Natural Remedies for Angular Cheilitis Relief

Posted by Penny (Oregon) on 09/03/2015

My first response is to say that there is absolutely nothing simple about AC else we wouldn't need these chat rooms. I like the idea of flax seed and the MSM.

I am not cured but I accidentally came upon something that helps with the worst of the symptoms, the cracks and sores, but does not stop the sloughing at the corners of the mouth nearly to my chin and I am also convinced the same sloughing around my nose. My husband brought home some dried fruit, which I was unfamiliar with but immediately fell in love with - so delicious! It is dried Mango from the Phillipines. If I eat half a dozen pieces daily the sores are gone. Now if I can just get rid of the skin sloughing! I am not sure which ingredient in the dried Mango helps, but I suspect it is at least in part to the Vit A. Now I am off to try the MSM and flax seed which is such a lovely assist and I do not mind using it at all.

I have another embarrassing symptom (sounds worse than it looks) that I am curious if anybody else has because I think it is related to the AC. In the nares of my nose I get hundreds of white heads, not pus, just white heads. If I run the side of the tweezers with a tiny amount of pressure, they just explode! I have always had a few over the years, but it seems if the AC is active so are they. ( no it isn't visible! ) Anybody else experience this? To treat this, I have been using Frankincense oil applied directly to the inside of my nose and it seems to help significantly, & no I do not use a carrier oil just because I want the full impact and it doesn't burn, sting or blister! I have had AC for nearly 15 years, tried many remedies, this is not a remedy, but it keeps the discomfort and sores at bay. So eat your Mango~
