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Acupuncture for Shingles

Chrissy (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I recently had a serious bout of shingles; huge blisters from my clevage under my left arm through to my spine, After taking all the meds the doctor prescribed which did little to help the pain or help me to sleep, I decided to give acupuncture a try. The relief was instant, I have slept like a baby since beginning the treatment and the pain is very much under control. I'm only sorry I didn't get the treatment right from the onset as the acupuncturist says she could have stopped the shingles in it's tracks.
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Replied by Marsh from Colorado on 04/09/2024

I just read a blog by an acupuncturist who had shingles. He recommended moxibustion, Neem creme (Theraneem) for the postherpetic pain (neem surrounds the virus, prevents it from entering and infecting cells, kratom (mitragyna speciosa) for pain relief - it's an anti-inflammatory - he believes it helps in the healing over gabapentin which has many side effects. (Acupuncture and many of the herbs on EC didn't help his pain. Unfortunately, what works for one, doesn't work for another.)

Shingles visited my RN girlfriend last week. The ER doc gave her 50mg gabapentin - a high dose that she wasn't comfortable with and questioned. She said it helped. So far no side effects.

I spoke to my Rife practitioner who said Rife kills the virus. An RN friend left western medicine and began on a holistic journey. She introduced me to Rife and we both swear by it for just about everything.

As a sidenote, our babbling, happy grandson went blank 3 days after a vaccine; the babbling turn into a high pitched, shrilled singing. Rife helped along with high quality Omegas and B vitamins. He still has some autistic tendencies but is no where near what he was.

Yesterday, a friend was saying 3 out of her 5 grandkids have autistic tendencies - from minimal symptoms to full on. Why, are our babies and toddlers suffering from autism??? No one can tell me it's not the vaccs after witnessing our grandson's immediate change. When are parents and grandparents going to stand up? Sorry... I get so angry at being told vaccs are safe and mandatory, only to see the number of autistic rates increase exponentially. God Bless our children

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Replied by sarah from New zealand on 05/04/2024

Get a heavy metal detox spray for your grandson. You can use a product from masterpeace too which is available in the States.