Natural Ways to Manage Canine IBD: Diet, Supplements & More

Modified on Mar 27, 2023

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic condition affecting dogs' gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation and discomfort. Although the exact cause is still unknown, it is believed that IBD results from an abnormal immune response to environmental factors, such as diet, stress, and bacterial imbalances in the gut. (1)  Conventional treatment typically involves the use of medications, such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, which can have unwanted side effects.

This article explores various natural remedies for managing IBD in dogs, including dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications.

Dietary Changes

Identifying Food Triggers

One of the most important aspects of managing IBD in dogs is identifying and eliminating food triggers. A food trial, typically involving a hypoallergenic diet with novel proteins and carbohydrates, can help pinpoint problematic ingredients. (2) Once identified,  these triggers should be removed from the dog's diet to help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Working with a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist can help create a customized diet plan for your dog. (3)

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    List of Remedies for IBD