Earth Clinic Mobile: Home Remedies for People and Pets

Use Salt Water and Gargle Away Your Sore Throat!

You have been dealing with an itchy, rough sore throat for days now, and you simply cannot find any relief. What are you going to do? While relieving and healing a sore throat can be difficult, we have done our research to find you the best natural remedies. Gargling salt water is one of the fastest, easiest home remedies for your irritating sore throat.

What Treats the Common Cold?

We usually associate a sore throat with the common cold, so we look first to treat the cold as well as the scratchy throat. While a cold usually does have to "run its course," a number of supplements can be used to get better quicker and offer some relief in the meantime. Supplements like vitamin C, Echinacea, and herbal tea offer relief and also deliver important vitamins and minerals that help restore the immune system. When treating a cold or a sore throat of any type, we suggest avoiding over-the-counter medications as these typically do little to actually heal the body, but simply offer temporary relief.

Will Gargling Salt Water Actually Help?

When we investigated the salt water gargle as a treatment option, we discovered that it offers relief and also speeds healing. While some may consider a salt water gargle to be an old "folk remedy," salt water and many similar home cures are actually the most effective treatments.. ...

Sore Throat - Table of Contents