Natural Remedies for Fibrothorax (Trapped Lung)

Modified on Jul 28, 2023

Fibrothorax, also referred to as trapped lung, is a serious respiratory condition characterized by the formation of a fibrous membrane or scar tissue around one or two lobes of the lung, inhibiting their expansion. This condition can lead to respiratory discomfort and breathlessness. While it is paramount that you seek immediate medical attention for fibrothorax, there are several natural remedies you can adopt alongside your prescribed treatment to enhance your lung health and improve your overall wellbeing.

Understanding Fibrothorax

Fibrothorax is often a complication of other lung diseases, such as pleural effusion and pneumothorax, but can also result from infection, trauma, or surgery. The fibrous membrane that forms in the pleural space, the thin layer of tissue between the lungs and the chest wall, restricts lung movement, leading to impaired respiratory function.

Natural Remedies and Supplements for Boosting Lung Health


Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down protein. It's derived from the bacteria Serratia E-15, found in the digestive tract of silkworms. Some research suggests that serrapeptase might have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, potentially helping with pain and inflammation associated with lung conditions. 

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    List of Remedies for Fibrothorax