Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Modified on May 02, 2024

While apple cider vinegar is perhaps the most popular natural remedy in modern times, ACV can also cause severe side effects like anxiety, heart rhythm abnormalities, dizziness, panic attacks and more.

Thousands of our readers have found relief from using apple cider vinegar for conditions such as GERD, arthritis, weight problems, high blood pressure, heartburn, PMS, acne, diarrhea, vomiting. At the same time, every person is different. Earth Clinic readers have reported side effects including an increase in acne, decrease in libido, nausea, dizziness, increase in blood pressure, flu-like symptoms, constipation, diarrhea, sleepiness, and swelling.

To avoid side effects from apple cider vinegar, start with less and increase the dose. It is also best to add only one change at a time to your health regiment so that you can monitor its effect on your body. Everyone is different. 

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