my teeth the toothpaste is reduced to a white foamy fluid.

many thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rainidaze (Lakewood, CA) on 05/11/2009

Coconut Oil Pulling: I used 1 tbl of CO 20 minutes in the morning first thing for a week straight then on and off for 2 more and I am amazed that I have no more morning breath or mid-day yucky mouth any longer after 2 days and my teeth are even whiter than before. My mouth always feels fresh teeth very dentist clean. So glad I found this site. Thanks so much!

Coconut Oil
Posted by ECM (Concord, NH, USA) on 05/07/2009

Oil Pulling (w/ coconut oil)

Honest to God, this stuff would be considered a miracle cure if I believed in miracles!

I started taking a TBSP of this about 10 days ago just to experiment with it because I'd read so many good things about it. At first, the only thing I noticed was that, after each 20 minute pulling session, I'd be coughing up stunning amounts of phlegm (mainly coming from the back of my throat where the nasal cavity empties into your throat. I also noticed, immediately, that I was having an easier time breathing all day long.

Anyway, that was a nice benefit: clearing out the pipes and easier to breathe, can't complain but hardly shocking stuff.

Then, about 5 days ago, I was checking out my teeth after brushing one morning. (During the last few years I've had some trouble with gum recession and nothing really seemed to work and I had resigned myself to, at some point, having some serious dental work done.) However, looking at the upper right side of my mouth I noticed something shocking: a gap between two teeth that had widened substantially for the past several years was CLOSING. In fact, I started probing the gap with my tongue and was shocked to discover I couldn't get my tongue very far up into the gap where, not too long ago, I could pretty much touch the gum tissue between the teeth. At first I didn't believe it: I mean, I'd only been doing this for five days and I started to question whether I was remembering correctly, so I just sort of made a note of it and then went about my day.

Now, over the last five days, the gap has grown so small that the two teeth in question are virtually touching one another again--I can't get my tongue into the gap at all anymore and, at this rate, it'll be gone by tomorrow morning! In all seriousness, each subsequent day it has improved, almost in real-time! I am now dying to go to my next dental appointment and see what the good dentist has to say about the state of my teeth now!

I also want to note again that I went into this not expecting some of the amazing things I've read on here and on the internet but, really, this stuff is the real deal and I can only imagine if it's having this much of an effect on my gums (and this quickly!) what it's doing internally. Talk about a 'miracle'!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jim (Watertown, South Dakota) on 04/17/2009

I have also suffered with Sinus issues until I cut out all dairy and then started using a very specific concentration of the top 7 natural antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial's in concentrated liquid form (Garlic, Giner, Habanero, Onion, Olive Leaf, Horseradish, Zinc, GSE, Wild Mountain oil of oregano etc. in a base of ACV. You can buy this premade in a wonderful product that I use on my whole family - even the littles - and it works AMAZING for sinus & flu issues. I often go from full clog to breathing free in less than 1hr. It's just unreal. I laughed uncontrollably the first couple times I used because I never would have believed a natural cure would work so well and so quickly.

Not wanting to violate policies of the webposting, if you e'mail me, I'll gladly send you a web link of the site that sells this wonderful, 100% natural antiviral mix in 2oz bottles. I'm not connected in any way other than just being a loyal and extremely jubilant customer.

You just put anywhere from 2-3 dropper fulls in about 2oz of water (I use 5 for my 200 pound self when in a full sinus situation) Then chase that down with another 4-8oz of water. It is VERY concentrated. You will immediately smell the 50 cloves of concentrated garlic in this little 2 oz bottle the minute you put your first dropper full in. It works faster and longer than any of the alternative methods I've found for sinus relief. It's equally great when I travel in high speed germ tubes (aka airplanes full of sick people).

Coconut Oil
Posted by Andrea (Cornwall, NY) on 04/15/2009

That was not a trigger point.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Veronica (Welsh, Louisiana/USA) on 04/13/2009

Will the Coconut Oil used for cooking work or does it have to be the "EVCO"? And, can you use the EVOO that you get at WalMart? Or, does all this have to be from a Health Store? Need to know ASAP please. Also I have a Hernia will OP'ing affect it?


Coconut Oil
Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, IN) on 04/05/2009

For several weeks now i have been oil pulling in the evening with a teaspoonful of organic coconut oil followed with a tooth brushing of sea salt and baking soda. Immediately, my teeth were several shades lighter, and my tongue is now pink instead of white - and much hairier than it used to be. As a result, I found that my taste sensation is heightened: sweets now taste *really* sweet to me, and any kind of processed food tastes even worse than before - canned soups, boxed mixes, and especially awful are artificial sweeteners. I have lost 7 or 8 pounds over the last month or so as a result of refining my eating habits.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joe (Evansville, IN, USA) on 03/29/2009

I have just now tried the OP. I to have very bad sinus, I am using olive oil as I I have it on hand its virgin oil. I could not do it for even 2 minutes as my sinuses was draining so much in the back of my throat and the nose. I had drainage for a good 10 minutes as I stood over the sink. I cough and spit and knew to hold my head over the sink and just let it flow out and cough it out. I have spent many hours over a sink coughing, but this drainage was a clearing process.

At the first I had globs of yellow then green stuff, then clear.

Today when I did the OP I had a lot less drainage, and I noticed I could already breathe some more deeply I was able to do it for about 4min.

With sinus problems I would not do OP in the Evening or before bed, the sinus needs time to drain. I can see problem with drainage getting into inner ear at night, plus drainage back of throat into the lungs. I have the Netti pot and other nasal rinse, these will not stop the flow of drainage for me, I use it after I quit draining so much after OP to rinse the sinus some.

I have suffered much these past few years with allergy and sinus, with little help from Doctors, they tell me they can not help me, that I have allergy to everything...

The sinus pain has been so bad the past 2 years, that I Have tried several things, the latest thing I was trying for sinus pain in my face, nose. Was to use Epson Salt soak, this is not a lie, the pain was stronger than pain meds. I was getting my meds at Pharmacy and I happen to see the Epson Salt and I thought Hey that is good for pain in foot, I might try and soak my face.

Well I worked out a way, I put 1 cup of Epson in Plastic container and fill almost full with warm water and add a couple drops of liquid soap to make the water wetter so it will soak me better. I purchased a small plastic Snorkel and use it when I put my face in the Epson water to soak my sinus. I do this for about 10 minutes and raise up my head out of the soak maybe 2 or 3 times, my first soak was maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

If I want to slow down or try and stop my sinus from draining I splash cold or cool water on my face for awhile, cool water kinda seals the sinus some, where warm water for me seems to increase the drainage, But with OP I want the drainage as I feel my sinus opening up some..

I will watch and see your outcome with coconut oil as I have many friends in the Philippines and Coconut Oil is abundance there.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tavora (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/29/2009

OP might help with inner ear infection and imbalance problems

I have a question on oil pulling. I have been suffering from an inner ear infection (or at least that's what I was told) for about 7 months now. I think I've tried everything! Tried the meds the docs/ENTs gave me but they didn't work - my condition is now beyond the acute phase and is chronic. I have two major symptoms: a rocking/imbalanced sensation....and a tightness and suffocated pain in my right ear (the affected ear). I have other mild to moderate symptoms - like tingling and nerve pain but I generally try to ignore them. I had many tests done and all came back normal. However, my upper cervical and lower back are slightly misaligned so this may be causing some compression in terms of healthy nerve flow. I don't feel at a loss - thank God for maintaining faith and hope - but I would like to restore my balance and eliminate the pain in the ear. I feel like the ear is not getting enough blood flow and because the ear houses the balance organs in the body - I surmise this is why I am still dealing with the imbalanced sensation (ie. not enough nutrients and oxygen getting into the area). I've recently seen a nutritionist/ND who is helping me fix my diet and treat other issues but I wanted to know if anyone has experienced a similar issue to mine and saw good results with oil pulling. I actually tried it today for 10 mins w/ coconut oil and it did decrease the pain in the ear - in addition to helping my sinuses drain out (this part really amazed me!) - also important to note - the ND told me he believes the infection may have stemmed from some blockage in my sinuses and that by clearing out this area, I would be in a better position to attack the virus. Well, I did want to say that after immediately doing the OP - and coughing up whatever mucus that came out - I walked around for a bit and did notice that my balance felt a bit more stabilized. Just an observation but definitely worth taking note of. Your thoughts are appreciated. :0)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Medina (Leicester, North Carolina) on 03/26/2009

Thanks for that graphic description!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Angie (Newark, DE) on 03/21/2009

Try using a netti pot to clear your sinuses before you proceed with the oil pulling. You may have to fill the pot 2-3 times for each nostril if you are badly plugged up. I used to suffer from severe sinus infections until I started using a netti pot.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (Pittsburgh, PA) on 03/20/2009

I use coconut oil about every other week for conditioning my hair. I put it on before shampooing until it's nice and greasy :) then I leave it on for at least 20 minutes though I prefer an hour. Then I wash and style normally. But for everyday use you can use just a small amount in your hands and kind of work it in but be careful not to use too much or you'll have a nice greaser look :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joan (Kingston, Jamaica) on 03/19/2009

Coconut oil OP: I read your site about OP and the use of CO to help with sinus relief. However, my sinuses are so badly infected that I cannot breathe through my nose and therefore have to breathe through my mouth. Tonight I decided to try OP with CO but could not even sustain it for 1 minute because I was suffocating. What do I need to do to be able to accomplish the procedure? Please advise. Await your response. Thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandy (Atlanta, GA) on 02/16/2009

LT from NC : Use two tablespoons of coconut oil on dry hair. Work the oil from the top to the bottom. If you have thin hair you may only need one tablespoon. My daughter has very thick hair so she wraps her hair in plastic wrap or a shower cap for an hour. Then you wash and condition as usual.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rita (Redwood Valley, CA) on 02/10/2009

If you are experiencing uncomfortable detox symptoms put 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup baking soda into a bathtub of warm water and soak for at least 30 minutes. This helps to pull out the toxins and alleviates major healing crisis symptoms.

Coconut Oil
Posted by M (St Louis, Mo) on 02/09/2009

Answer for JD from Anchorage, Alaska: I too got face bumps or redness from coconut oil, I am a blood type A and found out that type A's often have a sensitivity to coconut oil. Try another oil, Sesame works for me. If my teeth get sensitive from its astringency I'll add a little bit of another type, like canola or olive oil. Like someone else suggested switch around every so often to keep the OP working well. It is also good to research individual oils for their benefits, EFA's, anti-biotic or anti-viral capabilities etc.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Matthew (Tallahassee, FL) on 02/07/2009

Genia from Madison and anyone else experiencing painful facial side effects!!

I have been oil pulling for a little over a month now. I have had the SAME reaction as you. My top left gum behind my back molar was under excruciating pain and my top right gum was also under pain (although not as much). I think that the oil pulling for some reason or another caused "trigger points" in the back of my top molars. I went to the bookstore and read everything I could about pressure points and inflammation and came across a book called the "Trigger point therapy workbook" by Clair Davies. The book is based off the studies of Dr. Travell and Dr. Simmons. It has proven to be extremely beneficial in relieving the facial pain. You basically massage the trigger points out. I'm not sure if the trigger points are what caused the pain in your mouth or not... but they definitely were in mine. Check out the book if you get the chance.

Also, I think I am going to switch from Coconut Oil (although it is improving my skin dramatically).. to Sesame or Sunflower

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brenda (Alexandria, VA) on 02/07/2009

Coconut Oil is an anti-fungal oil. The detox effect from using this oil can be pretty strong. I did oil pulling two years ago, then I let life get in the way. Lets just say I am back to where I started (so, tip . . . keep it up. Anyway, I used coconut oil after swishing with Olive Oil for a few months. Within a few hours I was coughing up lots of mucous. I remember searching all over my purse while waiting for a train to blow my nose. the Needless to say, I started oiling pulling again this morning. My oil of choice is Coconut Oil (1TB). I will post the detox effects if I have any.

If the detox effects of Coconut Oil is too strong switch oils.

Coconut Oil
Posted by JD (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/01/2009

Greetings from Alaska !
Have been reading your post on O.P., and decided to give it a try. Last night I used approx. 1 tbsp of organic C.O. I followed the basic directions, but was only able to 'swish' for 11 minutes. The oil became extremely runny, as if a ton of saliva had mixed with it. My throat felt heavy with phlegm and I had to hold back gagging. I rinsed very well & went to sleep. I woke up 3 times in the night, needing a drink of water (unusual for me). This morning when I woke up, I had severe angio edema around both eyes bilaterally. The edema had even weeped into lower pockets on my cheeks below, looking like little water balloons. Under my right eye, my skin felt crusty, as if something had leaked around the area. When I looked closer, the edema under my right eye appeared to have little pin head size pebbles in it and when I attempted to wash it, it was extremely painful. I had my partner look for some kind of puncture wound (unlikely a spider bite up here). As the day wares on, the puffiness is decreasing. Ironically, my skin tone was aglow, my teeth much whiter and I coughed up copious amounts of phlegm. I have searched this web site for a similar reaction, without luck. Any thoughts or advice; I am remain hopeful that OP is a healthy move for me. Thanks for creating such a wonderful space for "collective healing" !

Coconut Oil
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/26/2009

UPDATE: After doing the oil pulling for several days again, I noticed increased energy and decreased hunger which did not dawn on me "why" until I read another post here today... and thought, yeah, I'm experiencing that, and wondered why previous, but realize now that is related to the oil pulling with coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/25/2009

Oil pulling got rid of my tooth pain in just 3 days. I had a very painful toothache, my whole jaw and ear hurt from the pain. I could not get into see a dentist for two weeks. For several nights I could not sleep due to the pain. I tried several things first like splitting raw garlic and applying to both sides of tooth and gum area, it relieved it somewhat. I also tried rubbing with oregano oil I had in the medicine chest. I then found info on oil pulling on earth clinic. I was disparate, and tried it. I'm not sure if the garlic kicked in or the oregano....but soon I drifted off to sleep in much less pain. I used organic pure extra virgin coconut oil, unrefined, unbleached. I remember reading that this oil has antibacterial properties somewhere. I woke up the next morning and did it again. I also rubbed raw honey on he area, as I have read that has antibacterial properties as well. It was still hard to chew food for two days...but the pain was subsiding dramatically. By the fourth day I stopped oil pulling. And the pain continued to diminish and go away. I can chew good now and absolutely no pain. I am amazed! I'm curious as to what the dentist will find when I go to see him next week. Now today I did oil pulling again...going to do everyday to see if it whitens my teeth. Will keep you posted!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tena (Alberta, Canada) on 01/18/2009

I've tried the OP with sesame oil but it has too strong a taste... I can't get past 7-8 minutes before it makes me gag. Coconut oil intrigues me, but living in Canada my Coconut Oil is solid. How do you get around this issue?

EC: It will melt as soon as it hits your mouth!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 01/09/2009

From Coconut Oil Cures page, under 'Side Effect Myths':

04/16/2008: Peter writes: "Coconut oil side effects:
1.In the first few days of using coconut oil as a massage oil, it is often the case that the body develops a "sand type overlay " noticeable around the abdomen.
2.When this first happened the reaction was, "how did that sand get into the clothes?".
3. But when it happened to another person, we wised up and realised that it was a salt extrusion from the body and not sand even if it felt like sand.
4. So its a cleansing side effect that occurs in the first few days. After that period it is not longer noticeable.
5. If somebody is experiencing an itching side effect, I would say that that is a side effect of salt extrusion which will disappear as the amount of the salt extruded becomes less."

Coconut Oil
Posted by Shinta (Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Indonesia) on 01/08/2009

Coconut Oil: I've been doing oil pulling for 4 days now, and i start to have pimples too on my hands & my back. Also feels to start itchy everywhere! around the face, hands, my back, tights and feet. But mostly it's the face, hands and back. Wondering did anyone had any side effects like i do? I'll write as soonest the side effect dissapears..

Coconut Oil
Posted by Doris (Orange County, CA USA) on 01/06/2009

VERY thorough water rinsing permanently ended my terrible worse-before-better flare ups. Once I realized OP pulled years of concentrated toxins from ALL my health issues, if ANY of that was re-absorbed, recovery was stalled with a bad flare up. To stop the cycle of taking 2 steps backward to take 3 forward with OP, I rinsed more carefully. Cautiously, I also weaned into OP, for a week or 2 only toothbrushed with a dab of oil, rinsing well. Immediate whiter teeth, better health, no flare ups. Terrific health results encouraged my focus to work up to full OP process (not as disgusting as I thought it would be). All-over health gained, energy like a 20 year old, cleaner internal feeling and body function, more mobility and agility, vigour - all are from OP. My dental amalgam pain was horrible. Now being fixed. Read,

Coconut Oil
Posted by Genia (Madison, WI) on 12/22/2008

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for about 10 days now & was recommended this by an instructor in a holistic health class I'm taking. I didn't do a lot of research before I began, which could be a mistake. I was told it was a general detox, which I've done before so I'm familiar with feeling slightly under the weather, tired, etc.

However, about a week into the oil pulling I woke to find my top left gum tissue around the molar really swollen and painful. It was so painful it woke me out of sleep. Also, my lymph node on the the same side is very swollen and painful to light touch. My cheek on the same side is tender to the touch...I assume sinus. My gum in the area I described is still swollen and painful and so is the lymph's been four days!! and am generally feeling under the weather.

I was told that my body is just getting worse before it gets better, but I'm tempted to stop due to the discomfort level. I do have amalgam fillings in the area that is swollen...could this be the problem? Should I stop the oil pulling? Or is there a modified way to continue?

On one good note, my skin has never looked better! It's the dead of winter in Wisconsin which usually causes severe dry skin for me, but my skin is softer than it's ever been and I barely have to put on moisturizers!

Looking forward to hearding your feedback,

Coconut Oil
Posted by Debi (Riverside, CA) on 11/18/2008

I have been having gum problems, sinus problems, and enamel disappearing from my teeth. I occasionally look at EarthClinic,have some organic coconut oil, so since I was up early I decided to try it. I did it for a little over 10 minutes and had to spit, my mouth was full! As soon as I spit it out I had so much very thick mucus also that I was throwing up a little. I can't believe how thick the mucus was! After about 5 minutes I got the baking soda and brushed and rinsed and my morning headache is gone and I can breath clearly. I will do this every day and will report back later.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rilma (Baytown, Tx) on 10/21/2008

I need suggestions for bad OP detox

I have been trying OP with cold pressed coconut oil for three days and the results have been fantastic--decreased hunger and amazingly increased energy. My mother has several things wrong with her-diabetes, and arthritis being the primary ones. She has tried the OP for two days and her arthritis has flamed up so bad that she can hardly get out of bed. Is there anything that she can do to speed up this detox? Anything that will help ease her some.
Also, I wanted her to try the ACV first but she is allergic to apples--is there anything else that has the same effects, or has anyone else been allergic to apples and gotten around it to use the ACV. This web site is wonderful and I hope I posted this in the right place.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Margaret (Florida) on 09/24/2006

I used coconut oil for oil pulling. My teeth are whiter. I find the info on this site to be the best. Thanks

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Decatur, GA) on 12/18/2006

I am oil pulling using extra virgin coconut oil 100% organic cold pressed. I've used this for two mornings. When I woke up this morning I had two pimples on my face. My teeth feel smooth. It was easy to swish the coconut with no bad taste or anything. Of course its already clear so I'm not sure what its suppose to look like. I'm going to keep trying it to see what happens. I'll write again in two weeks.

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