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Db (South Carolina) on 03/06/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Last night, after my 3rd "attack" in 6 days of what sounds like gall bladder issues, husband found this site. Was on hour 5 of hurting, drank the ACV with AJ and, just like the other comments here, the pain was gone with 20 minutes! Then I slept like a baby! Am following up with doc today to determine root cause. But am praising the Lord for His natural medicines!
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Replied By Marie (North Las Vegas Nv) on 03/06/2014

Thank you so much for your posting. I made the mixture 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar with 8 oz apple juice. I was on the verge of another ER visit. I drank the cocktail and in about 45 min was able to fall asleep. I actually use the vinegar all the time but it had been so long since I have had a gall bladder attack that I forgot. I like adding it to the apple juice. It made it much more tolerable. Hope your husband feels better too!!