Neck Pain.

The Hidden Depths of Melatonin in Spinal Health

Modified on Mar 15, 2024

Previously, I have discussed many effects of melatonin on human health, but one of the aspects of melatonin I have not discussed here is how melatonin affects the spine.

In this article, I will discuss the multiple methods of action through which melatonin has shown the potential to help improve certain aspects of a damaged or aging spine. One thing I didn't mention about the spine is the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). One of the essential components of the CSF is melatonin.

As we age, the melatonin levels in the CSF decrease. Counteracting this decline could be beneficial for our health. The CSF circulates throughout various brain regions and is crucial in many neurodegenerative diseases. Melatonin has demonstrated therapeutic effects in these conditions, underscoring its importance beyond merely regulating sleep.

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