The Benefits of Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kate (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/30/2010


I have been oil pulling with virgin coconut oil for just over 4 weeks, to try to address the chronic allergic rhinitis and CFS that I have had for the last 10 years. (I have tried unrefined sesame and sunflower oils with no results in the past). I have been using one teaspoon of oil (if I use one tablespoon, I have to spit out constantly as my mouth gets so full of saliva) and using wild oil of oregano on a 2 week on 2 week off basis, and OPing 2-3 times/ day. Ever since I started, my symptoms of chronic sinus pain/ headache and general exhaustion/ aching limbs have worsened considerably. I have the odd flash of exhilaration and huge energy but this is quickly replaced with having to slog through exhaustion and sinus pain again. After about 4 days the symptoms were so bad that I had to stay in bed for several days before I could function again. After 26 days I have now developed a severe head cold, with a huge, constant downpour of clear mucous, sore throat, swollen glands, and, of course, aching limbs and sinus pain, with continual fits of violent sneezing. I am on my 6th day of these symptoms. This is the first cold I have had in 16 months, and I was beginning to feel quite smug about how well my immune system was holding up while everyone else was getting sick.

I did not expect chronic problems to be resolved quickly. After all, I have had these problems for 10 years, so why would they disappear overnight? However, I am beginning to wonder if it is normal to have quite such an extended healing crisis. Has anyone else experienced anything quite so prolonged?

Any advice or shared experience gratefully received.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Calmfire (New York, Ny, Usa) on 03/30/2010


Hi all!

I have been oil pulling for about 2 weeks now. Two times a day, a tablespoon at a time. I have been using virgin coconut oil. My teeth do feel cleaner, they don't look whiter yet, but I'm hoping that that will come. My gums no longer bleed when I floss, yay! I have experienced some side effects. I developed a sore on my gums about two days into it, but it went away. And then about a week into it, I developed a really bumpy, tender and itchy rash on my forearms. It didn't occur to me that this might be from oil pulling because I am using new bed sheets, but I thought to google it tonight and apparently I'm not the only one who has developed the same type of rash from pulling with virgin coconut oil...I think that it's called Keratosis Pilaris. Their thoughts are that it might be yeast being pushed out of the body. I'm treating the rash on my arms with coconut oil and cortizone right now...will update if anything else happens.

Coconut Oil
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 03/30/2010

This doesn't sound like normal detox to me. I'd stop the coconut oil immediately, wait a bit and then try a different oil, organic sesame oil perhaps. Coconut oil is not for everybody, whether oil pulling or ingesting.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tracylove (Brooklyn, Ny, Usa) on 03/29/2010

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for just over a week...and I feel HORRIBLE. My skin on my face has gotten dry (I also use it on my skin), I have black circles under my eyes, my throat is very sore and I've lost my voice. The worst is, I am constantly bloated and having awful heartburn...I am also eating like crazy, and always hungry. The heartburn only goes away after I've eaten something, which seems counterintuitive.

I am of the belief that this is detox, but not sure what exactly. I'm taking a day off from OP today, as I just don't feel good enough, and am still not feeling well. I'd like to make it through this, but not sure how long these symptoms last, or if I can take it much longer to see any benefits at all.

Any suggestions would help greatly!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lufelo4health (Seagoville, Tx) on 03/29/2010

The coconut oil melts once you place it in your mouth. As you op, which is swishing the oil around in the mouth and through your teeth, the oil will become a liquid.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/20/2010

Hi Sis, after reading your post I went to the site you talk about and also thought about it. I think that the thing to do is to clean your teath before oil pulling for the simple reason that you remove the worst toxins and don't flush them around and around in your mouth. I will start to do it that way. Why keep the old stuff? One problem I am experiencing is a gag reflex which has been getting worse. In the beginning I could do it for maybe 15 minutes and occasionally for 20, nowadays always less than 10, no idea why but as I do it very strongly the liquid is white so maybe it works all the same. I don't notice any health improvements but sometimes things are happening even though you don't see them directly.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sis (Camp Zama, Japan) on 03/20/2010

After being told about oil-pulling om 5 Mar, I decided to do some research on the morning of the 6th and it led me to your site. After reading the basic information on how to, I started that morning. The immediate effect for me: my teeth clean a lot better after op. I thought that it would be a lot harder with the oil in my mouth to get them clean. I have reflux and some of my tooth enamel has eroded over the years. My teeth were getting dirty a lot faster in the day and were a lot harder to get clean. Sometimes even after brushing three times, I still had spots that were not squeaky clean. Now I can run my fingers over my teeth after brushing and can actually hear the sound of my fingers slipping over my teeth after one brushing and they stay cleaner longer. That has not happened in years.

One thing I need you to clear up for me though:

On your site you say to do the op before brushing, but the site you have as a reference ( says to do it after brushing. I have tried both, and once again to my surprise, it was just as effective. I thought my teeth would be oily, but that was not the case, and they stayed clean most of the day as well.

If you get some of the benefit from the added lubrication of the membranes in the mouth, would it not be contradictory to op first and then brush? I actually have also done op before and then again after brushing.

I mostly use extra virgin organic coconut oil. Have used avocado oil twice. My measurements are not all that exact. It usually is about a table spoon. Sometimes more or less. I started with about 15 minutes but have gone as long as 30 or 40 as I was doing research on my lap top. However, doing op while doing something else is not necessarily good as you may not concentrate on doing it right for effect. I usually op in the am, but have done it three times in the pm also. Usually what gets in my way of the pm session is the time I eat dinner and then would have to stay up too late to op. Since I don't have to wait to eat after op, I may chance my eating habits and make sure I have four hours after my lunch meal, then op and eat dinner after wards.

While in the US for a conference, I will bring back a gallon of sunflower and sesame oil each as it seems to have to most benefits for most of the reader on your site.

Coconut Oil
Posted by [email protected] (Los Angeles, California) on 03/11/2010

I have been oil pulling for a month. Started with sesame oil, than sunflower oil. It reduced my appetite. Yesterday I purchased Coconut oil. The results were unpleasant. I think I am allergic. My eyes puffed. My head felt dizzy. Nausea, and disorient. I used one tablespoon, with each oil. I did not experience discomfort with the other oils I used. Has anyone else felt this way with VCO?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Reno, Nv) on 03/06/2010

Did your gum recession heal as well?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brie0001 (Winter Park, Fl, Usa) on 03/03/2010

"...and a cup of "GOOD" water. No distilled or reverse osmoses, but ph 8.5 for kids to 14 and 9.5 with older. "

What is GOOD water? How do I get it? How do I determine what the pH should be?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mike (Virginia Beach, Va) on 02/24/2010

Coconut oil at room temperature is a solid. My brother swears by coconut oil for a lot of things, so he goes through it a bit. Things he's learned along the way is that virgin coconut oil is the best to use. Most that you find in grocery stores are refined, and can possibly be quite counter-productive. He also sets the jar in a bowl of hot water to melt it, which is really the only way you should melt it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Craig (Round Lake, Il) on 02/02/2010

I just started (4 Days)the 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning, with diabetes the first thing I notice is that my skin became smooth like I have been putting lotion on. No longer dry and scaly, I think it is the coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Karen (Loogootee, In) on 01/29/2010

I would say that the anxiety which followed your oil pulling is from your body detoxing from copper. I am getting rid of copper, and it causes anxiety as it comes out of your brain and liver, and goes into your bloodstream.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cured (Niceville, Fl) on 01/21/2010

For JD and others new to OP--more specifically coconut oil. It sounds like you had a detox and possible candida die-off reaction. To avoid potentially embarrasing detox effects, I don't recommend starting out with the coconut oils. Some people have an array of reactions and some don't.

I did a test first with VCO to see how I would react. I made 2 eggs for breakfast one day before work (big mistake). I used about half a teaspoon. Hour 1 I was fine. Hour 2-3 my tummy rumbled and cramped quite painfully but bearable. Hour 4 was a loose bowel movement. After that I was fine. This experiment told me I had some detoxing to do from what was most likely a candida reaction.

From there I took it slow and just used externally, almost daily. I use as all over lotion/moisturizer(even rubbing around eyes--though not at first). I laid off the VCO a day or so if I had symptoms appear such as sinus or acne detox problems. It was around the end of month 1 before I started eating and OP with it. I believe I did another egg test before I tried OP again. My face did get worse before it got better. I also have been using turmeric capsules for acne this whole time--i still broke out--can't imagine how bad it might have been if I wasn't taking turmeric multiple times a day but no more than a teaspoon a day. I am now about 2 months into this routine and acne is gone less one here and there. I hope this helps those new to CO. Take it slow and enjoy its wonderful benefits!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Heather (New York, Ny) on 01/07/2010

Doubtful that a Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash will have the same effect as oil pulling. Tea Tree is a powerful antiseptic and highly astringent. Certainly the mouthwash is not "made from" Tea Tree Oil (which would cause burning and damage to your mouth) per se, but rather CONTAINS a small amount of Tea Tree Oil for its antiseptic/antimicrobial benefits. This is different than pulling with a pure oil, which actually draws and flushes bodily toxins.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (Chipley, Florida) on 01/02/2010

Lee, Thank you so much for the information. I was doing what you said in your reply. I was ready to give up. melt it first? lol, I never would have thought about that. I was watching the clock lol. So once again Thank you Lee.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lee (New York, New York) on 12/30/2009

Linda from Chipley - Are you concentrating on the oil pulling too much? I melt it first (i like to add a little clove oil or peppermint oil to it) - then I leave the bathroom and make the bed, check email, etc. I actually forget that it's in my mouth. Just swish it around very gently and get busy with something else! Good luck.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lindaa (Chipley, Fl) on 12/30/2009


How do you hold coconut oil in your mouth for 15 minutes?

Yesterday I lasted 2 minutes, but it really worked for plaque on my teeth and the white coating on my tongue was gone.

This morning I used the same amount (about a teaspoon) and I had the same problem as yesterday. Saliva poured into my mouth. I lasted 3 minutes. I had to stop and breath through my mouth frequently (I must be a mouth breather) I was a coughing, gagging, spitting mess, but it worked again:) My teeth looked better, my gums are getting a health pink already.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Hackensack, Nj) on 12/21/2009

Thanks a lot Christine:)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Becky (Springer, Oklahoma) on 12/16/2009

In response to a possible heavy metal detox, which sounds very plausable, chlorella is one of the top ones for metal detox. When you start with high doses, one can actually see/feel the metals leave one's body in b.m.'s You can also have your hair tested for metal toxicity.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Felicia (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 11/27/2009

As for your diabetes, please look into fenugreek and cinnamon supplements and organic apple cider vinegar. I have a close friend that I got on the regimen and he now has consistent blood sugar readings within normal ranges. He started with low and high blood sugar readings, they were all over the place. I wholeheartedly believe in apple cider vinegar for aid in many health problems.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tom (Manhattan, New York) on 11/14/2009

This is from Dr. Ray Sahelian's site.. some natural supplements to help with HIV infection (I often cross reference his info. with Dr. Weil):

Antioxidant -- There is evidence suggesting that patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are under chronic oxidative stress. People infected with HIV may benefit from antioxidant vitamins.

Green Tea -- Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), one of the components of green tea has been suggested to have antiviral activity. To determine the effects of EGCG on HIV infection, peripheral blood lymphocytes infected with HIV were incubated with increasing concentrations of EGCG. EGCG strongly inhibited the replication of the HIV virus.

Glutamine, the amino acid, could be helpful for those on anti-HIV medicines. Glutamine-antioxidant nutrient supplementation can increase body weight, body cell mass, and intracellular water when compared with placebo in HIV patients.

Hyssop has antiviral activity against herpes simplex and HIV-1.
Licorice may be helpful.
Olive Leaf has anti-HIV activity
Rooibos tea has anti-HIV activity.
Ginseng -- CD4 T cell counts in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected patients are maintained or even increased when treated with Korean red ginseng. High doses of ginseng can be overly stimulating and cause insomnia.
Catuaba, an Amazonian plant, has anti-HIV activity.
Bovine Colostrum may reduce the severity of diarrhea in HIV patients.
Marigold herb
Fish Oils - Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acid) diet supplements appear to be an effective way to lower high triglyceride levels that are associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients. HIV therapies and HIV itself can cause concerning increased in triglycerides, which may place the individual at risk for cardiovascular disease. Fish oil has been found in people without HIV infection to reduce triglycerides and also to prevent cardiovascular disease. It's probably best not to exceed 3 capsules a day.

Zinc for children with HIV

Coconut Oil
Posted by Anon (Brazil) on 11/11/2009

Hi Angela, Are you taking any prescribed HIV medicines? That is, combination therapy for HIV?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Angela (Kingston, Jamaica) on 11/11/2009

I found out that I am hiv. However, my problem is that I have been doing oil pulling for a number of months and I have seen results in terms of the mucus elimination, but I am also losing not just weight but body fat. I have lost sub-10lbs in weight but the visible result is that I have lost three times that amount. I realise that my skin has become flabby and the fatty tissues have disappeared. What can I do to regain the fat lost? Anxiously awaiting your response.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marah (Edmonton, Alberta) on 11/05/2009

Just wanted to mention apple cider vinegar to you regarding the phlegm problem. I have been slowly coming down with a cold and my chest has felt congested for a few weeks now. Last night I took 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 tablespoons of non pasteurized honey. I drank it slowly, taking a sip at a time since I found it to strong to drink in one go. The results were amazing! By the time I was about half way through I felt the phlegm loosen in my chest and was able to cough most of it up. I thought this might help with the violent coughing because it really seems to help loosen the phlegm up.

Best Wishes!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jen (Salt Lake City, Ut.) on 10/27/2009

I have been oil pulling with Coconut oil for about 6 months now and have noticed a lot of great results including increased energy and clarity of toughts. However the most significant is the improvement of my skin. I was haveing frequent adult breakouts of acne patches all the time, that I never had as a teenager, when one breakout would begin to clear another would begin. After oil pulling for about a month, my skin is clear and beautiful- no more breakouts. I also use Coconut oil as my primary moistureizer for my entire body and for cooking! I would like to say- if you begin to breakout a little more than usual in the beginning, don't stop, give it time- your skin will clear out! Good Luck and Thanks EC!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 10/23/2009

I wrote to Jim last night asking if it was okay to display his email address on the site, forgetting that he had opted to display it when he submitted his response in April. Since we removed all email addresses from the site a few days ago, it was no longer visible. At any rate, here is his response along with the product name that people are so interested in obtaining.


Sure it is OK, but I'd just as soon be able to just tell them on the page that it is VIRAGON and can be purchased at

I've already responded to over 200 people personally since my posting.

It is great to be able to share effective, safe, natural cures. I just wish it were easier but don't want to disrepect earthclinic's policies.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Veronica (Woodbridge, Va) on 10/22/2009

Jim, what's your email address? I would definitely like to know and find that product you're using.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Winki (Cordes Lakes, Az, Usa) on 10/20/2009

Darlene, H2O2 35% food grade is the key. I've been an asthma sufferer since 3-4 years (36 now) I'm 2 months into usage of this old time cure. I've been expelling (detox crisis) beautifully. I can feel it pulling head as well as chest. My lung capacity has increased. I'm on maintenence daily dose and my 6 years olds are on low daily doses-diluted and in combination with vit-E/acidophilus, we also take v-A. If twins get mucousy-dry-A in a Tab. sp. mixed with unconcentrated juice and a cup of "GOOD" water. No distilled or reverse osmoses, but ph 8.5 for kids to 14 and 9.5 with older.

I even do inhalation treatment, due to being severely anemic, I alternate days in using h2o2 with floradix and molasses. This has been effective I believe. I get another cbc w/diff in 3 mos. According to my bio-feed, it's going well-pregressively well.

I also suffer with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, raynaud's, arthritis, ibs, spine as 85 yr old's. So, whenever I get a healthful tip without damaging side effects, I go for it. Just USE NECESSARY CAUTION and FOLLOW RECIPES CAREFULLY.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Danielle (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 10/15/2009


Hi. I have been oil pulling for approximately three weeks with coconut oil. At first with a little more than a tablespoon, more recently I have been measuring a tablespoon exactly. I do it in the morning once I get up before brushing teeth or eating breakfast. I rinse my mouth out afterwards and spit a few times.

Although it seems to be draining my sinuses, and the health of my gums have improved (better shade of pink, no more bleeding) and the white coating on my tongue has disapeared, my tooth sensitivity has been getting worse and my teeth have been turning more yellow. I can also see a line in one tooth now that looks almost like an internal crack and it feels like the outer layer of another tooth, near the base of the gumline has been scraped off. This seems to be the opposite of what most people experience.

I know that sometimes there is a worening of symptoms for a bit, but I haven't read any accounts of this happening with teeth, usually more with rashes, sinues etc.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did it get worse or better in the long run? Did your teeth become damaged? Should I stop oil pulling or continue on? I am afraid that my teeth are deteriating in front of my eyes due to some strange reaction that a rare few may have.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 10/13/2009

Jim, I would love to know the name of this product as well.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marisa (Orchard Park, New York) on 10/13/2009

Hi Jim, I would love to know the product you are using for sinus issue, it sounds very effective. I use a netti pot with some success, but I still have post nasal drip that I would like to be done with. Mahalo, Marisa

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 09/21/2009

This is just a thought. I would consider using the hydrogen peroxide method to really clear up all that mucus. It is absolutely amazing! Both my husband and I did it with incredible results and had our two kids do it as well. I didn't even realize just how much phlegm could be in a body! Chinese medicine has lots to say at the havoc it can wreak. Check out the H202 section.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bevan (Dunedin, N.Z.) on 09/21/2009

Mate, check out this vid on you tube.. "foods that kill" -- sounds like it could be usefull for you.

**i plan to start tryin OP tomorrow... see what rice bran oil does....

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lisa (Layton, Ut, USA) on 09/21/2009


Healing Crisis with OP w/Virgin Coconut Oil My daughter and I just heard about and started oil pulling with VCO (done mornings, probably not a full tablespoon each time), while reading ______'s book and incorporating VCO into our lives. She almost immediately started coughing up (sometimes violently) all kinds of phlegm from her lungs and this has continued for about a week now (no signs of sickness such as fever, but she does have a sore throat from coughing it all up). Inbetween coughing, she does note that she seems to have more lung capacity than she's had since a bout with shingles about 6 years ago (when she was 20) that left her with a more severe asthmatic condition than she had when she was a kid.

We recognize this as a "healing crisis" and she'll continue OP. We'd just like to know if anyone else has been through this and how long to anticipate that it may last, especially since it's interfering with her whole family's sleep. She doesn't want to take cough medicine to suppress the cough because "better out than in" but wonders how long this might go. It's not constant but quite violent when it hits.

Also, she's still breastfeeding a toddler (only twice a day at this age), and wonders if there is any danger to him other than being disturbed by her coughing. Can a healing crisis like this affect breastfeeding or the breastfed child?

Thank you.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lita (Sanford, Fl) on 09/17/2009

I too read about op on this site and wanted to try it. When I went to the Health store I noticed that they sell a mouthwash made out of Tea Tree Oil. I didn't buy it since I wanted to follow the instructions. Now I am on my second day of op, but only once a day. I am going to try to go for more than once a day. But I was curious if someone knows if this mouthwash would have the same effect as OP???? Thanks to EC and to everyone that contributes to this site.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cecelia (Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.) on 09/16/2009


I was introduced to oil pulling by a friend who had tried it. I have been doing OP with CO for approximately 4 weeks now. I use 1 tbsp first thing in the mornings only for 15 mins, sometimes 30 mins and gently swish it around. When I spit it out it appears almost greeseless and like mother's milk. The first thing I noticed that I had gum bleeding which lasted for roughly one week and I always want to spit out a thick phlegm which would continue for about half an hr. On only a few occasions, I vomited phlegm after swishing a small amount mucus also drained from my nose. I can now feel air passing through my nasal passage which I cannot remember when I used to experience that and my sense of smell which was hardly functional is extremely alert. I have been diagnosed with sinusitis for some 30 years. I sleep much more easily and my energy level has also increased moderatly.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Robin (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/14/2009

Hey Michael, just curious about how the coconut oil is still working for you and how much do you use on a daily basis?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Welshangel (Caernarfon, Gwynedd, UK) on 09/10/2009

I have just had my first batch of coconut oil. what is the reason that you need to OP on an empty stomach? some say 4hr after you eat and 1hr after drink. if this is so, i can only do it early morning ? as i would like to do it twice a day if i do it after eating what will happen ? as im not swallowing the oil. also it's hard oil, would i be better melting it first ?

Thank you

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sue (Greenville, Nc) on 09/04/2009

I have been OP with 1 T. sesame oil and also taking coconut oil - 2 teas/ 3 x day as a supplement (not OP with coconut). The OP has been fantastic, however, ingesting the coconut oil has caused some pretty intense detox reactions. Since it has such excellent antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, I suspect your symptoms are related to the release of toxins from these organisms as they die off. I've experienced heavy metal detox symptoms with the sesame oil OP, but they've been manageable with the addition of a oral chelator or metal binder like charcoal, zeolite, etc. My brain feels much clearer, I have more energy and the mercury staining on my gums has decreased greatly. Try using a different oil, like organic unrefined sesame for a while before using coconut.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julie (Leverett, Ma Usa) on 09/01/2009

I started OP about ten days ago with 1 tblsp of Safflower Oil for twenty minutes in the AM. I had no side effects except for a mild tummy ache after every pull. Within a week, I noticed that I was sleeping so much better. This is huge since I am always battling with sleep issues.

After reading testimonies from this site and talking with my friend who OP, I decided to try Coconut Oil. I did this one time, before bed, with 1 tsp. of VCO and I had a huge reaction! I woke up at 3AM with great pain in my neck, back , arms and feet, and my stomach was hurting. I also felt very anxious. It's hard to believe that I would have such a reaction, but there is no other explanation.. I have stopped OP for a few days, because I feel so terrible still. I even feel slight nerve pain around my face. It makes me think that I was triggering a heavy metal detox with the OP.

Has anyone else experienced such a strong reaction? I really want to get back to pulling with the Safflower oil, since this felt so healthful to me, but am afraid to start again with this pain in my body.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Victoria (Sacramento, CA) on 07/24/2009

I started OP with VCO for 2 weeks ago; 1 tbls, 20 mins, twice per day (first thing in the morning and before dinner). I have been keeping a log of when I OP and how I feel about the experience of this. Reading peoples comments about this OP thing has been wonderful and helpful however I have not had these "remarkable" results as many have claimed. After doing much reading about the positive healthful results from using coconut oil and palm oil, I am convinced that using these oils is better than not using them. I am obese, diabetic and will be turning 54 this November. I have not seen any changes in my blood sugar levels but I do love the way my mouth feels after OP. The small amount of gum bleeding after flossing has completely disappeared and I do believe the OP has corrected this condition. I will continue with this form of treatment and keeping my log of experiences with it and I think I will try another type of oil after about a month of doing this. Does anyone else have similar experiences such as mine and can you tell me what other results you might be having? Are there any other suggestions people have?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (Salisbury, Maryland) on 07/05/2009

hi sarah, when you pull with coconut oil it should turn white and thick that show's that it is working. The oil mixes with the saliva and the bacteria in your mouth and pulls it out and then after 15-20 minutes you spit it out and rinse your mouth out with water. It worked on my husband's sinusis and my blood pressure also my borderline diabetes. One Tbs. of a good organic coconut oil morning and last thing at night after cleaning your teeth is best, and don't put it down the toilet or sink because it will clog them.Hope this help's. from christine.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amita (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 06/29/2009

Hi Sandy, you mentioned 'coconut oil cures page'... Where may I ask please. and where do you buy your cocnut oil from in Bangalore... thanks

EC: Sandy was referring to Peter's post in this section on Earth Clinic: Side Effects.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Hackensack, NJ) on 06/26/2009

Today's the second day of OP, overall I feel good but I saw some red rashes on both my hands, is it normal?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Hackensack, NJ) on 06/26/2009

Thanks Kyra:) I really appreciate your quick response.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kyra (Cortland Manor, New York) on 06/25/2009

You haven't done anything wrong. That is the result you want to achieve.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (Hackensack, New Jersey) on 06/25/2009

I started OP today after reading all these wonderful testimonials. I used ____Coconut Oil, I am not too sure what went wrong but when I finally spat, the oil looked like thick white foam instead of thin and colorless oil as described above. Any response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marie (Houston, TX) on 06/22/2009

About a year ago i started oil pulling with seseme oil but after a couple of weeks I noticed black spots had appeared in clusters on my tongue. This seemed to be the only side effect, apart from that it had the desired effect. I stopped oil pulling until a couple of weeks ago (now with coconut oil) and so far, the black spots have neither increased or reduced in appearance. Any reason why the black spots appeared and whether or not they will spread? I love the benefits of oil pulling but i am too vain to walk around with a black tongue.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Steph (Ocala, Fl.) on 06/20/2009

I bought my C.O. at ___. However, go to the vitamin section, not the cooking section. It comes in a ___ plastic jar, and after you open it you can smell the coconut oil. Do not use the cooking oil type. It should look solid and be a true white color. It will melt upon touching to your skin. It is far cheaper at _____ then going to the natural health food store or buying it on line.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Graham (New York, NY) on 06/15/2009

Doris- If you are comfortable sharing. can you tell us what you mean by flare ups please. Thanks and all the best to you!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Darlene (Atlanta, GA) on 06/11/2009

Question for Ted - Loosened Permanent Bridge and Slow Mucus Drainage

Hi: I was so excited to learn about oil pulling from this wonderful Web site that I started three days ago using cold pressed EVCO in the morning and at night before going to bed. I followed Ted's recommendation of OP between brushing. I have 2 questions for Ted regarding pulling metals out of my body:

1. I have a permanent bridge in the front of my mouth; after OP this morning that area of my mouth was feeling sensitive. I slightly pulled at the bridge and noticed what I think was slight movement. Should I stop OP, will my bridge fall out? I am unemployed at the moment with no dental insurance and no money to pay for an expensive bridge replacement. I have read the comments on EC and although few have reported fillings falling out, I would prefer not to be one of the few who experience this negative effect from OP.

2. Also, I have had chronic sinus infections and mucus build up for the past 10-15 years and have always taken over the counter medication (like Mucinex, Nasonex) or prescription anitbiotics to clear up the infections which never really go away.

After three days, I noticed a slight loosening of the mucus immediately after OP but it seems to build up again. Unfortunately, I have not had the immediate drainage or loosening of mucus that most people report. Could this be the result of so many years of very thick mucus build up and chronic sinusitis? Is there anything I can do to flush the mucus out faster? Should I drink baking soda and sea salt before or after OP, use a peroxide solution or other natural solution to help loosen the mucus? I can feel that it is still very very thick, as it slowly drains down the back of my throat. Will the mucus loosen more each day and eventually drain completely out as I continue OP?

Thank you,


Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (Grand Bay, AL) on 06/05/2009

I forgot to mention

5. high blood pressure down. went cold turkey 2nd day, just to see if this works, blood pressure stabilizing and strange as it may seems the oil pulling seems to have a diuretic effect. The edema has gone, in just six days(wow). cant beat this

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