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Castor Oil for Bleeding

Jimmy (Grand Cayman) on 08/14/2023
4 out of 5 stars

Castor oil shrank my exterior Hemmeroid though now I am bleeding the day after?

I did a compress yesterday and this AM it had shrunk from a grape to a watermelon seed, though today I have bled (alot- the bowel was bright red~)twice with two BM's, will the bleeding go away? If this bleeding persists, when should I see a Doctor?

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Replied by Magnolia16 from VA on 08/14/2023

As a fellow sufferer, bright red blood means the hem. is bleeding. That may also play a part in the shrinkage of it. You might need a stool softener or something like miralax to soften the stool and make it easier to pass. Usually the bleeding will stop on its own. Dark blood can mean something more serious, but the bright red, would indicate to me it is the hem. and should stop on its own. Good luck!
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Replied by Gary from Kitchener On on 08/14/2023

Hi Jimmy

The #1 spice to stop bleeding is Cayenne Pepper Powder. I had dental work done. It bled a lot, So I tossed a 1/4 spoon of Cayane Powder and it stopped right away and never bled again., hardly any pain.

You will be very happy that you did this.

God Bless


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Replied by Katherine from California on 08/20/2023


I found out that low copper can cause hemorrhoids. Zinc and copper need to be balanced. I was taking lots of zinc and got bleeding hemorrhoids. Took same amount of copper as zinc (1-1). Next day almost 100% better.

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Replied by Joe from Bayelsa, Nigeria on 05/02/2024

Castor oil makes hemorrhoids fall off, and when they do, bleeding can occur, so treat the resultant wound and you'll likely be fine.